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Messages - Darthrex

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Recruitment Board / Re: Guys its time for a ROAD TRIP!!
« on: May 27, 2013, 01:21:52 AM »
I'm in if there is still room and you can run it on a Tuesday thursday or friday. I love the idea and have some crazy Ideas for monsters. also I have skype group  video in case anyone wants to do something crazy like make a sock puppet...

I'm already in for 100 but I might add some rec cards and maybe a book. I need me some Stokes-ey goodness.

If anyone has any tips or gods willing a spot on the floor I will be eternally grateful. I have been to a few cons before but this is the first one where I know noone.
In the past I have just split the room bill with someone in exchange for a spot on the floor. Can you do that at gencon? :-\

General Chaos / Re: Gencon events are now posted
« on: May 15, 2013, 09:10:38 PM »
So other than Tadanori and Ross, who else is running games at gencon?

I cannot believe we are 10 pages in and no-one has mentioned the "dog-punching incident" from Operation Downside. Even though it shows up in an Unspeakable oath actual play not RPPR it would seem to count considering the number of times german shepards and or the attempted punching thereof has shown up in RPPR APs.

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