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Messages - Mckma

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RPPR audience is the only one not to have a preferred system.  Can't really say much beyond that, but I would like to think it's because we are so cultured and enjoy a wide range of game equally....


General Chaos / Re: Potential FTB Minecraft Server Up
« on: August 05, 2013, 03:22:41 AM »
So after some mixups and works on packs and stuff, I have a server up and running.  We are running the FTB Unleashed Pack (can download the launcher here).  I'm hoping to have some fun cooperative play and maybe some harmless pranks and whatnot.  Biggest rule/guideline is "Don't be a dick."  I'm pretty chill and looking for some other people to chill with.  If you are interested, post here or PM me and we can talk about adding you to the whitelist and getting you the IP....

General Chaos / Potential FTB Minecraft Server Up
« on: August 02, 2013, 01:30:12 PM »
Hello all!  I was going to put a quick shout out up here if anyone is interested in hanging out on a Feed The Beast Minecraft Server.  For those that don't know, essentially it's a compilation of many mods that are being worked on for Minecraft.  There's a lot of fun stuff and I'm looking to expand the social aspect of my lonely single player experience.  I'm still tweaking and testing to make sure it's completely stable and running well (I'm using an old laptop as the server), but initial signs look good.  If you are interested, post or PM and we'll chat.  I'm thinking in the next few days (i.e. by the weekend), I'll start getting things really going (it's running now, but I'm the only one using it).  We're running Survival, though if there are some particularly interesting projects, I might bump some people to Creative for a time, but I am largely interested in generating world that we've built from scratch....

Thanks and take care!

EDIT:  It's currently running the Direwolf20 1.5 pack for those who care.  I know that that pack will not be updated when they release the 1.6 pack, but they are hoping to make world saves compatible, so it shouldn't be an issue in update when that comes (i.e. probably in a year or whenever they get around to it :P), so bear in mind that things might be a bit in flux if that update comes....

General Chaos / Re: Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: August 01, 2013, 03:06:32 AM »
I have 3 Steam coupons I won't be using, PM me if you would like one and or all of them.  They are free to a good home, but trades are welcome....

50% off Triple Town
50% off Dead Horde
90% off Hamilton's Great Adventure

General Chaos / Re: Smartphones
« on: July 30, 2013, 12:20:05 PM »
Oh, herp derp.  Verizon, so the HTC isn't an option.  Basically the big rough categories looked like Samsung Galaxy line (and spinoffs), iPhones, Windows phone (and spinoffs), Motorola Droids (and spinoffs), and LG phones (which I know nothing and have heard nothing about)....

General Chaos / Smartphones
« on: July 30, 2013, 01:42:32 AM »
Thoughts?  Recommendations?  I'm sort of looking at the Galaxy S4, and am reluctant to go iPhone (don't care much for the OS on it), but am interested in what people have to say, especially if you own a phone that you would recommend positively or negatively and talked about the pros and cons.  Any thoughts are appreciated....

General Chaos / Re: Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: July 20, 2013, 02:47:01 PM »
I'm looking for Bioshock Infinite, Prison Architect, and Tomb Raider Summer Sale cards, I have an extra Kerbal, Football Manager, and Dead Island card I can trade.  Anyone interested?

General Chaos / Re: Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:10:38 PM »
IMO the best gamepads for PC are Xbox 360 controllers.
The wired ones plug right in and are detected natively on vista and above, xp just needs the driver installed.

The wireless ones need a receiver, you can get them on eBay or amazon or anywhere for ~$15.

You can get ps3 controllers to work too, but the software (third party, since sony hasnt bothered) is kinda wonky and can cause issues with some games, and general system stability.

Yeah, 360 controllers work amazing on the PC (assuming you are on vista or above).  Plus, in my personal opinion, it's my favorite controller as it (just comfort-wise).  Once my roommates move on, I will seriously consider buying one just because they work so well (and I don't have a 360)....

General Chaos / Re: Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: July 14, 2013, 05:02:34 PM »
Perhaps it's a little early on to try and arrange too much of this, but for the summer getaway badge I have 2 each of Football Manager and Dead Island.  Anyone have spares they would like to exchange later in the week?

General Chaos / Re: Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:33:22 AM »
If anyone does not own Bastion, you NEED to buy it.  It's $2.24 right now and an absolutely wonderful game.  A real steal at that price too....

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: I've missed y'all
« on: July 12, 2013, 01:20:39 AM »
I always manage to find the time to listen to APs and the regular podcast, mostly because I listen to it when exercising, cooking, cleaning the house, or while lying in bed waiting for sleep to arrive. And, after more than two years of it, I can say that RPPR has become a large part of my daily routine and it really helps me relax after stressful days.

