Petero"Well Marshall, I think it's obvious I did not have the gold. The other gentlemen did and the nobleman must simply have mistaken one commoner for another. (you know how they are) I am Petero the Footman, a detective and finder of lost things. I shall return your knife as well as...
sleight of hand to take a knife from Marshall Alastair's pocket/bandolier/pack/whatever

Rolling 1d20+200:
(7)+200: Total = 207
"...this other one you have dropped, as a sign of good faith. Now. I think the gentleman being chased by the demon over there needs some assistance!"
Petero will hand the two knives to Frollo and begin inching towards the screaming man, trying to figure out what he might do to help.
Rolling 1d20:
(17): Total = 17
Rolling 1d20:
(11): Total = 11