Author Topic: Gygaxian Naturalism in this thread (stolen from SA forums) (awesome)  (Read 7616 times)


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"Wanted: Burrfist the Bugbear Strangler, last seen with 1d4 cohorts selected from creatures appearing in the hills. Reward: 2d10 gold pieces with experience to match. NO FIGHTERS"

The Wizards guild today passed a citywide ordinance to crack down on the number of stray cats throughout the city. A spokesman for the guild offered the following "These cats are just cutting right into the lower level wizards in our membership. Hotshots fresh from the academy die every day to the spawn of unspayed pets."

The forbidden catacombs have been declared off limits to all adventurers by the Mayor in hopes to stem the various monster invasions that have plagued the town. The Mayor at questioning insisted that the gelatinous cubes, mimics, false bags of holding and various creatures larger than the 10' by 5' opening would die it if deprived of their primary prey for several years.

Class warfare erupted up and down the sword coasts to day as fighters, monks, rogues and other non-casters attempted to topple the ivory towers of learning. Chants of "No more spells" and "Down with Wall of Force" echoed through the air where many wizards took refuge. When interviewed one cleric of Mystra explained "it isn't our fault they cant find work, indeed our decision to take levels with full caster progression is what elevated us to where we are today. Nothing is stopping them from joining us except their own shortcomings."

The Church of Lysander came under heavy fire today following the announcement of a class action lawsuit disputing the clergy's claim to 'Neutral Good' status. The plaintiffs in the case are the bereaved friends and family of Orthis Gully, 48, a local barkeep killed in an attempt by assassins on the life of one of his patrons. While many were saddened by the death of the neighborhood personality, outrage did not erupt until it was learned that the nearby Temple of Lysander had performed rites of resurrection on career thief Terrin Blackwing. Blackwing, the target of the fatal attack which took place in Gully's "Red Wine Tavern", is a known conman and suspected burglar, but was apparently granted a second chance at life following a massive donation by his compatriots to the temple matron. A similar request had allegedly been filed by the Widow Gully, accompanied by her life savings of fifty-three gold pieces, but was met with denial on the grounds of "The Natural Order of Things".

Members of the Church of Lysander could not be reached for comment, but Saemus the Cartwright, a cartwright and friend of the Gullies, called the temples' practices "Discriminatory, mercantile, and disgusting". The Widow Gully's comments were no less scathing, condemning not only the Church but the "Culture of privilege" surrounding wealthy adventurers, who she decried as "Brigands, butchers, and grave-robbers".
Terrin Blackwing expressed his condolences to Gully's friends and family, but when asked if he or his adventuring band held any plans to contribute to the growing town fund, dedicated to matching the 5,000 gold donated by his own party, he refused comment. Blackwing denied all culpability in Gully's manslaughter, calling his death by poison gas bomb a 'sad accident', but did announce his intentions to journey to the nearby Caverns of Despair, in order to retrieve the lost gem of Mordis Kyne.



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Re: Gygaxian Naturalism in this thread (stolen from SA forums) (awesome)
« Reply #1 on: August 03, 2010, 10:49:04 PM »
Town guards today have taken into custody Maliore Darkbane, a notorious Orc bandit leader, after a team of adventurers placed him under citizens arrest. In his statement to the guards, the leader of the adventuring party, Raynor McSephiroth, accused Darkbane of the murder of both of his parents and the burning of their Hewtown home.
"The loss of my parents has fueled my adventuring for as long as I can remember, even though I haven't even written their actual names into my backstory," McSephiroth said, "I'm not sure at this point if I will hang up my sword or continue the campaign with a new villain."
It is believed that once Darkbane was defeated, he urged McSephiroth to kill him, however a successful Will save prevented him from being dragged down to Darkbane's alignment.  The adventuring party is as yet keeping silent on the events leading up to the capture until a full investigation has been completed, when asked for comment the party's mage only responded, "Fight me or give me a quest."