Author Topic: Resources/Tips for Skype Gaming.  (Read 39059 times)


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Resources/Tips for Skype Gaming.
« on: June 07, 2010, 12:57:37 PM »
After listening to the latest podcast, in particular Arje's little interlude, I decided to make this thread.

Recently I've moved from doing quite a bit of PbP to more Skype games. It's been a real blast and as a consequence I've met people I now think of as my regular gaming buddies. So if people are wanting to do some gaming over the summer simply look up ali.dogfish. However that's not the sole reason I'm here, I want to provide you guys with some resources I've picked up and have found indispensable.

First off,

Combining their Maptool (a much better programme compared to OpenRPG) with Tokentool has made me feel like I never have to buy a battlemat and miniatures. A nice, clean, simple programme with a lot of scope for more complicated things as you feel you need them (such as complicated vision and light settings).

To connect easily I'd reccomend another free programme, Hamachi. It allows you all to connect directly to the host and I believe it's just a time saver that really helps streamline the above.

There are more bits and pieces out there but they mesh with just general gaming tips and toolkits.


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Re: Resources/Tips for Skype Gaming.
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2010, 10:22:03 PM »
Quick question about Hamachi, does it make it so you the maptools server show up as a LAN?