Author Topic: In development- DPS: Die Purchase System  (Read 9717 times)


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In development- DPS: Die Purchase System
« on: August 04, 2015, 09:53:40 PM »
Hello fellow listeners. I'm Addison and I would love to share my experience and get your feedback as I begin the long trek into developing my own RPG system. As i work though different parts I will post them here and would love for you guys to read and be honest as to what you think of it and if it's something you would play or if it's just garbage. (I won't have hurt feelings if you don't like it.)


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: In development- DPS: Die Purchase System
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 12:26:29 AM »
So this is the first bit of work I've done and I have alot more to right but I wanted to put this out tonight to see what people thought of the premiss.

Table Top RPG: Dice Purchase System

This system is based in a die pool system. Each character will start with a pool of build points, (To be determined by the GM), these points are used to buy dice in your attributes, skills, special abilities, and varies other stats so a player my create a character that could be a jack of all trades (Spreading the points out evenly), to being super focused on one or two things that make them specialist. The cost of dice is covered in the attributes section below.


STR: This stat represents the amount of lifting and carrying capacity, as well as your prowess in melee combat.

DEX: This stat represents your speed and accuracy, it will be the stat used for defense and ranged combat.

CON: This stat represents your internal fortitude, both physically and mentally.

INT: This stat represents your book smarts, used for knowledge and politics.

WIS: This stat represents your common sense, used for decision making and subterfuge.

CHA: This represents your overall presence, both physically and aura.

Attributes and Skills start out at 0 to show no particular aptitude with that ability. A player purchases a die by spending build points. The costs are as follows:  d4=4 points, d6=6 points, d8=8 points, d10=10 points, d12=12points, d20=20points. In order to purchase a larger die the player must have already purchased the dice that come before. For example, to buy a d8 a player must have already spent points to buy the d4 and the d6 in order before they can spend the points on the d8.


Some skill checks are opposed rolls.

Deception/Sleight of hand vs discern honesty
   With discern honesty a player can determine if a character is being honest or not.
   With Deception a character can hide information or motives.
   This check can be used in a player vs player (PvP) situation. It is up to the players to not metagame.

Diplomacy vs Diplomacy
   This check allows players to settle disputes with other characters or players.

Stealth vs perception
   Stealth is a utility skill in that it covers many forms of stealth, including but not limited to, hiding, remaining silent, sneaking, infiltrating.

Intimidate vs Intimidate
   This is the playing chicken test. Loser runs off scared

Disguise vs Perception
   This check covers everything from changing your appearance to your voice.

Some are not:

Appraise (_____)
   This check is Used to determine the general value of certain items.

   This skill includes both the knowledge of and ability to deal with anything mechanical.

   This skill includes both the knowledge of and ability to deal with anything technological.

Knowledge (____)
   This is a skill used to determine your academic knowledge on a subject. Due to the vast possible knowledge specialties I’ve left this up to GM/players discretion.

Preform (____)
   If you are play a character that has a special talent for preforming in things ranging from giving speeches to song and dance, this skill can cover those.

Sleight of Hand
   This is used in physical deception, such as pickpocketing to magic tricks.

Survival (Urban)
   This covers your ability to find food and shelter in an urban environment, as well as direction and knowing the “streets.”

Survival (Wilderness)
   This covers the ability to survive in the wild, knowing what to look for and how best to survive.

Use Rope
   This is for any use of rope. Use your imagination.

Animal kin
   This is used to show either your prowess to train and control animals or your connection and ability to empathize with animals.

   This represents how well you are aware of your surroundings. This includes but is not limited to, seeing on coming characters, noticing something out of order, being used to direct players to the plot.


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Re: In development- DPS: Die Purchase System
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2015, 10:19:57 AM »
I like the idea of using different-sized dice to represent different levels of ability. Savage Worlds and the Cortex Plus System (used for the newer Firefly RPG, among other things) both use similar mechanics. If you'd like to take a look at them to get some idea of how to develop and balance them that type of system, you can check out the free starter version of Savage Worlds HERE. I haven't found a freebie quick-start version of any of the Cortex Plus games.

My first and biggest question for you: What sort of stories is this system designed to help you create? Are we talking heroic fantasy? Low-power sword and sorcery? Post-apocalyptic sci-fi? From what I see in your post, it looks like there's a focus on combat and social intrigue, with some additional sidelights in knowledge and use of machinery and technology. It doesn't look like you're departing too far from the sort of standard D&D model so far, so are you looking to have a style of play similar to D&D?
Check out the Technical Difficulties Gaming Podcast!


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: In development- DPS: Die Purchase System
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2015, 10:30:06 AM »
I am trying to stay true to my D&D roots as far as feel but I'm trying to diverge from just making another d20 system clone. I want to make it a modular system in the vain of gurps where a GM or game developers could take the base system and create whatever setting they wanted. Bare in mind this is a very very very early write up.