Author Topic: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up  (Read 912880 times)


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #675 on: December 02, 2011, 03:53:31 PM »
motherfucker didn't publish the update.

Message me on KS if you want to play tonight.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #676 on: December 02, 2011, 04:09:22 PM »
Ha, just got my e-mail.


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #677 on: December 02, 2011, 04:15:20 PM »
yeah I went to Kickstarter and it had my update but only i could see it. Apparently I didn't click on publish or something.


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #678 on: December 02, 2011, 04:51:51 PM »
Your email says today's date but says that day corresponds with Saturday.  ;D


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #679 on: January 18, 2012, 04:45:42 PM »
I sent Shane Ivey one of the ransom Skype games for the Unspeakable!


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #680 on: January 25, 2012, 03:55:26 PM »
Hey Ross what time is the game tonight?
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #681 on: January 25, 2012, 05:01:17 PM »
Hey Ross what time is the game tonight?

I will host it on Jan 25, at 6 pm CST.


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #682 on: January 25, 2012, 06:51:25 PM »
Youuuu are aware that today is the 25th right?
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #683 on: February 15, 2012, 10:28:07 PM »
So did you guys ever do that Warhammer 40K game you had mentioned a few months ago?
If so, how did you all like the system? I've been reading over the Free RPG Day modules and they look fairly fun.


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #684 on: February 16, 2012, 12:33:54 AM »
So did you guys ever do that Warhammer 40K game you had mentioned a few months ago?
If so, how did you all like the system? I've been reading over the Free RPG Day modules and they look fairly fun.

not yet! I want to run it but it takes time to learn the system and so forth


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #685 on: March 23, 2012, 01:11:31 AM »
chatlog from Sordid Dystopia game

