Author Topic: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles  (Read 25944 times)


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[Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« on: April 09, 2009, 09:55:40 PM »
Kell's Tavern - 1 AM - Saturday

A call comes into the station. Homicide at a local tavern, popular with adventurers. The case is immediately assigned to SVU. As with so many other nights, you drop what you're doing and head to Kell's Tavern.

A fine mist washes over you as you head over. Another storm elemental passing over the city-another illegal immigrant looking for work in the prime material plane. The night watch has already cordoned off the street in front of Kell's tavern by the time you get there. It's square in the middle of the slums, goblin shantys built on top of squat human tenements. The streets emptied after the night watch showed up.

The victim is Kell the 7th, owner and operator of the tavern, sprawled in the street in front of the tavern. A wicked drow dagger sticks out of his chest. Three watchmen stand by, eating glazed rations.

Welcome to the Law and Orcdom game. Post your character's name at the top of your post in bold. Post your actions as normal text. Post Out of character stuff in italics. For the purposes of this game, all characters can participate in all parts of the investigation. The lawyers have to stick lawyering type actions while the detections stick to detecting. But you're all members of the same team, so don't worry too much about proper protocol.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2009, 10:07:01 PM »
Leer Royal

Leer kept his tail in his hand, unwilling to let it drag through the muck that was caking his boots. His red bowler had turned a dark brown from the mist.

An identical hat seemed to hoover to the side of his head, changing positions every few moments. He was in a bad mood. Not only was fadric from displacer beast hair expensive to maintain but it was essential to his "Haste Vision" and "My Unseen Servant Friend" set piece at the common room. Not that that mattered now, he'd long since missed his turn at the magic mouth enchantment.

He wiped gathering moisture for his tail with his sleeve. "Did the cleric cast up a "Cause of Death" yet? As if we needed it..."


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2009, 10:27:48 PM »

Throkar was just finishing up his 'conversation' with an uncomfortable chair he had been sitting in.  As it lay in pieces beyond repair, Throkar received a call informing him on the crime scene.

"Whut it look like?  Who did it?"  Was the response from Throkar.  he was reminded that it was his job to answer them.  Throkar had a 'conversation' with his phone after that remark.

He quickly grabbed his big, fuzzy red scarf, buttoned up his vest over his newly ironed shirt and walked out the door.  Returning moments later for pants.  He then headed in what he believes the direction of the crime scene.

How's this?

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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2009, 10:38:13 PM »
Dagbert Stinkeye

Dagbert was more annoyed than anything when they received word of murder at the tavern. He never cared much for tavern owners.

He put Bolly back in his cage, took his overly large coat, fedora and was about to leave when he saw Throkar heading in towards the red flame district. He ran after him and brought him along to Kell's tavern.

"He probably just tried to trick yet another one of them 'venturers into another some made-up quest to save the world for a couple of gold pieces," he told the orc as they arrived on the scene.

He was given a quest to save the world himself once too, long ago...

He shook his head and nonchalantly walked over to the watchmen: "So what's the story, bud?"


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2009, 10:41:23 PM »
Kell's Tavern

Sir Frank the head night watchman shakes his head. "Sorry but the night shift cleric is putting down a bad case of zombie rot down at the morgue. Won't be able to examine the body for at least a day. We secured the crime scene. Got a witness in the tavern cooling her heels, some bar wench. What do you want us to do?"

When you want to accomplish an important task, like investigating a crime scene, be sure to announce what ability you want to use and roll for it. Post once for the desription and skill roll. Then I will say if the roll fails or not.


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2009, 10:55:05 PM »

A large, furry shape lopes out of the darkness and into the torchlight in front of the tavern.  With a jerk of his head, the wolf displays a badge pinned to the right side of his collar, then he seems to nod in greeting to Throkar, Leer, and Dagbert in turn.  As he approaches the corpse, his ears swivel as if he is listening to the ongoing conversations.  Stepping carefully around the body, he delicately sniffs the corpse and the dagger, trying to identify individual odors. 

I am clearly Investigating the Crime Scene...but using Werewolf senses, as opposed to detective-ing.  I'm sure this'll turn out fine.

Rolling 3d6:
(2+2+1): Total = 5

Damn, guys.  "Glazed rations" and a hat made from displacer beast hair.  You're killing me.  In a good way.
I didn't come here to win. I came to make friends.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2009, 12:42:41 AM »
Leer Royal

"Had you on sending too, eh Stinkeye?" Leer gave his tail another wipe as he stepped back, allowing the detective to examine the victim. He looked at the watchmen and them back to Stinkeye.

