Hook Four: The Mi-Go's latest cult has taken a proactive approach to trimming the human population by destorying the youth; A-Pods arrange the deaths of their children while seemin innocent.
Ladder Four: A man shaped machine, forged of stone and wood, run by water.
((My other ideas, which I was out paced in posting. Curse anybody who types faster than me!!
Hook Two: A program, born of the Cold War and run on a system that may as well be comprised of runes and sanscript to normal programers, has taken control of modern computersystems. It is altering, destorying, and moving setions of information and data, seemingly without reason. Our heroes, aged programers and insighted youths, must gather both their own language understanding and that of forgotten lore to discover the purpose and function of this "elder code" and stop it before the dark ages return.
Hook Three: The players, AI run devices, must find a way to reach disable the cannon as well as it's mster plans before it can be mass produced and lead to ignorant humans destroying their kind.))