[6:01:11 PM] *** Matt added Ross Payton ***
[6:01:13 PM] *** Matt added jerkfacemcjerk ***
[6:01:20 PM] Matt: yo
[6:01:30 PM] Ross Payton: hey
[6:01:36 PM] Ross Payton: we're waiting on thad and drew
[6:01:39 PM] Matt: sounds good
[6:01:40 PM] Ross Payton: but we have everybody else
[6:01:41 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Yo
[6:01:44 PM] Ross Payton: it will be a crazy game
[6:01:48 PM] Matt: i'm gonna see who else from our group wants to listen in
[6:01:52 PM] Matt: hahaha
[6:01:59 PM] Ross Payton: we['re recordin g this
[6:02:04 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: I'm excited to listen to this
[6:02:07 PM] Ross Payton: and i will call as soon as the game begins
[6:02:11 PM] Ross Payton: this will be fucking nuts
[6:02:12 PM] Matt: I trust your zoom h2 above my call graph
[6:02:13 PM] Ross Payton: we have beer
[6:02:17 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[6:02:19 PM] Ross Payton: just be warned
[6:02:19 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Hahaha
[6:02:23 PM] Matt: so it's like a standard game of ours
[6:02:39 PM] Matt: honestly i did a playtest at nate's house at like 3am
[6:02:45 PM] Matt: while constantly throwing back irish coffees
[6:03:00 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: It somehow turned out . . . incredibly coherent.
[6:03:23 PM] Matt: it was a surprisingly good playtest considering 4 of the 5 players were getting smashed
[6:03:33 PM] Ross Payton: k
[6:03:39 PM] Ross Payton: i am using lucidity
[6:03:43 PM] Ross Payton: for the plot
[6:03:45 PM] Matt: oh god
[6:03:45 PM] Ross Payton: because of reasons
[6:04:24 PM] *** Matt added James C. ***
[6:04:36 PM] *** Matt added Charlie72 ***
[6:04:40 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: oh god.
[6:04:51 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: this will be glorious.
[6:04:57 PM] James C.: i am here, and i can be not here if you like
[6:04:57 PM] Matt: fittingly he's the best aspect to be drunk with
[6:05:46 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: I'd drink with Lucidity.
[6:05:49 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: (no I wouldn't)
[6:05:58 PM] Matt: you could just drink lucidity
[6:06:04 PM] Matt: or maybe he'd drink you
[6:06:11 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Hold his hand for awhile
[6:06:14 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: It's the same as being drunk.
[6:06:23 PM] Ross Payton: lol
[6:06:29 PM] Ross Payton: sorry explaining rules too
[6:06:32 PM] Matt: it's cool
[6:06:40 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: (And then he goes manic and tears your hand off)
[6:07:31 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: If possible, could you let me know your thoughts on the bulk of it after this?
[6:07:43 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Playtest feedback and whatnot
[6:07:51 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: We've only ever playtested this with our group
[6:08:09 PM] Matt: well we have other playtesters now but we've not heard too much back
[6:08:20 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Yeah
[6:08:30 PM] Matt: and of course none of them are PUBLISHED AUTHORS
[6:09:47 PM] Ross Payton: oh snap
[6:12:02 PM] Ross Payton: just waiting on drew
[6:16:28 PM] Ross Payton: ok
[6:16:32 PM] Ross Payton: drew showed up
[6:17:56 PM] *** Group call, duration 00:05 ***
[6:18:06 PM] Matt: oh my
[6:18:09 PM] *** Group call, no answer. ***
[6:18:25 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: yep!
[6:18:41 PM] James C.: hiya
[6:18:52 PM] James C.: hello actually popular gaming podcast
[6:19:36 PM] Charlie72: We did
[6:19:48 PM] James C.: I am proud to be one of the original fools
[6:19:50 PM] James C.: the OFs
[6:19:53 PM] Matt: hahahaa
[6:20:14 PM] James C.: zezoria
[6:20:30 PM] Charlie72: Cee-zok
[6:20:52 PM] James C.: at this point I think its a point of preference
[6:21:26 PM] Matt: god
[6:21:27 PM] Matt: dammit
[6:21:35 PM] James C.: ive seen frencher
[6:22:24 PM] Matt: there are slurs, actually
[6:22:31 PM] Charlie72: Zok and Vont are slur
[6:22:34 PM] James C.: danged zoks
[6:22:54 PM] James C.: hahaha
[6:22:59 PM] James C.: this is wonderful
[6:23:05 PM] Charlie72: Caleb the tarrorests
[6:23:13 PM] Matt: how drunk are you guys are you guys already
[6:23:27 PM] James C.: i think those guys those guys are fairly drunk
[6:23:45 PM] Matt: ross said that beer had been involved
[6:23:50 PM] Matt: and still is
[6:24:01 PM] James C.: sherlock holmes the new age naturalist
[6:25:11 PM] James C.: love me start-of-campaign fortune rolls
[6:25:19 PM] James C.: bring on the mannequins
[6:28:36 PM] James C.: ill try to hold off on polluting the chat with inside jokes
[6:28:46 PM] Matt: captain touglass returns in this adventure
[6:28:54 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: hahaha
[6:30:17 PM] Charlie72: Oh, that from the old rules
[6:30:31 PM] Matt: probably, we sent ross these rules back in like december
[6:30:42 PM | Edited 6:31:06 PM] Charlie72: when NAN were just hippys
[6:31:05 PM] Matt: they're never actually going to make it to the myst