"They say they have a witness. I think we have the body covered, at least until we can have the cleric take a twenty. Why don't you and Throkar check it out. And see if you get him to do with without the department having to shell out anymore piety points."

Royal stepped back to the body, waiting until the detective had taken a good look before casting Kurt Wenner's Chalk Outline.

Rolling Sorcerer to cast the spell
Rolling 2d6:
(4+1): Total = 5


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2009, 01:28:00 AM »
Dagbert Stinkeye

"Yeah... I'll take care of it. Have you seen Tammer and the hobgoblin? They should be here by now"

He turns to the watchman who stoically stared back at him mutely all this time, "Thanks for nothing, bub." and steps in the tavern.

Dagbert looks around for the witness to go get her statement.

Rolling 3d6:
(2+5+1): Total = 8


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2009, 01:55:03 AM »

Throkar leans over the body while the wolf-man sniffed it.  Throkar wanted to pet wolf-man but knew he was on dooty now.  Walking around the body Throkar pulls out a monocle and begins to inspect the body himself, having a feeling that the sharp pointy thing may have something to do with it.  He may be wrong however, so he begins to look around for any other clues.

"Throkar know sharp pointy thing may have something to do with dis..." He says to himself, realizing he was about to have chalk on his new shirt in a few seconds.

Rolling my Find Stuff
Rolling 3d6:
(3+6+4): Total = 13

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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2009, 08:49:09 PM »
Rial Tammner

From the fog shrouded streets, a hooded figure walks purposefully towards the crime scene. Elbowing his way past the watchmen, he lowers his hood to reveal dark skin contrasted by flowing white hair. With a dismissive wave of his badge at the watch he examines the scene. Noting that there were no detectives outside speaking to stunned looking NPCs, he heads inside the tavern. Seeing a young bar maid with a disturbed look he approaches her.

"Ma'am, I'm Detective Tammner. I know this is a stressful time, but I need to know exactly what happened, in as much detail as possible."

Roll Interrogation
<img src="" alt="" />Rolling 3d6: <div style="background-color: #919191;">(1+1+3): Total = 5 </div>


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #10 on: April 13, 2009, 11:15:07 PM »
Kell's Tavern

Magnus sniffs the dagger and corpse. The dagger is clearly an authentic drow dagger as it has the same bitter scent as all drow made goods. The dead man and the dagger both reek of the tavern - a curious combination of sweat, alcohol, sawdust, blood, perfume and cologne. Both must have spent at least several hours inside before winding up on the street.

Throkar notices that the dagger's handle is covered in Grignr's Body Oil, popular with barbarians.

Leer Royals casts the spell and outlines the body in chalk.

Rial and Dagbert find Rachel the bar wench crying in the tavern. She tells them that Kell had been arguing with two men and a woman. One of the men and the woman carried big swords while the other man had a staff. She didn't have time to get a good look at them though. The place was swarming with goblins who were spending their dungeon guard paychecks like it was their last day alive. Then she heard a scream and everyone fled the place. She bursts into crying again.

Technicians show up to process the evidence and body. Once given the okay, they will bag and tag all available evidence.

You can ask more specific questions but she is on the verge of hysterics. Every additional question may push her over the edge.

Tadanori Oyama

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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2009, 01:28:19 AM »
Leer Royal

With the body circled and the processers in place, Leer's direct work was done. He sighed at the arrival of the techicians. They always wore dark vision glasses and carried sun rods. As if that made sense.

"Take him to the morgue and have an adept Gentle Repose him til one of the clerics is free. Have them give him the run down too, search and spot, the usual."

Taking a moment to resettle his hat properly between his horns Leer rubbed his hands together. "Alright detective, let's roll for spot, eh?"

Leer will attempt to cast "Reconstruct Scene" with Sorcerer
Rolling 2d6:
(5+1): Total = 6


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Re: [Risus] Law and Orcdom SVU - Tavern Troubles
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2009, 01:53:09 AM »

Dusting off his shoes as the white chalk appeared, Throkar managed to touch the daggar and identified some kind of light goo on it.  Tasted like cocococonuts.  He rubbed it on his hands and smelled them while smiling.

All that cocococonut smelling goo was making Throkar thirsty, so he decided he needed a drink.  Forgetting momentarily he was at a crime scene, he walked to the bar and says aloud (whether anyone is there or not) "Throkar will be having Ochre Spirits mixed wit Dwarf ale, stirred and then shaken, then stirred..." as he places his coins on the table Throkar thinks he may notice something odd..

Findin Stuff

Rolling 3d6:
(5+1+5): Total = 11

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