Author Topic: New world campaign  (Read 351725 times)


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #165 on: June 09, 2010, 07:38:15 PM »
Question is he one of those guys who will always try to one your story?


Do those Charmin bears shit in the woods?
Does the pope wear a funny hat?
Does Cthulhu eat 1d6 investigators per round?

Mike is the master of one-upsmanship, provided the outside world has synchronized with his self-centered universe. Out here in reality, you can guarantee he will always try, but the result will usually result in one of the following: 1.) you begin to understand the undeniably massive sense of entitlement the man possesses, 2.) you bleach out your eyes, ears, tongue, and other sense organs, but still feel dirty, 3.) you lose 2d6 SAN, and are draw into a conversation about record-breaking ejaculations. None of these truly top your story, but after a while, just the fact that no matter what you say, he's got a response he considers superior begins to eat at your soul. You are Butters, and he is The Simpsons.

There's an ultimate bomb I'd really like to drop on this thread re: Mike (well, two in fact), but I'm pretty sure it'd piss Ross off to the high heavens, and I don't wanna be the first RPPR player banned from the forums.

One last comment:  This all assumes you are given a chance to tell a story.
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #166 on: June 09, 2010, 07:56:18 PM »
So, slightly back onto the topic of the New World, I'm catching up on the more recent ones and I'd like to comment on the pamphlet circulation. I find it hilarious that Dan and Tom's characters took the time to create and distribute political pamphlets.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #167 on: June 09, 2010, 08:02:50 PM »
So, slightly back onto the topic of the New World, I'm catching up on the more recent ones and I'd like to comment on the pamphlet circulation. I find it hilarious that Dan and Tom's characters took the time to create and distribute political pamphlets.

Only for you Tad. This is some of the text I started producing for a possible future New World supplement regarding revolutions. I haven't finished the document yet, but I was producing text for Ross earlier this year while he was fashioning the epic game.

Garnering Support

The first action your players will have to perform is garnering support for a war for independence. This is a much trickier proposal than may first appear. You should keep in mind that a number of colonists have much more to lose – politically, monetarily, and socially – from a war with any country let alone a war of with the mother country then have to gain from such a war. As we will discuss in chapter two, the factionalism that arises from declaring independence is not limited to simply pro-war and anti-war factions. It may be useful to keep this in mind as your players attempt to garner support for a war for independence.

Probably the easiest way your players can garner support for the war for independence is through pamphleteering. Political pamphlets allow players to reach a wide audience. The drawback to pamphleteering is that it is very visible to the colonial government. Because it is so visible, the colonial government may attempt to crack down on pamphleteers. Two possible scenarios of such a crackdown are outlined below.

Encounter One (Political): The colonial government raises the price of and importation duties on paper. The new price and duties make it difficult for your players to obtain the amount of paper they need to mass produce pamphlets. What do your players do to obtain new supplies?

Encounter Two (Action): Troops of the colonial government begin raiding print shops where your players’ pamphlets are being printed. The troops destroy what pamphlets they find and the printing presses used to print those pamphlets. The players learn that troops are about to raid another print shop. What do your players do?

Another direct way for your players to garner support for a war for independence would be to hire a number of bards to spread the players’ message throughout taverns in the colony. If one of the players happens to be playing a bard, this would also provide an excellent opportunity for role playing. Hiring bards or performing as a bard makes the players’ intentions visible to the colonial government, but is not as highly visible as pamphleteering.

A more indirect way for your players to garner support for the war of independence is to utilize preachers from the various religions found in the colony. Whereas pamphlets will allow players to attempt to persuade literate colonists to support a war for independence, preachers can spread the same message to the illiterate mass. Also, preachers give some moral justification for a war for independence.

These are just a few examples of how your players could go about garnering support for a war for independence. You should encourage your players to come up with their own ways.
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #168 on: June 09, 2010, 11:05:18 PM »
Sweet. Will there be a Skill Challenge for "Public Debate" included?


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #169 on: June 10, 2010, 12:11:57 AM »
BTW, Mike is in episode 26. This is his last episode as RJ joins the group in episode 27 and I know Mike and RJ have never gamed together.

Also, the anti-Mike crew needs to recognize that Mike came up with the 'wanna buy an otyugh' joke which is utterly hilarious.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #170 on: June 10, 2010, 12:48:18 AM »
As a person that likes mike, all I got from your post ross is were 2 post away from having RJ finaly in a new world game yay! Dispite the fact that it sounds like it did not go all that well, I still like his role playing abilitys!


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #171 on: June 10, 2010, 01:53:35 AM »
I was just thinking about the last episode where Cody talked about not really knowing much about the other RPPRers other than their roleplaying.  Which in some ways implies to me, that we, as listeners know the RPPR crew just as well as Cody does...