[6:31:28 PM] Matt: granted, that would make it a pretty standard drunk and ugly game
[6:31:36 PM] James C.: there was myst? what color pages are they collecting
[6:31:49 PM] Matt: i dunno, i got caught on the clock puzzle
[6:32:02 PM] James C.: look its very simple
[6:32:04 PM] James C.: you just do it
[6:32:37 PM] James C.: red sky at night, sailors delight
[6:32:52 PM] Matt: these red mists are quite kick-ass
[6:32:58 PM] James C.: STILL red sky at morning, sailors are going to be eaten by a squid
[6:33:09 PM] James C.: ...orning
[6:33:18 PM] Matt: i don't think that's how that rhyme goes
[6:33:19 PM] Matt: at all
[6:33:30 PM] James C.: i am fairly certain it is
[6:35:48 PM] Matt: IF THEY DIE, THEY DIE
[6:36:54 PM] Charlie72: Patatoes and Corn are the main crops of NX
[6:37:00 PM] James C.: its good this game is getting a nice stress test
[6:37:16 PM] Matt: it's getting the most stressed
[6:38:14 PM] Matt: this is the best plan
[6:38:23 PM] Matt: "I will kill this man right now"
[6:38:29 PM] James C.: summary execution
[6:38:46 PM] James C.: its not the same as suddenly execution
[6:39:55 PM] Matt: hahaha
[6:40:02 PM] James C.: shortest campaign
[6:40:54 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[6:41:56 PM] *** Matt added Sean Henderson ***
[6:42:05 PM] Matt: you
[6:42:08 PM] Sean Henderson: :O
[6:42:23 PM] Sean Henderson: ROSS PAYTON WEARS THE CROWN
[6:42:26 PM] Matt: he does
[6:42:31 PM] Sean Henderson: HE IS THE MONKEY KING
[6:42:39 PM] Sean Henderson: DANCE FOR US
[6:43:00 PM] Matt: fyi: there are 9 players in this game
[6:43:14 PM] Matt: they're all on a boat destined for another country
[6:43:18 PM] Matt: they saw some red mist
[6:43:30 PM] Matt: and the lieutenant tried to mutiny against the captain
[6:43:41 PM] Sean Henderson: CARRY ON
[6:43:44 PM] Sean Henderson: NOTHING TO SEE
[6:47:05 PM] Matt: hahahaha someone has that skill
[6:47:22 PM] Charlie72: It's a defense
[6:48:08 PM] Charlie72: Gegorgena
[6:48:10 PM] Matt: xezortian
[6:54:16 PM] Matt: sam's leaving his dojo right now
[6:54:47 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: hahaha
[6:54:51 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: He gonna listen in, too?
[6:55:01 PM] Matt: yes
[6:55:20 PM] *** Matt added Sam Graebner ***
[6:55:23 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[6:58:28 PM] Charlie72: cizok
[6:58:29 PM] Matt: hahaha
[6:58:33 PM] Matt: chihzok
[6:58:38 PM] Matt: we should include a pronunciation guide
[6:58:46 PM] Charlie72: yeah
[6:58:54 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: duly noted.
[6:59:00 PM] Matt: admittedly if you had no one to tell you what this sounded like, you'd never know
[6:59:10 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: yeah, true.
[7:00:14 PM] Charlie72: A cizokain would do that
[7:08:01 PM] Charlie72: Has anyone used flair yet?
[7:08:08 PM] Matt: not yet
[7:08:55 PM] Sean Henderson: some would say a disappointing lack of flair?
[7:09:05 PM] Matt: hahaha
[7:09:18 PM] Matt: ALL THE ROCKS
[7:10:07 PM] Matt: we shall build a microship from the remaining ship pieces
[7:12:04 PM] Sean Henderson: no guarantees.
[7:12:10 PM] Matt: sam may or may not be running a rifts game sometime
[7:12:19 PM] Sean Henderson: oh god.
[7:12:20 PM] Sean Henderson: no.
[7:12:28 PM] Matt: he's going to cross over every game we've ever played
[7:13:12 PM] Matt: we will play characters from any game we've been in
[7:13:28 PM] Matt: i've been deciding whether or not i wanted to be coolrat or jim and US-1
[7:14:22 PM] Sean Henderson: I think you want to be Quadsquare the robo-maid
[7:14:26 PM] Matt: hahaha
[7:16:08 PM] Charlie72: I didn't ask for this
[7:16:18 PM | Edited 7:16:20 PM] Matt: i think you asked for all of it
[7:16:51 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[7:16:56 PM] Matt: he made like a tree
[7:16:59 PM] Matt: and got out of there
[7:18:12 PM] Matt: hahaha
[7:18:24 PM] Matt: oh hi again james
[7:18:28 PM] syntaphar: hi
[7:20:49 PM] Ross Payton: u still there?
[7:20:51 PM] Matt: yep
[7:20:53 PM] Charlie72: yes
[7:21:05 PM] syntaphar: yessir
[7:21:09 PM] Sean Henderson: listening with rapt attention
[7:21:20 PM] Sean Henderson: also rapped attention
[7:21:25 PM] Matt: wrapped attention
[7:21:37 PM] syntaphar: how long will it take for this to go to a bad place
[7:22:01 PM] Sean Henderson: TRY HARDER
[7:22:09 PM] Charlie72: Yeah, drew went to a bad place
[7:22:23 PM] Matt: drew went to the baddest place
[7:22:29 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[7:22:43 PM] Matt: that's how you know a game's going to a good place
[7:22:49 PM] syntaphar: i cant parse all these words together like this
[7:22:51 PM] Matt: "do you have your dynamite on you"
[7:22:55 PM] Charlie72: Spirirt?
[7:23:09 PM] Charlie72: does he have that that?
[7:23:23 PM] Matt: i don't remember
[7:23:28 PM] Matt: these rules are like 4 months old
[7:24:38 PM] Charlie72: Oh hey lucidity
[7:26:05 PM] Sean Henderson: psy-sock
[7:26:56 PM] Sam Graebner: has aaron killed anyone with dynamite yet?
[7:27:08 PM] Matt: nope
[7:27:17 PM | Edited 7:27:25 PM] Charlie72: Drew meet the rift king
[7:27:21 PM] Sam Graebner: oh jesus
[7:27:25 PM] Matt: he's had it for over an hour and hasn't blown up anyone
