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Messages - clockworkjoe

Pages: 1 ... 430 431 [432] 433 434 ... 436
RPGs / Re: A tad bit of help with my Campaign please.
« on: March 25, 2009, 01:36:59 AM »
Hell, why we don't we just figure out a backstory that you can use in the game. A story that makes sense and will allow you to figure out how the dungeon reacts to the actions of the players. We'll start with some questions:

1. Why was the dungeon built?

2. Who built the dungeon?

3. Why did he leave?

4. Where did the slaves come from?

General Chaos / Re: Best of Youtube
« on: March 25, 2009, 01:30:30 AM »
Best horror movie ever
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

General Chaos / Re: ...forensics.
« on: March 25, 2009, 01:04:09 AM »
And if I hear "forensics" once again, I will punch holes through your skull with a jackhammer singing "The house of the Rising Sun". I love that song.

But hte CSI guys will use their foresnic flashlights to figure out you killed them with a jackhammer and you'll go to jail  :-\

Damn I want to comment more on this but I would need to watch the movie first.

General Chaos / Re: Best of Youtube
« on: March 24, 2009, 03:06:33 PM »
DBZ ain't got shit on GOLDEN BAT
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

This voice acting is both better and worst than the one you posted
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

I am now watching the entire DBZ parody series. Episode 5 is pretty hilarious.

General Chaos / Re: Best of Youtube
« on: March 24, 2009, 01:20:44 AM »
Oh shit a new AMV Hell lemme get that

something short:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

something long:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

General Chaos / Re: Best of Youtube
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:46:55 PM »

<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

RPGs / Re: Watchmen Inspired Campaign
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:24:03 PM »
I basically threw the party massacre as the initial hook but it has already led them to many different places, high and low.

RPGs / Re: The review of Paranoia XP
« on: March 23, 2009, 08:21:51 PM »
Thanks! Don't forget to comment in the episode entry. A lot of people don't check the forums so the comments are more noticeable.

We will run and record at least a one shot of paranoia XP and Cthulhutech some day.

General Chaos / Re: Terry Goodkind is terrible
« on: March 23, 2009, 01:11:34 AM »
All I've heard about Terry Goodkind's series is from a couple of my friends that love it...

I know their taste was questionable, but now I'm really worried.

Follow Richard's example:

# Richard abandons his troops at one point because he doesn't think they are worthy of him.

RPGs / Re: Watchmen Inspired Campaign
« on: March 22, 2009, 06:26:36 PM »
Ran the first session. It went well. Players investigated a massacre of a rich penthouse party. I'll see if I can get Tom to post his character description.

Please tell me you are recording this game!!!!

Oh yes.

RPGs / Re: Watchmen Inspired Campaign
« on: March 22, 2009, 06:05:03 PM »
That doesn't sound alot like Watchman. Checking out high society I mean. I expected something more street level.

What do you mean? In Watchmen, Ozymandias is a member of high society and the others float through it when necessary. Nite Owl and Silk Specter go to fancy restaurants and Dr. Manhattan is a celebrity.

A whole bunch of rich people got killed through unknown means, possibly superhuman. Why wouldn't the characters investigate it?

Also, the investigation is leading them to various criminals - next session they will have to fight through a gang war to find an informant.

RPGs / Re: Watchmen Inspired Campaign
« on: March 22, 2009, 05:16:16 PM »
Ran the first session. It went well. Players investigated a massacre of a rich penthouse party. I'll see if I can get Tom to post his character description.

The dichotomy between emotion and reason comes up again and again in all forms of speculative fiction - especially RPGs. Look at how elves and dwarves or clerics and wizards are typically portrayed in D&D style fantasies. Elves and clerics are emotional and rely on empathy to guide their judgments while dwarves and wizards use reason and logic. Elves are in tune with nature and are usually better than humans in a variety of ways while dwarves are more productive and unified than humans.  Clerics are either sympathetic counselors and healers or grim fanatics who show the dark side of extreme emotionalism. Wizards are the counterpoint - either as sage teachers and advisers or callous researchers and power hungry despots. 

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