Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 767656 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #195 on: April 11, 2012, 01:55:06 PM »
Chance II on the Something Awful forums drew Bartleby:

uploaded pic to imgur.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2012, 05:54:58 PM by clockworkjoe »

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #196 on: April 11, 2012, 03:01:06 PM »
"Does anyone here need any murderers and/or harlequins?"

I think it's fuckin' perfect, if a little less Neo-Punk than I expected.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #197 on: April 12, 2012, 06:25:19 PM »
Spend rep like cash. Just burn it and don't keep track of favors. You've got to perform favors to earn rep back. You've got access to the shuttle that you need to get off the swarm, so don't worry about saving up for that.

Cost to Rep Conversion:
Trivial: Free
Low: 1
Moderate: 2
High: 3
Expensive: 4
Speed up fabrication cue: +1

Anything expensive+ is too rare to have on the swarm. Singh's militia status means you'll be able to fab most anything you want, within reason. Extensive nanotech goes through Lena Andropov, and she will never trust you guys. The swarm doesn't have the specs for some major military hardware like Hoplite suits. Additionally, you're limited by space. Any battle is going to take place in the confines of spaceship corridors, so a tank or something is out of the question.

Morphs are also more expensive because they can't be easily fabbed. All biomorphs cost 5-rep at the start and go up the more you specialize them.

Most importantly, save some rep for the start of the game. You guys haven't reviewed the intel gleaned from interrogating the Haunted Stars yet. You're going to want everything you need already loaded onto the shuttle before you go after Kalheed; it is likely you are going to have to leave in a hurry.

Now that rep rules are established, I thought I'd get some more stuff out of the way so we can be sure to get the game done in one session.

First order of business will be processing the intel from the Haunted Stars. You'll have to have everything you need ready to go before heading to deal with Kalheed.

Next is preparing the operation. I know this is where we are likely to go over time, so we are going to use a system to abstract things.

There are three types of intelligence you can gather: Martial (who are we fighting), Tactical (where are we fighting at), and Social (how will they behave). You only get those three pieces of intelligence, then its go or no go. However, I will say that the order you discover them will have a determining factor. So if you get your Social intelligence first, then find out some Martial intelligence, I'll help by a making an inference that connects the two. When you go for the Tactical intelligence, I'll bundle that with two more inferences. Any connections you make on your own will be up to you.

Once you have the intelligence, you've got to gear up if you plan on making an assault. The Rep rules are above.

Finally, make a plan and go.

So the order is...

1. Get haunted Stars intel
2. Learn intelligence
3. Gear up
4. Attack

Let's try and get through the first three parts as fast as possible. I've planned a tier-ending, brutal combat, so it will take awhile.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #198 on: April 12, 2012, 06:28:32 PM »
Bartleby's definitely going to send a beta fork to that IP address he found. The fork will be cleansed of all Firewall data but will know 3 separate drop off points to relay data back to me in case he doesn't return in time. The idea is that he can go out and learn about the site without knowing anything that could be used against me.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #199 on: April 13, 2012, 12:50:47 AM »
Bartleby RP tip video #1

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #200 on: April 14, 2012, 02:35:40 AM »
the model for anarchist societies:

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #201 on: April 16, 2012, 06:45:12 PM »
good folder of inspirational art for Eclipse Phase


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #202 on: April 17, 2012, 05:37:00 PM »
Found SAIRAC's Grandfather

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #203 on: April 17, 2012, 05:53:50 PM »
Plan for Singh:

[spoiler]Since we now know something Singh doesn't, we can fuck with his head and ideally get him to come to Firewall to help. So, I set up a one year delay and in my spare time, create essentially a custom Alternate Reality Game/psycho-drama starring Singh as the victim.

The overall framing for the narrative is that an exsurgent has gotten Bartleby's cortical stack, mined it for info and now knows Singh's dirty little secret. Since the exsurgent is batshit insane, he's playing with Singh by taunting him with "I know something you don't know and I can use it to hurt the scum swarm. BTW I'm coming to visit you and you can't stop me."

I start by sending cryptic anonymous messages to him about his dirty secret but nothing specific. Vague insinuations and threats ala To The Ark from Marble Hornets. Throw in just authentic material from our dealings with him to know that's it's real.

Then send an encrypted message, with the password being one of the ones he gave us from when we were granted militia status. Make sure the paswords are sent first, in one of the earlier messages, just in case he deleted them.

After that, start weaving exsurgent XP material we've gathered from our missions - really horrifying shit. Make sure to emphasize that anyone could be infected around him. Really scare the shit out of him and make him paranoid as hell.

Next, show him the meeting with our arrangement and his death.

Finally show a garbled XP insinuating Bartleby suffered a horrible death at the hands of a crazy exsurgent and said exsurgent is coming to pay him a visit.