[7:27:35 PM] syntaphar: dynamite is surprisingly stable
[7:27:40 PM] syntaphar: people tend not to be
[7:28:12 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah. that's a question less about the dynamite and more about the player
[7:28:30 PM] Sam Graebner: "You don't need to make a perception + awareness check! IT'S FUCKING WEIRD"
[7:28:32 PM] Sam Graebner: new tagline
[7:29:04 PM] Matt: brb water
[7:29:15 PM] Matt: we're still here
[7:29:21 PM] Matt: james falls in and out for some reason
[7:29:21 PM] Sean Henderson: oh my
[7:29:25 PM] Sean Henderson: JAMES NO
[7:29:50 PM] Sam Graebner: pronunication guide
[7:29:51 PM] Sam Graebner: roger
[7:29:56 PM] Charlie72: Don't say japanese
[7:30:05 PM] Sean Henderson: dat's wacist
[7:30:09 PM] syntaphar: i fall out because when im not focusing (and sometimes when I am) I cant distinguish words from noise in that call
[7:30:18 PM] syntaphar: its not connection
[7:30:22 PM] Charlie72: Nate get's mad when you call them japanese
[7:30:33 PM] Charlie72: GOD OF MAN!
[7:30:44 PM] Matt: and yeah we made that note a while back
[7:30:52 PM] Matt: when ross said seye-zok
[7:30:55 PM] Matt: and xexortia
[7:31:03 PM] Sam Graebner: haha fair enough
[7:31:17 PM] Matt: i believe drew also said chizok
[7:31:18 PM] Sam Graebner: who all's playing?
[7:31:22 PM] Matt: everyone
[7:31:26 PM] syntaphar: like 9 people
[7:31:38 PM] Matt: drew, thad, caleb, aaron, tom, sarah, .. .
[7:31:52 PM] Matt: jason
[7:31:53 PM] Sam Graebner: david
[7:32:02 PM] Matt: and one more
[7:32:32 PM] Sam Graebner: how much explanation of system had to happen?
[7:32:36 PM] Matt: dunno
[7:32:40 PM] Matt: ross did it before the call started
[7:32:42 PM] Sam Graebner: ah
[7:33:57 PM] Sam Graebner: this is great
[7:34:47 PM] Matt: you missed the craziest parts
[7:34:47 PM] Sam Graebner: this is more critical failures in the time I've been listening than I think we've had in our games
[7:34:51 PM] Charlie72: Plauge Doctor?!
[7:34:51 PM] Matt: (aka the first 30 minutes)
[7:34:54 PM] Charlie72: YESSSS
[7:36:03 PM] Charlie72: One of them doens't have lititure
[7:36:19 PM] Charlie72: and deosn't know what the fuck
[7:36:42 PM] Matt: and david has mystic lore and heard tales of the isle of lucidity
[7:41:13 PM] Matt: ugh, fucking non-euclidean architecture
[7:41:33 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahaha
[7:41:39 PM] Sam Graebner: david gets flair for that
[7:41:47 PM] Matt: i missed it
[7:43:15 PM] Matt: also thad is playing dirty harry mcbatman
[7:43:45 PM] Sam Graebner: no kidding
[7:43:59 PM | Edited 7:45:02 PM] Matt: i think he introduced his character concept as something like that
[7:45:39 PM] Matt: ain't no dinner party like a rift king dinner party
[7:45:45 PM] Matt: cuz a rift king dinner party don't stop
[7:45:47 PM | Edited 7:45:50 PM] Matt: ever
[7:46:04 PM] Charlie72: 1 piont passive
[7:46:12 PM] Charlie72: actulally
[7:50:47 PM] Matt: steampunk-y room
[7:50:57 PM] Matt: gears and goggles
[7:50:59 PM] Matt: everywhere
[7:52:12 PM] Charlie72: hahahahah
[7:52:49 PM] Sam Graebner: wow
[7:53:21 PM] Matt: FLAIR
[7:54:25 PM] Matt: hahhaaha
[7:54:26 PM] Sam Graebner: "naturally"
[7:54:33 PM] Matt: "yes. that happened."
[7:55:34 PM] Sam Graebner: Never go to sleep in carcosa or payton equivalents
[7:55:41 PM] Matt: i think it's the best plan
[7:55:45 PM] Sam Graebner: always
[7:57:39 PM] Matt: NO
[7:57:41 PM] Matt: NOOOOOO
[7:57:43 PM] Sam Graebner: fffff
[7:57:43 PM] Matt: ROSS
[7:57:45 PM] Matt: WHY
[7:57:50 PM] Sam Graebner: balls
[7:58:03 PM] Matt: caleb tripped that hard
[7:58:12 PM] Sam Graebner: he broke the internet
[7:58:20 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: hahahaha
[7:58:25 PM] Charlie72: robots
[7:58:28 PM] Sam Graebner: whew
[7:58:33 PM] Matt: oh my god the call quality
[7:58:34 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: well there we go.
[7:58:39 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: oh good god
[7:58:43 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: it's bad for me, too
[7:58:46 PM] Matt: okay there it goes
[7:58:55 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah hop out and hop back in
[7:58:56 PM] Ross Payton: back
[7:59:01 PM] Matt: SO MUCH ECHO
[7:59:02 PM] Sam Graebner: woah echo
[7:59:07 PM] Sam Graebner: perfect
[7:59:11 PM] Sam Graebner: thumbs up
[7:59:13 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: yep.
[7:59:15 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: hahahaha.
[7:59:18 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: all the judgment!
[7:59:26 PM] Sam Graebner: matt the fuck
[7:59:34 PM] Matt: hahahahaha
[7:59:40 PM] Sam Graebner: that was the creepiest thing
[7:59:45 PM] Sam Graebner: STOP IT
[7:59:50 PM] Matt: i can say whatever i want
[8:00:02 PM] Sam Graebner: yes but I can't hear ross when that happens
[8:00:06 PM] Sam Graebner: and it's creepy
[8:00:10 PM] Sam Graebner: and i want to sleep tonight
[8:00:16 PM] Sam Graebner: =(
[8:00:19 PM] Matt: i only did it once
[8:00:25 PM] Sam Graebner: oh it kept happening
[8:00:28 PM] Sam Graebner: fuck
[8:00:33 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: charlie
