Not extemely flashy, but I love this guy's Mr. Stupid, the inescapable grappler: Combat:
We'll base this on the last RPGA game I was in. There's an arena, with a dire bear facing the party on the arena floor. There's 4 to 6 enemies up in the stands, shooting down at you, along with an enemy wizard leading the show. We're at 10th level at this point.
Round 1) We win initiative. (High dex is nice, right?) We want to keep the bear away from our squishy teammates. We walk up to it. Since it's not larger than Huge, we just make a grab attack on it (otherwise we'd need to use one of our abilities which give grabbed as a status effect). We're at +BAB+Str+6/+10/+14 (Heroic/Paragon/Epic) vs. Ref to hit, so we'll be hitting very reliably across our entire career. If we need to boost this further, we can whip out our grasping javelin, which adds its bonus to our grab attacks. However, we want to deal damage, I guess, so we'll use our garrote, which inflicts damage on a grab. The monster takes 1d4+Str.
Note: See The Mancatcher (in my .sig) on a build that is focused on using grasping polearms to negate enemies entirely. You can combine that build with this one for a super grappler.
We then action point, and drag it into a corner. The monster is stuck there. He bites at Mr. Stupid. We're AC 27 or 28 at this point, so he needs 13+ to hit us, so he's not going to get his own grapple off very often. He also can't escape from us by this point (it's possible he could escape on a 20 depending on which magic items we have on at this point).
Round 2-5) We hold the Dire Bear there while our allies run around putting down all the mooks. We take a fair bit of damage, and end up being grabbed ourselves, which is ironic. At some point, Mr. Stupid second winds and sustains the grab. An enemy shoots at us, but we pull the Dire Bear in front of us instead.
Round 6+) Our allies hover at a respectful distance and pepper the Dire Bear with arrows and cleric laser beams until it dies. We might need a heal somewhere along the way, but basically it's going to be averaging about 12 DPR to us, so with just our second wind we have enough HP to last for 8 rounds of an elite monster beating on us. And that's with us just standing there, doing nothing!
Incoming Damage: If we use Disheartening Strike with Undeadhanded Advantage, the bear gets -4 to hit. If we have Defensive Advantage (this is moving into Paragon territory), we get an always-on +2 to AC. In other words, if we hit the bear, it hits us only on a 19+, for 3DPR. If we miss, it hits us on a 15+, for 7.5. Given that we hit it 70-% of the time, its joint probability DPR is 4.35. We've got enough health on our own to last 25 rounds against an elite brute! And this is without popping off Unbreakable or any other endurance powers that defenders get.
Outgoing Damage: Garrotes count as light blades for rogue powers and sneak attack, which is nice, but might be sacrificing one die a round to debuff his attack by -2. Because we don't really care about damage. But here is the analysis anyway: 65% chance of normal hit, for 1d4+7+2d6 + 5% crit chance for 14+2d6 = 11.8 DPR. Which means that we'll kill the bear in 25 rounds also, using nothing but at-wills. If we pop off some encounters or dailies, we'll be able to drop an elite by ourselves!
Conclusion: We're a better defender than most defenders. Rather than beat on the bear while it walks over and scoops up the party wizard in its loving embrace (BAD BEAR! BAD BEAR!) instead we've been able to negate it entirely. Sure, we'll be taking a lot of hits, but this is exactly what a defender is supposed to do. We're tough enough to survive the undivided attentions of an elite, and have a high enough Fortitude that it'll never get out.
And so I leave you with this: