Another wall of text because I eschew human interaction.
Dark Souls 1
I've never gotten past the 1/3 mark but with the release of the third game I feel like if I don't start catching up I'll be left behind. Plus, as a lifelong gamer, I feel like I have something to prove. Opted to be a Pyromancer maining a Pike of all things, so far I've wrecked everything up through the Bell Gargoyles (ie, not much) and the Capra Demon is kicking my ass. I'm trying real hard not to cheese it with the Drake Sword but... anyway I did, however, beat two of the Black Knights and Havel, so at least there's that. Playing on PC with the framerate cap removed in 1080 with highres texture pack, sweet as hell.
Mad Max
After the 4th time the Capra Demon kicked my ass I decided I wanted something easy to play to cool down and the Mad Max game had been sitting there looking at me for weeks, ever since I got it on sale for like 15$ (to say nothing of the extra copy I now have as a result of the Humble Monthly Bundle) after hearing the Drift session of Red Markets and Caleb's inspiring description of the raiders (verbing Mad Max killed me dead). Happy to discover that Mad Max is a good game, not an AMAZING OMG GOTY game but solid in every respect, especially the near constant 60 fps it achieves on my aging PC. It looks good, it plays good (with a controller, at least), the intro movie was surprisingly awesome, the voice acting is surprisingly excellent hell even the writing is way better than I'd expected; the mutant NPC you meet right in the beginning is particularly well done in every way. Solid, especially for fans of the franchise and even more so for fans of the last movie (which I loved).
Something to play at work, everyone knows FTL (roguelike scifi spaceship game), I've never actually beaten it though I've got to the end a couple times, it's fun but the combat is so goddamn repetitive and slow I'm kinda surprised it got as popular as it did. Still great, though.
Pretty damned good roguelike dungeoncrawler with graphics, it won't win any awards but it's fun if you like these kinds of things. Can be played with a controller, as well, which is nice. Nowhere near as deep as bigger roguelike names like TOME but I like it.
Yeah ok, I like roguelike dungeoncrawlers. This one is pretty simplistic (ported mobile game, I guess) but still quite good for what it is. Much smaller in scale than most RLs, but decent graphics, controller support, and some charming writing keep me coming back, at least until I complete it.
Interesting free-roam 360 degree top-down shooter, really good controls once you get used to them (which takes a minute), story is intended to be an homage to classic 80s anime (especially Robotech) but is kinda pointless, art style is like a webcomic interpretation of that same 80s scifi anime look (ie, too clean and lame but not terrible). I thought I'd play for 5 minutes and give up and I've put in 4 hrs. A pleasant surprise.
Titan Souls
Not a terrible little game, a pixelart homage to Shadow of the Colossus, the gimmick being you have a bow with one arrow that you can summon back to yourself, the game is composed solely of bosses that you encounter while exploring crumbling yet idyllic ruins. Unfortunately, you have to walk a couple screens back to a boss if you die, and you might die in ooooh 2 seconds, so a 20 second walk back gets kinda grating, especially after the 10th time; an option to start outside the boss room would have kept me trying, but as it is I killed like 6 of them and uninstalled. The fights were cool (once you figure out their pattern and weak spot many can be killed in one shot) so it's disappointing to have the experience marred by pointless drudgery.
Mushroom 11
Clever puzzley game where you control a mostly indestructible fungus in a postapocalyptic wasteland, trying to find... I don't know actually. But this is a great game. It's hard to describe but it's well worth checking out. One of the best puzzley games I played this year.
Talisman: Horus Heresy
I dunno, I love Warhammer 40k despite it's ridiculousness, and I like the original Talisman, so I picked this up on sale last week, thinking it would be good to cool down with after Dark Souls... not so much. The game is fine but it's a little to stressful to play on autopilot. Still, it's pretty good, faithful to the source material, looks great, and I had fun playing it. I may actually buy the DLC when it's on sale.
Starward Rogue
Sweet little action roguelike (twin stick shooter actually) from the devs that make AI War and Last Federation, I bought this to support the company Arcen Games because they've fallen on hard times and was pleasantly surprised to find that I enjoy the game quite a bit. It's a randomly generated top down twinstick shooter bullet hell game with leveling and loot and some reeeeeally creative bullet types/spreads/etc. Also you play as a severed head of a space hydra that has been put inside a mech body (the same space hydra from Last Federation, which is also amazing and unique as hell). Been waiting to play this some more, finally got my DS4 controller in and used this to put it through its paces.