Yeah, I used to listen when riding to campus and then doing my homework, which was great when I was doing physics and working with numbers.  Unfortunately, now that I teach physics, I have to come up with lesson plans, which involves writing words, and listening and writing words don't really mix for me.... :(

But cooking, that's good, now that I'll start cooking again next year (literally had no time this past year)....

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / I've missed y'all
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:56:24 PM »
So over the past year or two (largely the past year), I have slipped away from RPGs and the podcast and the forums and whatnot (the last with me largely just lurking).  That said, I've recently been looking through my iTunes and remembering how much I've enjoyed listening to games and episodes and whatnot.  Problem is, I suspect this new found "free time" will not last once I start teaching in the fall (while earning a Master's).  So, my question to you, what APs are "must listens" from the last two years (basically since July 2011).  I am super keen on Heroes of New Arcadia and Know Evil (as I did listen to the first few of each before my hiatus), but I worry I won't actually get around to finishing them in a timely manner at this point, so which one-shots or "mini" campaigns were particularly memorable or stick out in your mind as fun, creepy, or just plain interesting?

General Chaos / Steam Summer Sale/Trading Cards
« on: July 11, 2013, 02:23:31 PM »
So I know we already have a thread for video games in general, but I thought this might be helpful or of interest for people who want to do some card trading for the Summer Badge (or just trading in general).  If it is deemed redundant, I understand that if it the thread is merged or deleted.

In any case, would anyone be willing to trade away TF2 cards?  I would really like to finish a badge for that game and could grind out some hours on some other games to offer up some cards....

RPGs / Re: Horror: How Far is Too Far?
« on: July 10, 2013, 11:22:08 PM »
Hey there, it's been a while since I looked at your work (though I REALLY enjoyed all the games I listened to).  I would agree that part of it is that "too far" is different for different groups.  My ideal would be to get a bit beyond the comfort level but not so far beyond that they players have no desire.  That said, I think that a big part of why people are super uncomfortable with the whole sex angle is a cultural thing.  For one thing, at least in the US (which I would imagine a lot of these comments are coming from?), there is much more exposure to graphic violence than sexuality (whether or not it is violent), so players are naturally a bit more desensitized.

My second thought (which I have gone back and forth on whether or not to mention it, but I think it offers some enlightenment), is that it might hit a bit too close to home, especially with the scene of a room covered in pornography.  For most gamers, I think they can easily distance themselves from brutal or graphic violence (thinking I would never do that), but when they see something clearly disturbing around a room wallpapered with pornography, it's something intrinsically more private where that line is perhaps a bit more blurred as far as what one would and wouldn't do.  So the players see something that is clearly meant to be disturbing (and it is), but what is worse is they aren't necessarily able to distance themselves quite as much (again, perhaps just a thought).

Again, I don't know if that's the case, but at least for this specific case, I think that might be some of what is feeding into it.  Whether or not it means it has crossed a line, I don't know, I just suspect that for some people they might have a hard time feeling "distance" between their actions and the horror....

EDIT:  I think some of my personal beliefs and modes of thinking might affect my response to this, so if you happen to be really interested or want to chat some more, PM me, and I'll go back through and give a listen/read through some of the stuff you've said again, and compose a much more complete/thought out response.  If not though, it's cool and I'll save us both time :P

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: July 02, 2013, 02:01:12 PM »
Finally getting around to playing Psychonauts, only had it for like a year from getting it from the humble bundle, plus a copy I had for years before I never played because it didn't support gamepads...A few moments of annoyingness brought on by its adventure game roots, but overall really good.

And watching the Supergreatfriend playthrough of 999 before I try Zero Escape...and holy crap its full of crazy, and stupid. "We're all gonna die on 9 hours! Quick, we have to hurry and escape, maybe, I mean no rush or anything, but whenever we get around to it...lets just take a break and I'll explain to you how Princess Diana is a time travelling lizard person who got mummified in ancient Russia and was unleashed by the tunguska explosion and stowed away on the Titanic which was really its sister ship, but it was cursed and she sabotaged it to collect insurance money to pay for the space ship she used to collect magic ice from Mars to psychically meld with Earths water and convince it to turn to steam and cook the planets vegetables all at once to feed Galactus' pet dinosaurs. It'll only take 3 hours, then I can turn floor over to Q&A, then we can escape if we feel like it."

Yeah, I thought the story was a bit out there when I played it.  I was also a bit disappointed that even though it looked a lot like a "Choose your own adventure," it seemed to really just be a permutation of choose 4 or so sections out of about 8 or so total....

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