[8:00:36 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: mute your mic
[8:00:37 PM] Sam Graebner: oh it's charlie
[8:00:39 PM] Sam Graebner: mute
[8:01:01 PM] Matt: hahaha
[8:01:55 PM] Matt: tom is playing a thief
[8:01:58 PM] Matt: and rolling like tom
[8:02:05 PM] Sam Graebner: of course
[8:02:11 PM] Matt: first roll of the night was 20
[8:02:13 PM] Matt: to rob
[8:02:14 PM] Matt: everyone
[8:02:18 PM] Matt: on a boat
[8:02:34 PM] Sam Graebner: pahaha
[8:03:02 PM] Matt: hahahahaha
[8:03:07 PM] Matt: ah thanks
[8:03:12 PM] Matt: it's made from mustard and
[8:03:13 PM] Matt: opiates
[8:05:11 PM] Matt: i am somehow tired from grinning and laughing
[8:05:34 PM] Matt: aha
[8:05:39 PM] Matt: someone used it
[8:06:10 PM] Sam Graebner: fffff jesus
[8:06:44 PM] Sam Graebner: and they show up with a birthday cake!
[8:06:47 PM] Sam Graebner: with candles!
[8:06:51 PM] Sam Graebner: and sing happy birthday
[8:06:54 PM] Sam Graebner: and it is great
[8:07:13 PM] Sam Graebner: isn't mr body the victim?
[8:07:14 PM] Matt: hahahahaha
[8:07:17 PM] Sam Graebner: seeing as he's
[8:07:20 PM] Sam Graebner: the body
[8:07:27 PM] Matt: "we can't have murderers running around this island"
[8:07:35 PM] Matt: "that's highly unciviilized"
[8:07:58 PM] Sam Graebner: this is awesome
[8:09:42 PM] Sam Graebner: hey that's us!
[8:09:45 PM] Sam Graebner: indeed
[8:09:53 PM] Sean Henderson: YES GOOD
[8:09:55 PM] Sean Henderson: AMUSE US
[8:10:01 PM] Sam Graebner: DANCE
[8:10:14 PM] Sean Henderson: you know what I hear?
[8:10:20 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[8:10:21 PM] Matt: yes
[8:10:26 PM] Sean Henderson: only assholes wear yellow shirts
[8:10:35 PM] Matt: just quote us at random
[8:10:40 PM] Matt: without context
[8:10:45 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: manda is incredibly happy right now
[8:10:45 PM] Sean Henderson: steers & queers wear yellow shirts
[8:10:48 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: (no context)
[8:10:50 PM] Matt: no u
[8:10:57 PM] Sam Graebner: Now we're in a special listener bracket
[8:11:02 PM] Sam Graebner: gonna lord it over everyone else
[8:11:05 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
[8:11:12 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: hahaha, yes
[8:11:15 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: that'd be amazing.
[8:11:16 PM] Sam Graebner: LISTENERS CAUSE FAILURE
[8:11:16 PM] Matt: we could pitch  new characters
[8:11:23 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: new NPCs
[8:11:26 PM] Matt: new everything
[8:11:31 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: the party walks into a room
[8:11:36 PM] Sam Graebner: we should send them complete bullshit
[8:11:41 PM] Sam Graebner: why have we not done this
[8:11:43 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: someone says, "THERE'S A LUMBERJACK THERE."
[8:11:45 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: oh, shit
[8:11:46 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: that's true.
[8:11:52 PM] Sam Graebner: HEY ROSS
[8:11:54 PM] Matt:*t!
[8:11:54 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Ross, I need to send you Complete Bullshit.
[8:11:59 PM] Matt: i just sent it
[8:12:00 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Matt is sending it, apparently.
[8:12:01 PM] Matt: there you go
[8:12:05 PM] Matt:*t!
[8:12:07 PM] Matt: there it is again
[8:12:07 PM] Sam Graebner: MSPA game
[8:12:09 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: It's this game I wrote the other day
[8:12:15 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Based on the style of MSPA
[8:12:41 PM] Sam Graebner: haha
[8:12:56 PM] Charlie72: I right my letter in glyphs
[8:13:50 PM] Matt: pictographs
[8:14:29 PM] Matt: induct
[8:14:31 PM] Matt: deduct
[8:14:33 PM] Matt: reduct
[8:14:39 PM] Sam Graebner: assduct
[8:14:52 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[8:14:54 PM] Sam Graebner: "YES TRULY THIS IS THE WAY"
[8:15:08 PM] Sam Graebner: I vote aaron
[8:15:55 PM | Edited 8:15:57 PM] Matt: OR THE MELTING CASTLE
[8:15:59 PM] Matt: NO YOU
[8:16:03 PM] Sam Graebner: WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED
[8:16:09 PM] Matt: actually we have been
[8:16:18 PM] Sam Graebner: quite effectively
[8:16:22 PM] Sam Graebner: as a matter of fact
[8:16:48 PM] Matt: KNIFE-HAVER (n): one who possested a knife
[8:16:54 PM] Sam Graebner: da fuq
[8:17:01 PM] Sam Graebner: TESTIFY
[8:17:04 PM] Sam Graebner: RAISE THE ROOF
[8:17:58 PM] Matt: hahaha
[8:18:29 PM] Matt: axe boy is my next monster
[8:18:35 PM] Matt: or wild talents character
[8:19:13 PM] Matt: hahahha
[8:19:21 PM] Matt: caleb is the best
[8:19:29 PM] Sam Graebner: shhh let him speak his peace
[8:19:51 PM] Matt: *slow clap*
[8:21:09 PM] Matt: if he wasn't dead before
[8:21:46 PM] Matt: hahahahas
[8:22:17 PM] Matt: this is the best everything
[8:22:20 PM] Matt: ever
[8:22:24 PM] Sam Graebner: fuck yeah
[8:22:38 PM] Matt: i should retire from rpgs
[8:22:43 PM] Matt: i cannot top this
[8:22:46 PM] Sam Graebner: hahaha
[8:22:56 PM] Sam Graebner: slkjfz
[8:25:08 PM] Sam Graebner: hahaha
[8:25:19 PM] Sam Graebner: note for revisions: lantern color
[8:25:25 PM] Matt: hahahaha


