Author Topic: Suggestions for New Campaign Setting?  (Read 84869 times)


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Suggestions for New Campaign Setting?
« on: November 02, 2016, 10:54:42 PM »
So I recently concluded a Night's Black Agents campaign set in Midwestern America in which my players were fighting against a conspiracy led by vampiric demigods from an alternate dimension who were trying to rip open a dimensional rift to bring their forces to Earth (campy as shit, I know, but it was great fun running it). It ultimately ended with a TPK in which the last survivor interrupted the ritual by detonating himself with a shit-ton of C4 just as the rift was opening. I've been trying to come up with a good continuation of the game, because my players loved the campaign and wanted to continue it. This is what I have so far, feel free to critique, add to it, etc. Just bouncing ideas around.

Setting: September 2018, 2 years after the cataclysmic events that resulted in the creation of the Ohio exclusion zone in which the resulting tear in reality allowed other-dimensional forces leak into our world and corrupt it (Been playing some S.T.A.L.K.E.R and reading through the Eclipse Phase Zone Stalkers book and liked the concept of players maneuvering through an extremely hostile environment that breaks one's mind if they try to figure out its inner workings). Players are members of a U.S govt. attempt at reconnoitering the zone after the devastating losses taken during the initial expedition.


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Re: Suggestions for New Campaign Setting?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 02:45:45 AM »
That seems perfectly straight forward, but not really a NBA campaign. I would use Feng Shui 2 for a pure action game or a universal system like Savage Worlds or maybe CoC for pure horror. NBA really works best in games where stealth and espionage is involved. Maybe set in a city near the zone where weird stuff is happening (things leaking out) OR someone put a crate of vampires in a plane and shipped to some distant locale?

Twisting H

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Re: Suggestions for New Campaign Setting?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 03:14:09 AM »
So I recently concluded a Night's Black Agents campaign set in Midwestern America in which my players were fighting against a conspiracy led by vampiric demigods from an alternate dimension who were trying to rip open a dimensional rift to bring their forces to Earth (campy as shit, I know, but it was great fun running it).

Yeah I'm going to mention it. The vampires in RIFTS were extensions of extradimentional alien intelligences who could 1) open dimensional rifts 2) ended up in Mexico.

I'm not saying that you are being unoriginal. I'm saying RIFTS had ideas worth mining sometimes ;D

NBA really works best in games where stealth and espionage is involved. Maybe set in a city near the zone where weird stuff is happening (things leaking out)

What if this Exclusion Zone/Treasure Trove was set in the middle of a Cold War borderlands between two superpowers?

Specifically I think NBA would would great if a supernatural Zone popped up between East and West Germany at the height of the Cold War.


  • Slayer of the Dread Gazebo
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Re: Suggestions for New Campaign Setting?
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 10:08:38 AM »
That seems perfectly straight forward, but not really a NBA campaign. I would use Feng Shui 2 for a pure action game or a universal system like Savage Worlds or maybe CoC for pure horror. NBA really works best in games where stealth and espionage is involved. Maybe set in a city near the zone where weird stuff is happening (things leaking out) OR someone put a crate of vampires in a plane and shipped to some distant locale?
I was going to run it with the new Delta Green rules, however my entire group are newcomers to tabletop RPGs and have only played FATE and NBA. Ran a first session using NBA rules and it was absolute garbage, and didn't work for the setting. Now I've convinced them to give DG a shot, and am rewriting the encounters in the new system.
So I recently concluded a Night's Black Agents campaign set in Midwestern America in which my players were fighting against a conspiracy led by vampiric demigods from an alternate dimension who were trying to rip open a dimensional rift to bring their forces to Earth (campy as shit, I know, but it was great fun running it).

Yeah I'm going to mention it. The vampires in RIFTS were extensions of extradimentional alien intelligences who could 1) open dimensional rifts 2) ended up in Mexico.

I'm not saying that you are being unoriginal. I'm saying RIFTS had ideas worth mining sometimes ;D

NBA really works best in games where stealth and espionage is involved. Maybe set in a city near the zone where weird stuff is happening (things leaking out)

What if this Exclusion Zone/Treasure Trove was set in the middle of a Cold War borderlands between two superpowers?

Specifically I think NBA would would great if a supernatural Zone popped up between East and West Germany at the height of the Cold War.
Damn, now I feel like a dummy. I hadn't read RIFTS due to the silliness involved with it, and knowing that I subconsciously ripped it off horrifies me.

Twisting H

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Re: Suggestions for New Campaign Setting?
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2016, 06:34:05 PM »
Damn, now I feel like a dummy. I hadn't read RIFTS due to the silliness involved with it, and knowing that I subconsciously ripped it off horrifies me.