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Topics - Mckma

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RPGs / How RPGs have helped you
« on: February 19, 2010, 03:22:38 PM »
So I thought of this today when taking a quiz in my music class.  I found it very amusing that the Actual Play of Candlewick Manor resulted directly in me getting a question right.

Long story short there is a composer named Guiseppe Verdi which I had instantly associated with the cook from the AP.  I don't remember why it came up in my mind during the quiz, but in the end, I must admit, I would likely have gotten it wrong if it weren't for the AP.

This served as inspiration then to start the thread to essentially share stories (serious or humorous) on how in game stuff has aided you at some point in your "normal" life...

General Chaos / Short Story Suggestions
« on: February 03, 2010, 01:18:45 AM »
My friends and I are working on a small project compiling comedic short stories that we write.  I was thinking and decided to write something based more or less on Monsters and Other Childish Things (going for more of a dark humor), and have children with monster friends.  I am planning on focusing on three children and an adventure they have, but wasn't really sure of much of a plot at the moment.  Due to the timing and whatnot, I've decided I am just going to get somewhat of an idea of where I'm going and then just write until I'm done and then go back and edit, so I was turning to you for some ideas of a general adventure plot idea.  Here are some things I want to do (to cover some inside jokes and whatnot):

Three main children, and their monsters, essentially an Innsmouth resident with a few additional powers, a bear dressed like a hobo carrying an empty shotgun, and the final monster is kind of a conglomoration as it is the ghost of whatever dead person the character thinks of (or maybe a few ghosts) at that time.

I'm thinking about doing something in a mall where they get away from their parents/guardians, but don't really know what that would entail.

It is kind of important that there are a decent number of people around though (i.e. not in the wilderness somewhere).

Other than that, not so sure where I want to go, so if you have any thoughts on general plot ideas, I would appreciate them.  Thanks.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Random Podcast Question(s)
« on: January 22, 2010, 12:25:32 AM »
So I was wondering about something and I figured if anyone else had anything, it could go here too.

You have mentioned several times in the podcast (often comically) the "layers upon layers."  Is this a specific reference to something, or just a catchy phrase that has come up and stuck with you?

Like I said, random question, really doesn't matter, but something I was curious about nonetheless...

RPGs / Working with "Stubborn" Characters
« on: January 18, 2010, 12:49:36 PM »
I feel I must be very clear when I ask all your opinions on this issue.  Essentially on the surface the topic is just asking about how you would deal with stubborn characters from a GM's perspective.  By stubborn I mean they really want to do something that either you really have no way to work in, or logically won't really work.  However I used the word stubborn in quotes and specified characters because the real reason that made me think of this was because I was actually playing one such character in the following scenario:

At the moment I am playing in a Fallout based game where we came across a small ghoul girl whose parents had been eaten by supermutants that we just killed.  I am playing a MacGyver-esque character who feels a need to help everyone and can't really say no (most of the time).  Naturally, my character would want to help the child who insisted we leave (because another character scared her), and I kept working to try and befriend her so we could get her to join us.  Eventually the other players got bored and had their characters leave to go to another building, but I didn't want to leave without the girl.  The GM clearly didn't plan to have us take her with us, and logistically there are problems with escorting a child around a post-apocalyptic wasteland with a bunch of mentally unstable gunmen/fighters.  Eventually I realized that I would have to give in and leave the child behind to not bog down the game, even though it felt out of character.

So, I understand the GM's plight and potential worry at my insistence to help and refusal to move on when it was made pretty clear we should, which is why I did.  I also was thinking in retrospect, I certainly wouldn't know what to do with a player who did want to move on (I did), but didn't because it felt out of character (I thought it did).  What would you do as GM in this, or a similar situation?

General Chaos / Need a Gaming Recommendation
« on: January 15, 2010, 02:25:18 AM »
So not so much a game, but I want to get a dice bag.  I am currently using a bag that came with an MP3 player power cord, nice, but I want it to be a touch bigger.  I have 3 full sets and an assorted pound (bought Chessex's pound of dice).  I probably will also get 1-2 more sets at some point.  Any recommendations?

RPGs / Help with military style 4E game
« on: January 11, 2010, 10:28:39 PM »
Hey all.  So I've been wanting to run a campaign set during a large scale war (on the lines of our World Wars), where I'm thinking an early decision of the players would be whether they would actively fight for a given group, or not (essentially making the war a backdrop and at times more pressing).  I have several random ideas for adventures/sessions, but am having difficulty with figuring first off, where to start, and secondly, how to get the players hooked.  I am obviously going to get a feel for what they actually want to do (actively fight, or use as backdrop), but I wanted to see if any of you had suggestions or could offer advice.

I'll be honest, the real reason I brought this up was that after listening to whichever episode it was that dealt with pacing, I realized that was one of my biggest problems running games, inconsistent/bad pacing.  So I wasn't really sure if I should just start them in an army of one group or another, or have them effectively get "draft notices."  I still have some significant world building, but I wanted to see if anyone had either experience with a similar campaign, or thoughts on the issue.

RPGs / Good Game Systems
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:51:38 PM »
*There may already be a topic like this, but I searched and couldn't find one, please direct me to another topic if it is the same thing.*

So essentially I was looking to compile a list of good game systems to try and look into and play.  I'm trying to broaden my RPG "vocabulary," so to speak as I have only played in DnD 3.0-4 and Call of Cthulhu.  I guess what I'm looking for then is for people to post RPG systems they like and the "genre" if they can and I'll edit this post to include what people put.  Thanks.

Spirit of the Century
Savage Worlds

Rogue Trader
Dark Heresy


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