Author Topic: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!  (Read 70396 times)


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I just got the Agents Handbook pdf yesterday! Can't wait for it in the mail.

What games is everyone planning to play once you get your DG:KS booty?

I am new to the game. I have wanted to play for a while now. When this came out it seemed like a PERFECT point to start playing and joining in. I've been thinking about games I could run, to some fellow newbies as well. I am planning to run "Last things Last" for some friends, hopefully on my podcast.

For a longer-ish game, I loved how Caleb approached DG in God's Teeth. I like the idea of the game as a Police Procedural, mostly because I'd only have to plan one scenario at a time, and we could stop and pick it up at any time, and take breaks. Because... well Delta Green. Not everyone is so cynical and nihilistic as I am.

I like the idea of starting the pc's as Friendlies or "Norwegians". Caleb used Norwegian as a term in "Lover in the Ice" as people exposed to the conspiracy or mythos that are a liability. I thought, what if that was part of my jumping off point. Also I love Fargo, and I"m from Minnesota. Thus the title I came up with, "No Norwegians." The idea is that every player stumbles into the mythos and DG has to decide what to do with them. Their first instinct is to eliminate them, so part of the first "episode" is DG agents trying to silence them forever. If they survive, DG recruits them into the program and they become Cell N, which is based in the upper midwest.

I have a scenario involving the cult of Ithaqua based in a family farm next to a reservation perhaps Red Lake, Turtle Mountain, or Pine Ridge, maybe Mille Lacs. Bodies showing up feet ground down to bone and bodies windburned so hard they have 4th degree burns.

Another one dealing with Cthonians causing earthquakes in North Dakota because Hydraulic Fracking is killing them. Because water melts them. So a cthonian cult is trying to stop the company from drilling. There will probably be a chase / shoot out in a trailer shanty town. Oh man.

Anyhoo, I'm not certain how to start it. Obviously the character's come from different disciplines and jobs, but will have a government job of some kind. Just maybe more state level at the start of the game. Also no one has made characters for this either. But any ideas on how i could structure or set up the first introduction or am I TOTALLY trying something way too unfeasible?

Let me know or share what games you're gonna play.
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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2016, 03:27:55 PM »
I just got the Agents Handbook pdf yesterday! Can't wait for it in the mail.

What games is everyone planning to play once you get your DG:KS booty?

I am new to the game. I have wanted to play for a while now. When this came out it seemed like a PERFECT point to start playing and joining in. I've been thinking about games I could run, to some fellow newbies as well. I am planning to run "Last things Last" for some friends, hopefully on my podcast.

For a longer-ish game, I loved how Caleb approached DG in God's Teeth. I like the idea of the game as a Police Procedural, mostly because I'd only have to plan one scenario at a time, and we could stop and pick it up at any time, and take breaks. Because... well Delta Green. Not everyone is so cynical and nihilistic as I am.

I like the idea of starting the pc's as Friendlies or "Norwegians". Caleb used Norwegian as a term in "Lover in the Ice" as people exposed to the conspiracy or mythos that are a liability. I thought, what if that was part of my jumping off point. Also I love Fargo, and I"m from Minnesota. Thus the title I came up with, "No Norwegians." The idea is that every player stumbles into the mythos and DG has to decide what to do with them. Their first instinct is to eliminate them, so part of the first "episode" is DG agents trying to silence them forever. If they survive, DG recruits them into the program and they become Cell N, which is based in the upper midwest.

I have a scenario involving the cult of Ithaqua based in a family farm next to a reservation perhaps Red Lake, Turtle Mountain, or Pine Ridge, maybe Mille Lacs. Bodies showing up feet ground down to bone and bodies windburned so hard they have 4th degree burns.

Another one dealing with Cthonians causing earthquakes in North Dakota because Hydraulic Fracking is killing them. Because water melts them. So a cthonian cult is trying to stop the company from drilling. There will probably be a chase / shoot out in a trailer shanty town. Oh man.

Anyhoo, I'm not certain how to start it. Obviously the character's come from different disciplines and jobs, but will have a government job of some kind. Just maybe more state level at the start of the game. Also no one has made characters for this either. But any ideas on how i could structure or set up the first introduction or am I TOTALLY trying something way too unfeasible?

Let me know or share what games you're gonna play.

I do think Delta Green works best in an episodic sense, where the overarching focus is on the characters and their descent into madness as they are exposed again and again to the Mythos, rather than a band of defiant investigators trying to stop the stars from aligning in an epic campaign.

Looking forward to returning to the misadventures of the Seattle K-cell once my group gets more time in our schedules!


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2016, 03:35:17 PM »
Sounds like a fun game! We might run some on the Technical Difficulties Podcast once we've gotten the full package.

I'm contemplating maybe something involving a Midwestern nuclear plant, or disused emergency response "war rooms."
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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2016, 07:08:27 PM »
Sounds like a fun game! We might run some on the Technical Difficulties Podcast once we've gotten the full package.

I'm contemplating maybe something involving a Midwestern nuclear plant, or disused emergency response "war rooms."

here's a good one!
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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2016, 09:05:01 PM »
Sounds like a fun game! We might run some on the Technical Difficulties Podcast once we've gotten the full package.

I'm contemplating maybe something involving a Midwestern nuclear plant, or disused emergency response "war rooms."

here's a good one!

