It's not piratey, but it is at sea and it is Call of Cthulhu.
The 20 Weeks of Hell Podcast did a 1920's Ocean Cruise Liner game a few years back, the download feed is on Podbean at - that, it is not only freaky, but freeking hilarious. Takes a while to get going (like most CoC games), but when it does, boy does the blood and guts hit the fan!
Also, like most red blooded males I am absolutely 'into' the whole Pirate idea [in general, and not just the game idea

], and I am loving this idea of Pirate Cthulhu. I have been looking for something to run for a xmas one -shot (it was going to be Paranoia), I think I may have found my inspiration!
I think you may all be onto something here. My wife loves 7th Sea AND Call of Cthulhu, my son and his group have played 7th Sea and had fun but only a couple of them have played CoC. Now, do I use CoC or 7th Sea rules (with an additional homebrew rule for Sanity!), OR do I go for something else.
I'm thinking of using the Song of Ice and Fire RPG (SIFRP) system - it has brutal combat and excellent social mechanics. The social mechanic could be adapted to some sort of Sanity system! Unfortunately, there are no firearms in SIFRP, but it would only take a few minutes to add black powder weapons.
I think this idea has legs [sits pondering idea, whilst thoughfully stroking his goatee], thanks guys.