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Messages - Cthuluzord

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General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: June 18, 2013, 11:10:27 PM »
Would anyone object to use carrying around cases of Busch? Cuz DrunkQuest requires, like, A LOT of beer.

I can bring the cards if we do that. Hopefully the expansion (90 Proof Seas) will be done by then.

General Chaos / Re: GenCon 2013 & The 4th RPPR Fan Meet-Up
« on: June 18, 2013, 03:05:22 PM »
I'm probably going to be there this year. As it is only my second time, I don't know where would be large enough to accommodate everyone. I have no schedule either, so fuck if I know for times.

As far as games to play, I say everyone brings a case of cheap beer and we play DrunkQuest until only one is left standing. I may be alone in advocating for that though  :)

General Chaos / Re: Beers to watch for while I am in MO
« on: June 11, 2013, 05:39:23 PM »
If you can find a place that has Mother's Brewing Company (based out of Springfield), I'd suggest almost anything in their line. I'm actually not a big Boulevard fan, but Mother's is delicious. I'll even drink their IPA's, and I hate IPA's.

If you can get downtown you might try going to the Flying Saucer one night. They beer ever. You'll be paralyzed by options.

I want to play in this game so bad it makes my teeth vibrate.

The scenario will be a stand alone PDF release that could double as a prequel for someone hoping to run Know Evil. Or that is at least what we've discussed so far.

Thank you for all the help guys! I really appreciate it!

Thanks guys! Only 3K or so away!

Hahahaha! Holy shit! I forgot about that drawing.

RPGs / Re: Eclipse Phase
« on: May 16, 2013, 04:15:06 PM »
Alright, what was once just a pitch has now come to pass. Maybe.

At $80K, Posthuman Studios will hire me to write a stand alone scenario that could also serve as a prequel for a group looking to start Know Evil.

In addition to being...well, just pretty darn swell for me, the success of this stretch goal would be a good sign that much lengthier publications (wink wink nudge nudge) might be in order.

There are 6 days left to pledge. Any an all support would be appreciated.

Tim beat me to it, but here's what I can say about things.

At $80K, Posthuman Studios will hire me to write a stand alone scenario that could also serve as a prequel for a group looking to start Know Evil.

In addition to being...well, just pretty darn swell for me, the success of this stretch goal would be a good sign that much lengthier publications (wink wink nudge nudge) might be in order.

There are 6 days left to pledge. Any an all support would be appreciated.

By the time it was over, dog-punching was my favorite gaming moment ever. SOOOOOoooooooo ridiculous. It made up well over 50% of the entire game's run time.

General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« on: May 15, 2013, 08:03:39 PM »
how caleb designs an adventure...

Nobody is scarier than a true believer because they are protagonists too.


That was an awesome short story man. You should consider submitting that if Posthuman ever does a call for submissions to fill the fiction at the front of an EP book.


You just had to go and upstage Erdick with a masterpiece, didn't you? I laughed. I cried. I've a new outlook on life.

Dedicated page for Know Evil campaign:

any typos/link mistakes?

I didn't catch any on the main page, but the second-to-last sentence of the synopsis for the Post-Mortem episode doesn't make a lot of sense.

"It’s not often a role playing campaign ends with such a satisfying conclusion, so we wanted to make sure you would this ‘director’s commentary’ for Know Evil."

But it's a really well done page within the site. Thank you for setting it up.

And EP is Creative Commons with a non-commercial clause. That means that if I released a Word document or PDF--or even if I made all the art and layout myself--and dumped it for free on the internet, it would not be in violation of the copyright. If I make money off Know Evil, it is a clear violation of the copyright.

Even if I ran a KS just to cover the cost of production--hiring artists, graphic designers, etc--how would I quantify the bare minimum needed for making the project? The second it made more than that amount, I'd be in violation of the license.

Most importantly, I don't want to do anything without the EP creators' blessing. It's not like I came up with Know Evil and a system for running it. The campaign wouldn't exist without their awesome game and setting. I wouldn't want to do anything without at least their consent.

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