Nice! Or this one, near where I live:
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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2016, 09:29:05 PM »
My group has already run a few games using the beta rules and the Quick Start, and we're talking about some different concepts.

Imaginal States (run by fellow forum-goer TRNSHMN) opened with R-cell being assembled in Pennsylvania following a blitz-attack on a DG safehouse that left two friendlies dead, as well as one attacker; a second attack on the city morgue stole the corpse of the attacker. Like a lot of good DG scenarios, it ended with a building burning down, at least one of us in jail, most of us mentally rattled and one of us grimly marching into the forest with a half-loaded SMG to do futile battle with a worm-god.

Mutatis Mutandis, run by yours truly, took place in Wamego, Kansas. Spoiler warning, it was a Carcosa/King in Yellow scenario, so stuff got weird. Taking place immediately after the events of this music video, it has led to me basically not being allowed near the Hastur Mythos again. Did you know Wamego, Kansas is where an LSD kingpin had their lab in a literal missile silo? Did you know it's also got a pocket industry around the Wizard of Oz, so the colour yellow is prominently featured? Did you know that nearby Tuttle Creek Lake drowned four towns when it was formed? Did you know that Hastur starts as a falconer, but ends a king? Did you know his war of usurpation still rages? Well, H-cell sure found out the hard way as the walls of local reality started wearing a little thin...

Other ideas we've floated and are planning to run at some point using DG:

Blue Box is set around a DARPA-funded testing facility (its codename is the eponymous "Blue Box"), situated in a particularly anonymous and run-down part of North Dakota. Essentially, it's a warehouse full of mad science that periodically gets picked up, put on and studied to see if maybe it'll save a few soldiers' lives over in the Middle East, or make a better airport scanner. The security clearance requirements means the pool of testers is pretty small, and a bunch of them just went rogue - in the definition of "rogue" that involves raiding a nearby farm and leaving livestock entrails arranged in occult symbols across three fields. The poor unfortunates of our DG cell (ideally those with a military and/or scientific background) are tapped to essentially become replacement testers in order to figure out which of the many, many mad science projects in Blue Box accidentally went Mythos.

All Expenses is not a planned operation, rather an unfortunate confluence of events. During a luxurious conference on a Pacific island  (your taxpayer money well-spent!) attended by various government agencies in relevant fields, strange things start happening. This being a large gathering of intelligence and law enforcement agencies, there are more than a couple of DG agents in the mix who realise just what species of south the conference is heading when a local astrophysicist very publicly commits suicide rather than "be here when it comes". As a panic breaks out among the convention-goers and things start going a bit Dead Island, the DG cell have to make do with what's at hand as they come up against a rising threat. (Why didn't we think to pack the flamethrowers?)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2016, 09:31:17 PM by RadioactiveBeer »


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2016, 12:18:24 AM »
i'm thinking one of two

the Blue Box: the name is probably two on the nose but a campaign that will last throughout the years of DG's existance culminating in two adventures in EP universe about an "old one" who arrives in a blue box, "fixes" things but creates havoc and death in his wake.

The Unkillable ones: this one is ripped straight from the RPBR archives...but with a twist. it's a story about a group of DG agents coming up against a team of "agents" from an unknown group that have an unknowable agenda. they can be killed with enough firepower but they just come back later sometimes in another body...."whatever you do don't let the monkey touch you!"


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2016, 02:23:09 AM »
Mutatis Mutandis is extremely my shit. Do you have anything typed up about that?


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2016, 09:08:32 AM »
Mutatis Mutandis is extremely my shit. Do you have anything typed up about that?

I don't - just my chicken-scratch handwritten notes, but I can type it up if you'd like.


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2016, 07:59:00 PM »
Mutatis Mutandis is extremely my shit. Do you have anything typed up about that?

I don't - just my chicken-scratch handwritten notes, but I can type it up if you'd like.

Count me curious as well!


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2016, 08:10:21 PM »
Mutatis Mutandis is extremely my shit. Do you have anything typed up about that?

I don't - just my chicken-scratch handwritten notes, but I can type it up if you'd like.

sure go for it

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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2016, 10:27:49 PM »
Simply scanning the chicken-scratch notes and posting them is the DG thing to do.

but yah post dat shit plz


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2016, 11:21:11 PM »
Okay, I'm typing it up because a) it's actually kind of not written in order so it helps ME to get it all in one place, structure it right etc and b) it's a different take on the Hastur stuff from typical DG, which I felt was a little too.. whimsical, I guess? Plus it's kind of a "messy concept" by its very nature - reality breaking down etc - so summing up some of the mess into a neater format might take a bit of elbow grease.


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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2016, 08:13:08 AM »
Mutatis Mutandis is extremely my shit. Do you have anything typed up about that?

I don't - just my chicken-scratch handwritten notes, but I can type it up if you'd like.

Or just chop your handwritten notes into scraps, pin them haphazardly to a cork board, and take a crooked photograph of it.
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Re: Watcha gonna do? Delta Green: Agent's Handbook is coming for you!
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2016, 05:14:16 PM »
Mutatis Mutandis is extremely my shit. Do you have anything typed up about that?

I don't - just my chicken-scratch handwritten notes, but I can type it up if you'd like.

Or just chop your handwritten notes into scraps, pin them haphazardly to a cork board, and take a crooked photograph of it.

That is the most perfectly mundanely DG thing someone has ever posted.
Campfire Stories from Elder Hollow