Author Topic: What Vidja games are you playing?  (Read 1327535 times)


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #225 on: March 05, 2011, 01:22:27 PM »
Also playing:

The Lost Crown - A Ghost Hunting Adventure.

Point 'n click adventure game. Absolutely *beautiful* backgrounds, not very good character models. Super British voice acting. It's. . . an interesting game.
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #226 on: March 05, 2011, 04:36:02 PM »
Still playing MvC3 online, so people should add me.

I think we should have an RPPR tournament on there. It would be badass.

Also playing Radiant Historia on the DS.
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #227 on: March 05, 2011, 05:59:22 PM »
Still playing MvC3 online, so people should add me.

I think we should have an RPPR tournament on there. It would be badass.

Alas, I don't have it for the PS3.

Wish it would stop pitting me up against 0/0 Beginners, though. It makes me feel dirty.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 06:15:50 PM by Moondog »
Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #228 on: March 07, 2011, 09:41:43 PM »
After watching a few trailers and reading some previews, I'm super-psyched for Deus Ex 3 Human Revolution. To satiate a bit of my hype, I decided to re-install Deus Ex 1, but installing a bunch of community-made mods to spice the game up a bit. I installed Shifter, a gameplay-enhancing mod; New Vision, which replaces the environmental textures for high-res counterparts; Project HDTP which changes object and character models for more detailed ones; and Revision, which makes the environments more cluttered and diverse.

Also cool is a mod which adds a bit of rudimentary DirectX10 graphics to Unreal engine games which you can download here.

I just played through the first level in Liberty Island and it was pretty amazing, it gives it that coolness factor that I remember when playing it for the first time.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #229 on: March 07, 2011, 10:52:55 PM »
After watching a few trailers and reading some previews, I'm super-psyched for Deus Ex 3 Human Revolution. To satiate a bit of my hype, I decided to re-install Deus Ex 1, but installing a bunch of community-made mods to spice the game up a bit. I installed Shifter, a gameplay-enhancing mod; New Vision, which replaces the environmental textures for high-res counterparts; Project HDTP which changes object and character models for more detailed ones; and Revision, which makes the environments more cluttered and diverse.

Also cool is a mod which adds a bit of rudimentary DirectX10 graphics to Unreal engine games which you can download here.

I just played through the first level in Liberty Island and it was pretty amazing, it gives it that coolness factor that I remember when playing it for the first time.

Human Revolution is going to be *amazing*. Everything I've read about it thus far tells me it's going back to Deus Ex's roots - exploration, dangerous, difficult combat, multiple paths to the same goal.

I'm so looking forward to it.

Also, L.A. Noire, whose face-scan technology literally makes every single game out there's faces look amateurish and fake. Also, film noir style? YES PLEASE.
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #230 on: March 08, 2011, 01:02:44 PM »
Dragon Age II. RIGHT NOW.

Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)

Flawless P

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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #231 on: March 08, 2011, 01:13:53 PM »
I just recently went back to one of my favorite games ever. Command and conquer red alert 2 -  Yuri's Revenge.
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #232 on: March 08, 2011, 05:54:35 PM »
Dragon Age II. RIGHT NOW.

Sam and I are trading the controller back and forth between our respective games. She is a rogue and I'm a mage. I thought the first game was just okay, but I am fucking in love with this one.
I'm from Alaska. About Fifty miles south of Ankorage there's a little fishing town, maybe you've heard of it, it's called fuck your momma.

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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #233 on: March 08, 2011, 07:04:30 PM »
Mage for life.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #234 on: March 08, 2011, 07:34:21 PM »
I just beat Amnesia Dark Descent. Great fucking game - not only does it scare the shit out of you - it has a great plot, voice acting, puzzles that make sense (no nonsensical puzzles - all of them connect to the story and environment and can be solved by logical thinking) but it has great characterization for the main character.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #235 on: March 08, 2011, 08:30:48 PM »
I just beat Amnesia Dark Descent. Great fucking game - not only does it scare the shit out of you - it has a great plot, voice acting, puzzles that make sense (no nonsensical puzzles - all of them connect to the story and environment and can be solved by logical thinking) but it has great characterization for the main character.