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #686 on: March 23, 2012, 01:12:42 AM »
[8:25:25 PM] Sam Graebner: this is now entirely a game about lanterns
[8:25:44 PM] Sam Graebner: Dystopia by Gaslight
[8:25:48 PM] Matt: no the best revision is for the rift king's palace
[8:25:57 PM] Matt: in lieu of the long description nate wrote
[8:25:58 PM] Matt: "it looks like mc escher barfed minecraft onto the landscape"
[8:26:05 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahah
[8:26:07 PM] Matt: ^from earlier in the game
[8:26:56 PM | Edited 8:26:59 PM] Sam Graebner: ask the listeners!
[8:27:04 PM] Sam Graebner: we'll not be biased!
[8:27:13 PM] Matt: oh i will be
[8:27:16 PM] Sam Graebner: shhhh
[8:27:43 PM] Charlie72: No
[8:28:29 PM] Charlie72: She's not aloud anywhere near the castle
[8:28:45 PM] Matt: that's why her tears are harvested separately
[8:29:06 PM] Sam Graebner: BLOODTHIRSTY MURDER
[8:29:11 PM] Sam Graebner: GIVE IN TO THE PC LOGIC
[8:29:13 PM] Sam Graebner: YESS
[8:29:36 PM] Matt: each more identical than the last
[8:30:06 PM] Matt: ah james you missed the dinner party
[8:30:14 PM] Matt: and murder investigation
[8:30:24 PM] syntaphar: i probly wouldnt be able to comprehend it
[8:30:32 PM] Matt: it was actually pretty controlled
[8:30:46 PM] Charlie72: Don't say a word matt
[8:30:59 PM] Matt: i have said no words
[8:31:40 PM] Charlie72: It was made of clay damnit
[8:31:47 PM] Matt: oh that
[8:31:52 PM] Matt: i wasn't even thinking of that
[8:32:09 PM] Matt: you seem convinced it was a slab of obsidian though
[8:33:08 PM] Sam Graebner: it's like a middle school dance
[8:33:16 PM] Matt: this is the best or worst dinner party
[8:33:27 PM] Matt: i'm unsure
[8:33:57 PM] Sam Graebner: best for the listeners, worst for the characters
[8:33:59 PM] Matt: hahaha
[8:34:01 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahahahah
[8:34:06 PM] syntaphar: inventive
[8:34:21 PM] Sam Graebner: Mother-cock-fucking shit
[8:34:26 PM] Sam Graebner: difficult to visualize
[8:34:34 PM] Matt: it's a name
[8:34:37 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahah
[8:34:54 PM] Matt: Mothercock Fuckingshit
[8:35:23 PM] Matt: hahahaa
[8:36:15 PM] Matt: prisoner's dilemma hall is best hall
[8:36:46 PM] Matt: well we know what nate would pick
[8:38:36 PM] Matt: a rift king's ransom in gold
[8:40:24 PM] Matt: CALEB MARY
[8:40:27 PM] Matt: CALEB MARY
[8:40:30 PM] Matt: CALEB MARY
[8:41:43 PM] Matt: Nuzoria
[8:41:49 PM] Matt: hahaha
[8:42:04 PM] Sam Graebner: canon
[8:44:39 PM] Matt: this is the worst aquarium
[8:44:47 PM] syntaphar: he doesnt like you either
[8:44:51 PM] Matt: I DON'T LIKE YOU
[8:44:55 PM] Matt: WE'RE WANTED MEN
[8:45:13 PM] Sam Graebner: what's the scientific name for fear of levers?
[8:45:30 PM] Sam Graebner: fulcrumophobia
[8:45:44 PM] Sam Graebner: up-y-down-y-thingphobia
[8:46:09 PM] syntaphar: i looked it up and got a series of napoleon quotes
[8:46:42 PM] Matt: the problem is that looking up "lever" and anything regarding psychology is going to return like
[8:46:49 PM] Matt: everything
[8:47:06 PM] Sam Graebner: haha yeah
[8:47:07 PM] syntaphar: actually mostly just napoleon
[8:47:18 PM] Matt: or button
[8:48:19 PM] Sam Graebner: they might be agnostics
[8:48:34 PM] Matt: i cannot find a name for a fear of levers
[8:48:35 PM] Matt: or buttons
[8:48:45 PM] Matt: or switches
[8:50:31 PM] Sam Graebner: he is made out of steel cables
[8:50:33 PM] Sam Graebner: literally
[8:50:36 PM] Matt: tree trunks wish they could be as burly as his thighs
[8:50:36 PM | Edited 8:50:44 PM] Sam Graebner: steel calebs
[8:52:24 PM] Charlie72: sy sokanians
[8:52:33 PM] Matt: psy-sock
[8:52:46 PM] Charlie72: Psyducjians
[8:52:50 PM] Matt:
[8:53:16 PM] Matt: i might buy this
[8:53:24 PM] Matt:
[8:53:57 PM] Sam Graebner:
[8:54:07 PM] Matt: d'awwwh
[8:54:09 PM] Matt: kiddens
[8:54:10 PM] Matt: :3
[8:54:27 PM] Matt: you have no idea how the fuckin chalkboard works
[8:54:34 PM] Matt: you might know how the regular chalkboard works
[8:54:37 PM] Sam Graebner: I want to know how much of this is just balls-out improv on ross' part
[8:54:52 PM] Matt: and/or to the walls
[8:54:58 PM] Sam Graebner: from the windows
[8:55:31 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[8:55:34 PM] Matt: there's chalk
[8:55:35 PM] Matt: you can like
[8:55:38 PM] Matt: use the chalkboard
[8:55:47 PM] Matt: nuzeeorian
[8:55:53 PM] Matt: newsie-orian
[8:55:55 PM] Sam Graebner: he's getting closer
[8:56:11 PM | Edited 8:56:16 PM] Matt: but yeah a pronunciation guide would help
[8:56:12 PM] Sam Graebner: right number of syllables at least
