Author Topic: Fluff thread "Who knows upon what soil they fed their hungry roots?"  (Read 21250 times)


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As a time line...

ca. 300 years ago: The goblins and the dwarves live in a mountain, Great Stone, with the dwarves keeping the goblinkind at bay. During the next fifty years one goblin began to slowly gather the clans together under a banner of a mastery of the mystic arts.

ca. 250 years ago: Goblins march on the dwarven expansions. Fighting them back further and further into the home they had carved out. Eventually the goblin horde, expanding rapidly and with great luck on the field forced the goblins out of the mountain.

ca. 150 years ago: Fighting erupts onto the plains and valleys that had been human occupied lands for some 100 years. The dwarves saw this coming and began to fortify the towns with large granite walls. The citys and towns are sieged with not just the goblins in the war but all manners of mountain creatures and dark monsters (though the orcs left the mountain as soon as goblins expanded, becoming nomads on the plains).

100 years ago: The final stand of the now joint human-dwarven-elven-halfing army against the goblins meeting on a field before the last city now a massive refugee camp. As the battles lines are drawn a massive spell erupts above the battlefield, slaying the leader of the horde and many hundred thousand goblins and also crippling whatever force the less monstrous races had left. With the leadership in disarray the goblins never finish the job retreating back into the mountains.

16 years ago: The last goblin is born. Some pestilence is killing goblins and making the females barren. In response to this a cult has risen up claiming to give new life, through the rumours you have heard this new life involves being slain and 're-born' as some hideous aberrant creature.

Now: You are members of the one of the last goblin tribes, the cult has been searching for you and it won't be long before they're knocking on your 'door'. You live in one of the deeper parts of the dwarven ruins, far away from the traditional goblin homeland (where this cult seems to of arisen).


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Re: Fluff thread "Who knows upon what soil they fed their hungry roots?"
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2010, 11:19:36 PM »
Is there any more fluff people would like?


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Re: Fluff thread "Who knows upon what soil they fed their hungry roots?"
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2010, 12:38:08 AM »
I would like to know how big our remaining clan is approximately and how many goblins in total there might be. Not that gobos are great at math, but...


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Re: Fluff thread "Who knows upon what soil they fed their hungry roots?"
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2010, 10:38:40 AM »
There were around thirty of you, with ten of those currently out fetching water. The ages vary wildly. The numbers used to be as high as 50 with close ties to other clans in the area but with time the numbers and relationships have eroded.

Vega Baby

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Re: Fluff thread "Who knows upon what soil they fed their hungry roots?"
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2010, 01:10:58 AM »
Okay, the basic concept is that Drizella is the creator of the goblin race, and a lesser god, but with delusions of grandeur.

When the other gods were picking materials to create their races with, they picked sensible things. For example, Moradin crafted the dwarves out of stone and metal, using steel for their hearts, Correllon used the leaves, flowers, and other bits of nature to make the elves, so on and so forth.

Drizella created the goblins out of mud, muck, and all the nasty burrowing things, like worms and slugs, just to prove she could make a better race than the others, even with inferior building materials.  She and the goblins believe she succeeded, the other gods and their races... less so.

Drizella takes the form of a goblin 'maiden' with a snail-like lower body.  Her domains are Earth, Community, and Liberation.  She wishes for goblinkind to unite as one and take their rightful place as the most powerful race on the planet.