I need to beat this...

I was originally stuck right before you have to go into the sewer, but I figured out how to not get poisoned.  It just took me so long, I got a bit distracted by other stuff...


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #236 on: March 08, 2011, 08:42:21 PM »
I just beat Amnesia Dark Descent. Great fucking game - not only does it scare the shit out of you - it has a great plot, voice acting, puzzles that make sense (no nonsensical puzzles - all of them connect to the story and environment and can be solved by logical thinking) but it has great characterization for the main character.

Yes. Amnesia's one of the best games to come out in the horror genre in a long, long time. Pretty impressive for something put together by 4 dudes, huh? =D

Edit: DAII is pretty good thus far. It bugs the living shit out of me that they took out item descriptions though. Now everything is pretty much 'HEY LOOK AT MY STATS' which robs any sense of accomplishment for getting items.  :v
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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #237 on: March 10, 2011, 10:20:32 AM »
The PS3 just got shipped to Sony, it crashed a while back.
I have DA2 and DAO for it but my hard drive totally failed so i'll be replaying origins again before I get to play DA2.

In the meantime I've been loving Two Worlds 2 for 360. The main character is a strange Geralt ripoff but the voice acting and weird faces are my kind of thing. Not only that but there is no level scaling! Imagine that.
It really is a great game. Haven't dove into multi-player yet. I'm sure it will end up in the cheap bin before too much longer, get it then.
I wish I was Tom.

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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #238 on: March 10, 2011, 10:36:39 AM »
I, too, am playing and loving DA:II. I really like the combat as its much faster and feels more brutal than combat in the first game.

From what I've played, it also seems like there isn't a "Persuade" skill, so conversations are much more fluid since it's less about pumping skill points in Persuade and instead making sensible arguments.

However, I don't like the conversations being structured the same way as Mass Effect, with being given three choices that are Catalogued as "Good, Strong, and Funny/Neutral". What I don't like is that the character seems to be an asshole when he takes either the "strong" option or the "funny or neutral" option, either being a total dickhead or making jokes that almost always fall flat and are inappropraite to the situation. I've been playing the game mostly choosing the "Good" conversation options simply because it makes the character sound less like an asshole. Also, the Mass Effect-esque conversation descriptions can be misleading. Sometimes the "Strong" and "Funny" options describe something sensible to say in certain situations, but when the character actually speaks them out they say something different from what I had in mind.

Overall though, its a small annoyance that doesn't tarnish the game as a whole. I can't wait to get back home and play the game some more.


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Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« Reply #239 on: March 11, 2011, 01:05:02 PM »
Having just beaten Dragon Age II last night, I've a few things to say.

1: The last boss is *amazing*.

2: Over all, I'd say the game is a step forward and a step  backward at the same time. Combat flows better, and is faster paced, making the game much more fun to play. However the companions this time around (with the exception of Varric and Aveline, haven't been around Carver much) fall kind of flat with me.

They're all basically angsty damaged people and, though they have their interesting side-quests, they never quite manage to achieve the same level of attachment that say, Alistair or Zevran do. Maybe I'm just not sympathetic to a party full of slightly broken people, but. . .I dunno, I can't really say I like any of them. Except Varric and Aveline. They rock.

Conversations flow better, and, thank god, Hawke doesn't stand around awkwardly staring at people while they dump exposition on him, (s)he's voiced quite well, so no complaints there. The 'Nice Guy, Smart-Ass Guy, Jerk-Ass Guy' system of three options is. . .well, it's a good and a bad thing - if you choose mostly one of three responses, it'll color Hawke's other dialogue.

For example, if you go with Jerk-Ass Hawke, and switch to another party member and try talking to him, he'll say 'You better have a good reason for bothering me! >:[" because he is a jerk-ass. While Smart-Ass Hawke will say something different, and I'm sure Paladin-Hawke would have yet another choice. It's a nice touch, and it makes Hawke feel more like an actual character, rather than a shallow self-insertion device for the player.

Speaking of talking, the game doesn't let you chat up your companions whenever you feel like it, which I think is a bit of a waste. Oh well.

Currently Reading: FIGHT!: The Fighting Game RPG! (it owns)