[8:56:15 PM] Sam Graebner: oh for sure
[8:56:26 PM] Sam Graebner: that is something that completely passed me by
[8:56:37 PM] Matt: it's not a thing you think of when someone told it to you with their mouth
[8:56:52 PM] Sam Graebner: yup
[8:57:16 PM] Sam Graebner: and it's not like we've got a shitton of fiction to point to for pronunciation (lovecraft)
[8:57:48 PM] Matt: BURN EVERYTHING
[8:59:14 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: yeah.
[8:59:17 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: that is most noted.
[8:59:23 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: there will be a pronunciation guide
[9:00:57 PM] Matt: hahahahahha i love that skill so much
[9:01:34 PM] Matt: the uncannily-est
[9:01:41 PM] Matt: hahahahah
[9:01:46 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahah jesus
[9:02:06 PM] Matt: i am crying
[9:02:19 PM] Sam Graebner: MVP to everyone except ross for right now
[9:02:25 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Manda: ahhh you made matt cry
[9:02:34 PM] Matt: these are tears of joy
[9:02:36 PM] Matt: they make me strong
[9:02:59 PM] Sam Graebner: *stronger
[9:03:01 PM] Sam Graebner: you sexy man
[9:03:09 PM] Matt: *flex*
[9:03:12 PM] Matt: *tear shirt*
[9:04:02 PM] Matt: hahaha
[9:04:32 PM] Matt: ow i pulled a muscle laughing i think
[9:04:44 PM] Matt: or i'm having a heart attack
[9:04:50 PM] Sam Graebner: please don't
[9:04:57 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Manda: MATT NOT LIKE THIS
[9:05:08 PM] Matt: it is the best way to die
[9:05:27 PM] Matt: aside from gunning down gangsters in a bathtub full of money and women
[9:05:27 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Manda: Death by RPPR
[9:05:30 PM] Sam Graebner: pffft jesus
[9:05:45 PM] Sam Graebner: or being trampled by an elephant while having sex with identical triplet cheerleaders
[9:06:05 PM] Matt: context is wonderful
[9:06:06 PM] Matt: or isn't
[9:06:17 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Manda: Also, did they just set the Rift King's basement on fire...forever?
[9:06:23 PM] Matt: they might have
[9:06:27 PM] Sam Graebner: that would follow
[9:06:31 PM] Matt: look the rift king throws awesome parties
[9:06:34 PM] Sam Graebner: this is canon
[9:06:42 PM] Sam Graebner: to the meta plot
[9:07:19 PM] Sam Graebner: suddenly roleplaying
[9:07:38 PM] Matt: oh god yes
[9:07:39 PM] Sam Graebner: DO IT AARON
[9:07:41 PM] Sam Graebner: DO IT
[9:07:42 PM] Sam Graebner: PANSY
[9:07:46 PM] Matt: chekov's dynamite
[9:07:58 PM] Matt: I DON'T KNOW
[9:07:58 PM] Sam Graebner: FOR GREAT JUSTICE
[9:08:00 PM] Matt: YES
[9:08:04 PM] Matt: 11th man
[9:08:04 PM] Sam Graebner: HAHAHHAAH YES
[9:08:08 PM] Sam Graebner: aaron i love you
[9:08:14 PM] Matt: like a brother
[9:08:17 PM] Sam Graebner: flaaaaaaair
[9:08:19 PM] Matt: by which i mean incestuously
[9:08:21 PM] Sam Graebner: all of the flair
[9:08:23 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahah
[9:08:35 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahahahahaha
[9:08:39 PM] Sam Graebner: everyone dies
[9:09:00 PM] Sam Graebner: meanwhile at the dinner party
[9:09:08 PM] Matt: "BULLY."
[9:09:11 PM] Matt: "Bully."
[9:09:14 PM] Sam Graebner: the captain's corpse is dancing the macarena
[9:09:30 PM] Sam Graebner: and square dancing with the rift king
[9:10:02 PM] Charlie72: still headless, mindyou
[9:10:02 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: they're reinacting the murder by weekend at burnies-ing the captain to stab himself over and over - manda
[9:10:09 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[9:10:11 PM] Matt: hahaha
[9:10:19 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahahhahaha
[9:10:27 PM] Matt: nate you write the best game
[9:10:27 PM] Sam Graebner: noted
[9:10:30 PM] Sam Graebner: not removing that
[9:11:08 PM] Sam Graebner: i don't think I've stopped laughing for like ten minutes straight
[9:11:24 PM] Matt: like i said
[9:11:28 PM] Matt: i am physically tired
[9:11:30 PM] Matt: from laughing
[9:11:55 PM] Matt: it's oddly fitting taht this game will be posted near april fool's day
[9:12:08 PM] Sam Graebner: I love how everyone who has the same level of knowledge of the system still knows the game better than aaron
[9:12:21 PM] Matt: THAT'S OUR AARON
[9:12:54 PM] Matt: *circle wipe*
[9:12:59 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah
[9:13:05 PM] Sam Graebner: i was expecting more dynamitedeath
[9:13:11 PM] Sam Graebner: although it's still a possibility
[9:16:06 PM | Edited 9:16:50 PM] Charlie72: actually it's cord+doge
