Author Topic: Great Expectations: Keeper vs. Player  (Read 7678 times)


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Great Expectations: Keeper vs. Player
« on: August 23, 2010, 03:39:23 PM »
I wanted to pose this question after thinking about on ongoing conversation with Jason regarding Aaron’s first foray into the running a game at a major convention.

I completely respect the kind of guts it takes to say “Yes, I will attempt to entertain 4 or 5 strangers for several hours in a less-than optimal environment!”

That being said, Jason got me thinking about the nature of an informal game versus the expectation that goes along with the same game, but in a convention type atmosphere.

Personally, I feel that the players have high expectations going into a convention. Much higher than, say, those same players walking through a buddy’s front door for a night of informal gaming. Conversely, I feel that a Keeper ought to have pretty high standards set for himself and his game. I think both Player and Keeper have a responsibility to make the whole experience as immersive and enjoyable as possible.

I’ve never been to a gaming con, so I can’t really speak from experience. However, I’m curious about the whole dynamic of Player expectations vs. Keeper expectations  going into an event like GenCon. I know we all remember that infamous CoC scenario that Ross ran a year ago (I think it was a year ago). One of the players got pissed because he couldn’t railroad another player’s character into doing something he wanted that player to do and thusly felt railroaded himself.

Anyway, everyone’s thoughts on the subject may prove enlightening and instructive for all.

(P.S. I am, in no way, trying to criticize or castigate Aaron or his performance at GenCon. I am simply and respectfully posing a question in order to spark some debate.)
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Tadanori Oyama

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Re: Great Expectations: Keeper vs. Player
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2010, 04:18:45 PM »
That was Wild Talents, the changed Age of Masks adventure.

I had high expectations of my convention games when I came to GenCon. If your going to go through the effort to registering a game event and getting something together than I have to believe that you want to run the game you've choosen.

By the end of the Con I only played in a few games and both of the ones where it wasn't Ross running things where pretty good. They seemed like they'd read the material before, where ready for whatever we could throw out. It was the other players that annoyed me. I wanted to grab plot hooks, plow straight into the adventure, and accomplish the story while other people seemed more interested in wandering around and bullshitting.


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Re: Great Expectations: Keeper vs. Player
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2010, 04:21:06 PM »
That was Wild Talents, the changed Age of Masks adventure.

I stand corrected.
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