The reviews on the Zoom H2 are generally pretty positive.
I use the Olympus LS-10 to record all of my game sessions. It's a really nice device, but it costs a pretty decent chunk of change. I like the fact that it feels "armored" in the sense that it is pretty much all aluminum construction.
I took a long, hard look at the Zoom unit, because of it's impressive accessory selection (they pretty much set you up with everything you need to get up and running in most conditions), but decided against it because I wanted to preserve higher quality audio (my recorder is actually part of a family history project I'm putting together) and the Olympus unit lets me record in high quality (crazy huge 8GB files) PCM stereo.
I think the Zoom does a really good job of recording Ross's sessions and if you're not looking to spend huge money, the Zoom (at just under 200 bucks at Best Buy, even cheaper on Amazon) is a good deal.
Hope this helps Johnny!