Probably not true, I know, but still kind of amusing...


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #172 on: June 10, 2010, 02:25:31 AM »
To be honest, I don't know what to think of Mike. I have a player who is very much like Mike, while he does not think he is the acme of male sexual superiority since I believe he is a virgin, he does think he a sexual god, a smooth talker, and the Casanova of our time. He hates horror games, he hates investigative games, he hates D&D 3.5, he hates anything that makes you anything less than a fucking war god, and the only system he wants to play is Mutants and Masterminds, unsurprisingly. This player views RPG's like a win or lose game, if the dice do not go his way he gets pissed off, if another player does something cool he gets pissed off, and he even tries to block another PC from doing something cool by trying to do it before them. ALSO, I have an overweight player in my group who is the most passive player you'll ever meet, and the dick player insults him about his weight, and his interests all the time.

Now you may be asking yourself, "Why Atlas, you fucking dumb ass do you still play with this dickwad?"

Because I've been friends with this numb nut for twelve years, and if I kick him out it will cause so much drama with in my group it's not even worth the effort.

Thankfully, he got a job south of the border (I live in Canada) and is working as a park ranger so his job makes him unavailable for my Saturday game until September rolls around. So I can actually run Call of Cthulhu, and hence why I bought World of Darkness today.

Sorry for temporarily derailing the thread, Atlas' sharing time is over. I'm enjoying listening to the New World Campaign, and may run my own once I finish my current Mutants and Masterminds campaign.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #173 on: June 10, 2010, 08:01:30 AM »
Sweet. Will there be a Skill Challenge for "Public Debate" included?

Maybe. I let Ross handle the mechanics.
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #174 on: June 10, 2010, 09:11:52 AM »

Thankfully, he got a job south of the border (I live in Canada) and is working as a park ranger so his job makes him unavailable for my Saturday game until September rolls around. So I can actually run Call of Cthulhu, and hence why I bought World of Darkness today.

This park ranger, does he use his park ranger job as an excuse to be able to do anything and everything? Because if he doesn't, then he should. (see: Tom's character in our New World of Darkness sessions).
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #175 on: June 10, 2010, 09:16:54 AM »
I was just thinking about the last episode where Cody talked about not really knowing much about the other RPPRers other than their roleplaying.  Which in some ways implies to me, that we, as listeners know the RPPR crew just as well as Cody does...

Probably not true, I know, but still kind of amusing...

It's weird, but I measure how much I know about a person by if I know that they have siblings. I don't know why that is such a big prerequisite, but I think it's because if siblings have come up for some reason, it means that we've been talking a lot.

Therefore, I know a lot about Ross, some about Tom and almost nothing about everyone else. I have a vague understanding of Jason and Dan's job and I know where the individual members of RPPR stand on their comic book preferences. Lastly, I have a vague understanding of everyone's political views, and as far as religious standing goes, I feel like we're all fucked in that department.

It actually kind of saddens me when I break it down like that considering that I've been gaming with these people for awhile now, but let's face it, we don't have time to talk about philosophy or whether or not the Theory of Everything is real or bullshit because we're too busy saving the world.
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #176 on: June 10, 2010, 10:14:28 AM »

It actually kind of saddens me when I break it down like that considering that I've been gaming with these people for awhile now, but let's face it, we don't have time to talk about philosophy or whether or not the Theory of Everything is real or bullshit because we're too busy saving the world.

I think that's perhaps the most intelligent and humerous thing I've ever seen or heard from you.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #177 on: June 10, 2010, 10:39:59 AM »
I once saw an episode of Inside the Actor's Studio with the cast from the Simpsons and all of the cast members talked about how they weren't really all that close and they learned more about each other from Inside the Actor's Studio than they had in the 20 years they had worked together. I found that really sad, but I suppose it makes sense.
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.


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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #178 on: June 10, 2010, 11:09:21 AM »
It actually kind of saddens me when I break it down like that considering that I've been gaming with these people for awhile now, but let's face it, we don't have time to talk about philosophy or whether or not the Theory of Everything is real or bullshit because we're too busy saving the world.

A few years ago we would have discussed this while saving the world. Is there no in-depth discussions anymore around Ross' gaming table?
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Re: New world campaign
« Reply #179 on: June 10, 2010, 12:07:59 PM »

Thankfully, he got a job south of the border (I live in Canada) and is working as a park ranger so his job makes him unavailable for my Saturday game until September rolls around. So I can actually run Call of Cthulhu, and hence why I bought World of Darkness today.

This park ranger, does he use his park ranger job as an excuse to be able to do anything and everything? Because if he doesn't, then he should. (see: Tom's character in our New World of Darkness sessions).

One of my favorite exchanges of all time.
"Wait a second, let me see that badge again. This has a tree on it."