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Hi Ben....My favorite item is the simple bag of holding however add a bottle of air and climb in.The wizard could then dim door or teleport the whole party around as they can share the bottle of air well at least up to six characters can.So much fun
The correct answer is Sovereign Glue.No one ever carries around universal solvent. Ever!High level wizards should carry it around by the bucketful. Timestop + sovereign glue is always a winner. I can't tell you the things i've done with that combination.I'll sovereign glue some moths to a rust monster, and then where will your precious apparatus and carpets be? hmmmm?
It's the Bag of Holding / Portable Hole combination that gets alot of attention. There's two results for placing one into the other and I can never remember which is which.One ends with the bag and hole destroying themselves and everything in them. The other has the bag and hole destory themselves and everything in them but also sucks everything within 10ft of "ground zero" through a portal to a random place in the multi-verse (or the Astral Plane, I can't remeber).Needless to say, it makes for a good escape option to have on hand.
I've always been a pretty big fan of Immovable Rods. All you need it 2 and you got a ladder to anywhere.