[9:16:49 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: manda has officialy died
[9:17:00 PM] Matt: Disorder + Ancient Venician Ruler
[9:17:02 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: invitations for her funeral will be mailed promptly
[9:17:12 PM] Sam Graebner: new orleans funeral
[9:17:19 PM] Sam Graebner: DRAG HIM WITH YOU
[9:17:21 PM] Sam Graebner: DRAG
[9:17:22 PM] Sam Graebner: HIM
[9:17:23 PM] Sam Graebner: WITH YOU
[9:17:45 PM] Matt: ain't no party like an all-6s party
[9:18:01 PM] Sam Graebner: all 10s parties are better
[9:18:04 PM] Matt: alternately a murder party
[9:18:06 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: clap
[9:18:07 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: clap
[9:18:26 PM] Sam Graebner: y'know we should have expected this
[9:18:45 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: Leonidas his ass
[9:18:57 PM] Sam Graebner: at least the pvp mechanics are getting thorough testing
[9:19:01 PM] Matt: hahaha
[9:19:07 PM] Matt: they're basically the pve mechanics
[9:19:13 PM] Matt: and by basically
[9:19:14 PM] Matt: i mean "are"
[9:19:20 PM] Sam Graebner: shhh that's the joke
[9:19:40 PM] Matt: this is the best stress test
[9:19:41 PM] Matt: of anything
[9:19:44 PM] Sam Graebner: indeed
[9:19:52 PM] Sam Graebner: we should do a drunken killsplosion game
[9:19:55 PM] Sam Graebner: to pay ross back
[9:20:11 PM] Matt: we could invite him to listen in but i don't think he would want to
[9:20:44 PM] Sam Graebner: huzzah!
[9:20:48 PM] Sam Graebner: dynamite death
[9:20:48 PM | Edited 9:20:53 PM] Charlie72: and boom
[9:21:01 PM] Matt: FORTUNE
[9:21:28 PM] Matt: hahahahaha
[9:21:35 PM] Matt: TPK
[9:21:42 PM] Sam Graebner: tpk the stress test
[9:22:13 PM] Sam Graebner: aaron man up
[9:22:34 PM] Matt: absinthe is liquid rift king
[9:22:46 PM] Sam Graebner: or is the rift king solid absinthe
[9:22:54 PM] Matt: yes
[9:23:00 PM] Matt: with a hint of liquorice
[9:23:01 PM] jerkfacemcjerk: yes -manda
[9:23:19 PM] Sam Graebner: ZE GOGGLES DO NOFING
[9:23:40 PM] Matt: fun fact: first ed SD rules had goggles included in equipment
[9:23:45 PM] Matt: their description was "they do nothing"
[9:23:55 PM] Sam Graebner: why is that not a thing in current ed
[9:24:00 PM] Sam Graebner: nate put that back in
[9:24:18 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahahahaa
[9:24:21 PM] Sam Graebner: EARTHRAPER
[9:24:52 PM] Sam Graebner: no one leaves
[9:25:04 PM] Matt: OURSELVES
[9:25:07 PM] Sam Graebner: chill out with the rift king for eternity
[9:25:20 PM] Sam Graebner: *applause*
[9:25:26 PM] Matt: *applesauce*
[9:25:27 PM] Sam Graebner: *standing ovation*
[9:25:58 PM] Sam Graebner: no you guys can keep him
[9:26:25 PM] Matt: what's funny is that that isn't the actual rule
[9:28:03 PM] Sam Graebner: Thanks guys!
[9:28:07 PM] Matt: woo
[9:28:18 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah
[9:28:22 PM] Sam Graebner: we expected carcosa
[9:28:25 PM] Sam Graebner: we got carcosa
[9:28:49 PM] Sam Graebner: *golf clap*
[9:28:56 PM] Matt: hahahaha
[9:28:56 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahahah
[9:28:57 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[9:29:25 PM] Sam Graebner: sounds awesome
[9:29:32 PM] Sam Graebner: nah it was great
[9:29:36 PM] Sam Graebner: you guys did good work
[9:30:01 PM] Sam Graebner: adios
[9:30:07 PM] Sam Graebner: let's let 'em sign off
[9:30:10 PM] Matt: NO
[9:30:18 PM] *** Call ended, duration 3:12:05 ***


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #687 on: April 01, 2012, 11:13:29 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>


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Re: The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #688 on: April 01, 2012, 11:32:30 PM »
This was the best video ever.
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."


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The RPPR AP podcast site is now up
« Reply #689 on: April 02, 2012, 12:48:38 AM »
That was teh awesome! Absolutely loved it.

On a side note, I think you all need to change bodies. I'm pretty sure that in my head Tom looks like Thad, Ross looks like Tom and Aaron... looks like the creature from the end of the movie :P  No, Aaron was actually spot on. But that's what happens when you get to know someone only from audio podcasts! It's weird to watch, but I'm glad to put faces to people. Now to see if Cody really looks like Shia LaBeouf and if Caleb really looks like Seth Rogen.

Keep up the great videos! Ross, you continue to be the man.
It's too late to be clever. I'll try being adventurous.