The real key is to set up some method that Singh can discover to get a hold of Bartleby's allies. The goal is get him looking for Firewall and asking us for help, but to make it seem authentic so he believes the story. If he makes contact, we promise to help, then we show him proof of us 'killing' the exsurgent and saving him and the swarm. Then Firewall can take it from there to develop him as a contact. [/spoiler]


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #204 on: April 17, 2012, 08:25:52 PM »
That's our Bartleby! *charming music*
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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #205 on: April 26, 2012, 05:33:44 PM »
Below is the plothook for a one-shot called "The Recruits." While Ross is gone, we'll be seeing what the sentinels the Know Evil team has thus far recruited have been up to.

[spoiler]P-Magoo: Did you get that brief I sent you?

P-BrightSide: Sure did, hon! Seems like actionable stuff, but what’s the timetable?

P-Magoo: It has to be soon. Intel suggests a big resupply sub is set to dock in a few standard cycles. Can’t risk exposure.

P-BrightSide: Well, I don’t like scrambling P-Ecstatic's team out of the theater. From what S-pornbot is sending down the pipes, it seems these kids can’t go to the head without stumbling across an X-threat. I’d sure like to dodge cleaning up the mess they’re bound to make in my corner of the playground, but they do get the job done. You thinking forks are what the doctor ordered?

P-Magoo: No. Too dangerous.

P-BrightSide: Even Betas?

P-Magoo: Not enough time to prune them. My team is already full-time on cutting the secrets out of their crazy fork’s head. Don’t know what the hell she was thinking merging like that…

P-BrightSide: Think the op will be hot enough for that much compartmentalization? A bunch of deep-sea linguists?

P-Magoo:   No. But that’s the problem.

P-BrightSide: You lost me, hon.

P-Magoo: Op looks too clean. Intel is too perfect. Presses all the right buttons. Their buttons.

P-BrightSide: Oh, Blind! I do so miss your paranoia! You’re like to make a girl nostalgic for the White Zone.

P-Magoo: Maintain redundant codename protocol.

P-BrightSide: Shucks, hon! If somebody is inside the Eye and reading this, we got bigger rats in the airducts to worry about.

P-Magoo: True enough.

P-BrightSide: So what do you want to do? Dirty another cell with a brief? Hasn’t this Know Evil nonsense spread far enough?

P-Magoo: No need. Did you get the backup of that salvager they slagged?

P-BrightSide: Why, by my morphs! I don’t believe you’re cleared for that, sir! Fingers in all the pies, I swear…

P-Magoo: Yes or no?

P-BrightSide: We may have liberated a certain he/she from a certain server. For the good of the cause, of course.

P-Magoo: Of course. Prune her timestamp and moniker memory, then send me an alpha. She can go on a tryout.

P-BrightSide: Feeding noobs into the morph recycler again, big man?

P-Magoo: They’ve touched an experienced sentinel or two by now. We’ve got enough loose ends to field a solid team. I’ve done more with less.

P-BrightSide: Just enough knowledge to keep them alive long enough to report, but not enough to be dangerous when dead?

P-Magoo: That’s the plan.

P-BrightSide: Sheesh. I take back the part about nostalgia.

P-Magoo: You’ve done worse.

P-BrightSide: But you couldn’t sense me smiling at the other end of mesh.

P-Magoo: If I could, I’d much rather send our little camera crew, teach them what it’s like to go banking on Luna. Assholes.

P-BrightSide: My, my…always with the negativity. Alright, ego transferring now. Just promise me one thing, hon?

P-Magoo: Yes?

P-BrightSide: Don’t tell me how it goes; I’ve got to keep my spirits up.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #206 on: April 26, 2012, 10:15:37 PM »

Poor proxy blind. We should send him a fruit basket.

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #207 on: May 09, 2012, 09:12:43 AM »
I'm now a proud owner of Eclipse Phase, Hard cover, Dead Tree version.  Man that book is well made.  The thing even has a couple of ribbons glued into the spine to use a bookmarks.
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #208 on: May 10, 2012, 12:20:03 AM »
I bought the PDFs myself. Been thinking about buying the actual books, but I'm practically glued to my iPad anyway, so reading them in iBooks isn't as much of a pain as you'd think it'd be. Gotta agree though, they do look pretty sweet. My friend who's been Running our EP games bought the sourcebook and a copy of the GM screen. There's a buttload of production value behind that as well.

Also, who else can't wait for Rimward to come out? I've been checking the EP forums once or twice a week for updates on that one. Mostly I want to see what kind of crazy shit the authors have to say about the Jovians. (They renamed one of Jupiter's moons Pinochet! What kind of society does that?!)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #209 on: May 12, 2012, 08:39:51 AM »
I was looking for Mindflayer Nazis picture and found a picture of Prestons muse in stead.
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)