That's unfortunate, Neil. Have fun on your trip!
I'll record the session, call it "Nerd Bound: The Next Generation" or something.
Hooray for Rogue Trader! Just tell me when

I'd like to have more than a couple players (InSpectres games tend to move kind of slow with less players due to the franchise dice mechanic), so if anyone can rope in another player or 2, we'll be set.
I have a little bit of work until 1PM (CST) this friday, so basically I'll be on Skype afternoon onwards.
How does everyone feel about using Google Wave to keep track of dice pools? I got started last night and had everything figured out within an hour, and really for this game it would only take a minute or two to set someone up. I still have 5 invites left.
But, if anyone has an easier and/or other idea, let me know.