(OOC: Sorry guys, got dragged away to a last minute business trip to Alabama. Where the hotel had NO WI-FI. What the fuck is that shit? DENNY's has wi-fi and the Sheraton can't manage it?)
He buys a rope, a sword (rapier), a set of leather armor, five throwing knives, a couple week's rations, wineskins and a waterskin. Additionally he buys a horse to carry his lazy self.
Finally catching up to the party after an overlong shopping trip in the village (He will bribe the troll with whatever is handy. Or buy him a cow or whatever, just tell me how many gold pieces it costs).
Seeing their feeble attempts to coax the orphans onto the floating disc (for he can identify orphans at sight, being an Adventurer) Murkin chimes in with a more helpful lie.
"Lie not to these poor orphan children, Hairy. The candy is with me on the shore. I was just off fetching it for you."
Tell A Fib

Rolling 1d20:

: Total = 8