So! While I was listening to one the latest RPPR's, Ross mentioned a tea party with orcs. I made that into a thing.
I thought about how orcs would have a tea party.
Then I remembered something Alex from the Rag-nerd-rok podcast came up with. A necrofancer.
Yes that's right. A necrofancer. Someone who uses death magic to make things fancy. And fancy up the dead.
Basically the two correlate by the necrofancer I came up with testing his magic on all sorts of beings and the players (after meeting this necrofancer and having to leave town by having a necro-dance off) come across orcs having a tea party. They rolled too well in FATE accelerated and moved up the time table. So the players encountered said necrofancer. Unfortunately I pulled my horrible monster move and he snuck away with an impossibly high check. Anyways. The players had to leave town by having a necro dance off. There was much hilarity at this point. Ross sent me a quick video of these bordering countries having to dance(basically) to even get across. I thought, oh neat! So the curse he put on the town for this to happen was this: if the towns citizens didn't act like proper folk, they would immediately turn undead and start dancing with whomever was closest. It is impolite to turn down a dance, so this led to a lot of the towns people being turned into the dancing undead. To explain this to the players I let them have a notice put up by said necrofancer.
So after pulling thriller, and some other necro-inspired dance moves, the players escaped town. Oh boy.
They travelled a good while before they came across the tea party of orcs. The players noticed a little creature in a dusty and torn apart yet, somewhat fancy suit running down a hill with a serving tray. I figured the goblins of this area had to be subservient to the orcs. This turned out great, because the goblins were the orcs servers. They all wore suits the lady goblins all had stuffed teddys. Some of this teddys had actual human eyeballs, but it was the best they could do, after being cursed by a necrofancer to be fancy. After much debate, this was probably a bad idea to let them see the necrofancer in the first place but it worked out.
Next on their agenda is Ross' idea of a trap that infinitely spawns treasure or trouble. I can't wait for it.
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