This is an announcement of some upcoming changes to these forums.
I've managed to wheedle my way into some power and I've decided to use it for good instead of evil. In the upcoming two weeks you can expect to see some changes to the way the PBP forum operates:
Through the use of child boards and dedicated spaces we're going to streamline the recruitment process, get you people some individual areas in which to run your game, create some template storage areas, throw up some discussions about the differences between play by post and tabletop, and generally create a more stable and easily accessible medium.
I'm an old veteran moderator of play-by-post forums and thought that I could help out. My living situation is going to be changing soon, and I won't be able to game as much with the RPPR crew, but I love what you guys have done with these forums, and this community, and this is what I can do to make it better.
In coming days expect further clarifications and announcements as to the upcoming changes. Please feel free to ask questions, and make suggestions, and as they are addressed, expect to see them come into play too. Following that, expect to see some additional architecture fall into place, and we can begin the process of archiving what has fallen along the wayside, and moving active games to their new sub-forum homes.