Author Topic: Eclipse Phase  (Read 768032 times)


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #120 on: September 28, 2011, 08:42:10 PM »
"anesthesia AI"? What's that? Wouldn't it be a nanovirus or narcoalgorithim, not an AI?

Where's the habitat located?

I need to read over the narcoalgorithm stuff, but the idea is that the ego is completely surpressed.  I went with AI because it is essentially resleeving over the existing ego.  When deactivated the AI will remove itself and restore the ego, so the ego simply experiences missing time.

Also, this test is long term use.  The AI maintains the morph (eats, sleeps, bio breaks).  The end goal is to be able to upload it to a mesh, then the Corp operatives can just walk in without worry.

As for the habitat, I'm planning on a near-Saturn artist commune.  A benefactor has set up an old freighter for his hand selected artists to work in peace.  Population in the 30's at max, and pretty insular, so no one notices they've gone dark until firewall steps in.

If ego suppression is a problem: TITAN Tech
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 08:48:54 PM by enigmatic »

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #121 on: September 29, 2011, 11:26:34 AM »
Also infomorphs own because you can play as a murderous Cortana.

They'll be even more bad ass eventually. One of the things the developers talked about that the GenCon panel was something like "add-ons" usable only my infomorphs. I look forward to more information on that.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #122 on: October 01, 2011, 05:15:54 PM »
omg I want to live in a future where we can just say like

you're not, like, publishing things of any tone or timbre, are you, Caleb? because I would want to know and read of them. I would want to read them straight into my mindhead.

Craw--I wrote an essay in that Planetary book Cody put out, but other than that I don't publish anything.  I teach full time, so I write more words per day on essays than a UK court stenographer pulling a double-shift after the riots.  I manage to get the game outlines written every other week, but I don't have time for much else.  I appreciate the compliment more than you know though.  Writing was my dream before I got a big boy job, and your comments warmed me heart.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #123 on: October 02, 2011, 04:30:14 AM »
Quote from: clockworkjoe link=topic=329.msg30455#msg30455
Gerrad: Played by Jason. Fall evacuee, anarchist and reclaimer. Military background - worked for Direct Action on Earth during the Fall. Abandoned post to save as many lives as possible. Has edited memories so he isn't sure exactly what happened but he made an enemy during the Fall. An enemy that's highly placed in Direct Action now. Gerrad is highly suspicious of technology, especially AI technology. Skilled in hand to hand combat and beam weapons. Saved an important anarchist during the Fall. The anarchist is his patron now.

Close but not quite accurate. His name is Gerard Hume, and he served in a security corporation that was sucked into Direct Action after the Fall. He abandoned his post to save his parents, but arrived just moments after their egos had been uploaded by the TITANS, so he tried to save as many people as he could from a similar fate, starting with some of his mother's colleagues. Some of which later become affiliated with the reclaimer movement. Chesare was the last one he saved, who is one of the prominent voices on Titan.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #124 on: October 04, 2011, 09:56:48 PM »
Craw--I wrote an essay in that Planetary book Cody put out, but other than that I don't publish anything.  I teach full time, so I write more words per day on essays than a UK court stenographer pulling a double-shift after the riots.  I manage to get the game outlines written every other week, but I don't have time for much else.  I appreciate the compliment more than you know though.  Writing was my dream before I got a big boy job, and your comments warmed me heart.

Keep thrilling me and I'll keep being noisily thrilled!

I think the kids over at Posthuman Studios owe Ross and Caleb a drink, cause the shiny Eclipse Phase hardcover in this blue-ass bag beside me wouldn't've been sold without the RPPR presentation of the setting. I was thinking about maybe doing some nightmarishly-long and well-chapterized recording of the setting portions of the text and kicking it over to Posthuman to see if they wanted to host it somewhere,  the better to capture the attention deficit generation's attention (ie mine) who can't handle raw text ("read with eyes hard, want read with ears").

Have any of you ever read Charles Stross, btw? Large chunks of Eclipse Phase down to the very vocabulary were lifted straight from his work (or maybe it's all just transhumanist vocabulary? It's hard to track down origins in a meme-obsessed culture). Accelerando, in particular, -is- Eclipse Phase, minus the Fall, to the point that it's mutating my understanding of the tone of EP, probably in a way I should mentalhalt. When he starts talking about post-monetary reputation-based economies and resleeving by the name of -resleeving- and forking by the name of -forking- I have to sharply remind myself that this is a book conceived of a decade before EP and published five years before it.

Singularity Sky and its sequel Iron Sunrise clearly offered inspiration, too (as near as I can tell that's where the term cornucopia machine emerged to describe nanofabricators). Even his near-future pre-cyberpunk Halting State deals with themes relatable to transhumanity and machine integration, and has the advantage of having a lesbian Scottish police officer as one of its three second-person present-tense narrators, which is, yknow, something I always look for.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 10:05:05 PM by crawlkill »


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #125 on: October 11, 2011, 07:56:10 PM »
I'll just leave this here: a Q&A session with Posthuman Studios regarding Eclipse Phase

Also, I got this crazy idea the other day. Ross and Caleb should try and contact Posthuman Studios and see if they would sponsor your Eclipse Phase campaign AP! Hell, maybe you'd get more publicity through the EP fanbase, and perhaps even get access to exclusive content!


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #126 on: October 15, 2011, 12:54:18 PM »

I post this because if I ever play in another EP campaign, I want to model my PC after someone like this - a guy that jumped from a stone age tribe to modern technology and became one of the first people to get a cortical stack. He's as old as one of the ruling hyperelite but he's drifted through all strata of society. Put a ton of points into rep and networking skills (get the social butterfly advantage from panopticon) and basically the guy that's been there, done that. Immortality blues disadvantage and neutral damage from the early cortical stack he got - made errors so he now has a nervous tic. Social stigma for being one of the first people that got a cortical stack - viewed as slightly impaired by less enlightened people - a primitive or a weirdo. He won't give a shit what his morph is or what he has to do. He's been sleeved in almost every morph and has died plenty of times. Wasn't even on Earth when the Fall happened as he was already exploring the rim.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #127 on: October 16, 2011, 02:49:42 AM »
There has got to be NPC Skrillex somewhere in an AP. Please oh please!
I wish I was Tom.

Granted, you are now Tom.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #128 on: October 16, 2011, 03:54:41 AM »
my favorite Eclipse Phase character concept so far has been an AGI constructed on a brinker station as an experiment by space communists in rewriting history to improve human nature. by way of a dry run, they built a couple AGIs that were unshakeably certain that nonorganic life had been the first intelligence in the solar system ("back when the first bit state switches condensed out of silicon in the primordial soup-rings of Saturn...") and that they'd later manufactured carbon-based life. the Titans, this dude is convinced, rewrote history, mindhacking all of humanity into believing a twisted history where the organics were the ones to emerge on their own and create the machines. he makes it his mission to travel the solar system and preach the truth in a starry-eyed and earnest fashion, occasionally pursued by some of his AGI-sibs from the same project whose psychosurgical births didn't go as well as his and which are either computer-schizophrenic or conquest-fascists adherents to the idea that the machines are meant to rule.


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #130 on: October 17, 2011, 01:51:40 PM »
There has got to be NPC Skrillex somewhere in an AP. Please oh please!

will there also be an NPC Rusko that is hunting NPC Skrillex for stealing his ideas

dubstep politics yall


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #131 on: October 17, 2011, 01:54:02 PM »
dubstep more like brostep amirite


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #132 on: October 17, 2011, 02:11:17 PM »
dubstep more like brostep amirite

brostep more like Amenhostep III


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #133 on: October 18, 2011, 12:34:53 PM »
For Aaron:

from the page layout and the vimeo I thought for half a second that was a Kickstarter and then couldn't understand why it wasn't


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Re: Eclipse Phase
« Reply #134 on: November 05, 2011, 12:33:31 PM »
This devaluation of Venusian market value has been offset, at least momentarily, by a boom in aerostat investment opportunities following a new meteorological discovery. Psymon Kitter, a prominent Argonaut most well-known in the field of xenobiology and “gatecrashing,” recently open-sourced wind-pattern prediction software more advanced than anything yet developed for the dangerously turbulent lower atmosphere, allowing aerostat placement to range thousands of kilometers farther North and South than previously thought possible. All third-parties appear to vouch for the accuracy of what is being called “Kitter’s Doppler,” though Egonomix has publically questioned the doctor’s use of a thermonuclear device said to have detonated in the atmosphere during his experimental trials.

Hey, it's Psymon, I bet he's still naked.