The Role Playing Public Radio Forums
General Category => General Chaos => : Flawless P November 10, 2010, 04:32:10 PM
You know what to do.
Warning: The following is a rant and grammer has little to no place here.
GODAMNITT I am so fucking pissed off right now, I spent the better part of my lunch break waiting in line to put air in my god damn fucking piece of shit tire because it was almost flat, I put air in the fucker and go into carls jr to eat my lunch, to come out to....a motherfucking FLAT TIRE!!!! So I call work and tell them I am gonna be late because I need to put on my spare. I open my trunk toss some stuff into the back seat so I can get to the spare, lift the cardboard cover and snap, the cardboard cover under the trunk lining breaks into two huge chunks.
Whatever its fine its not that important and way I think as I pull out the rest of donut and the jack ect ect.
Woo fucking hoo it takes 10 minutes to jack the damn car up because whoever made my jack is a fucking imbecile. Now I have my tire ready, and the god damn bolts are air ratcheted to the car. SO I spent for fucking ever trying to pry the damn things off, to no avail. I drive on my flat across the parking lot fill the shit with air again and drive back to work, low and behold i get into the parking lot and its flat AGAIN.(As I knew it would be.)
Woo hoo I feel a smidgen better.
Atleast it was a Carls Jr. and not a Hardies.
is there a difference other than east coast west coast?
Hardies dont have all flame broiled. So it taste like shit.
Hardies dont have all flame broiled. So it taste like shit.
God Damnit Hardies!
I suppose random pictures of trains dereailing will suffice until someone else gets angry enough to post and put it back on topic.
What's that, you say? Ghostbusters you say?
Did someone ask for a manegg?
This woman is not wearing pants. She appears to have affixed a curtain to her legs by means of zipper pulls and approximately 5 belts.
This woman is not wearing pants. She appears to have affixed a curtain to her legs by means of zipper pulls and approximately 5 belts.
Also, anime Janeane Garofalo really let herself go.
I had a pic of some booth babes dressed as ghostbusters, but my images are organized like shit and that was the closest i could find.
She does not look like she appreciates the fact that she is wearing an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on her back.
What the hell is this? It can't be Initial D. That would just be silly.
Got first and second degree burns on my hand cooking last night, so that sucks...
Got first and second degree burns on my hand cooking last night, so that sucks...
Yuck! that sucks! I got 2nd degree burns on my stomach when I made a Card board potato cannon and used 13 oz of black powder and it exploded. I also got a realy nice tattoo in my right wrist of tiny black powder particals its been over 8 years now and there still there.
So yeah I am bored because our phones are down! I am the receptionist with nothing to recept. Woe is me!
i laughed so hard tears came out
I'm going to print that up and use it as a prop for one of the insane people in my EsoTerrorists game. Simply amazing.
My favorite is the request for a lovemaking session.
My favorite is the request for a Hammertime lovemaking session.
Fix'd that for you.
What is this from? I seem to have missed it. :-\
It's a meme.
It's a meme.
I see what you did there. (
It's a meme.
Sigh, I suppose I should have elaborated. Where did that specific version pop up at? Was it on the chans, or was it an adaptation elsewhere?
Speaking of dinner. Tonight I'm takin the woman and the kid out for Pho.
Where's the most unlikely place for a D&D reference? In a column about Big Ten sports:
Where's the most unlikely place for a D&D reference? In a column about Big Ten sports:
And now the Big Ten is reconsidering it's D&D-esque division names:
Those were pretty good.
The Q and A, that is.
50 Worst Songs of the '00S:
Right-o, gent's. I'm traveling on a train back to school, wish me luck.
Right-o, gent's. I'm traveling on a train back to school, wish me luck.
Good luck? are you planning on crashing?
Oh I get it.
Good Luck Forcibly taking the train and attempting to steal everyone on board jewlery before making a daring escape on horseback...
Right-o, gent's. I'm traveling on a train back to school, wish me luck.
Good luck? are you planning on crashing?
Oh I get it.
Good Luck Forcibly taking the train and attempting to steal everyone on board jewlery before making a daring escape on horseback...
DAMN it, I knew I forgot something. Made my escape on a motorcycle.
Because there's no other real place to put this.
Not sure where to post this, so I'll post it here. Teaching online this semester is going to force me to reconfigure my online time, so I'm going to take a break from these forums. I'm not abandoning everyone, I'm just taking a vacation until mid-May.
Not sure where to post this, so I'll post it here. Teaching online this semester is going to force me to reconfigure my online time, so I'm going to take a break from these forums. I'm not abandoning everyone, I'm just taking a vacation until mid-May.
We'll miss you, Patrick!
Cue Darth Vader style
I'd fund that for a dollar! (
Post 1000...
At first I thought to do something significant, but then I figured the mere fact that it was my 1000th post would make it significant to me, which in turn meant I should be lazy and make a completely pointless post so I would be able to fully capitalize on its built in significance...
After these thoughts went through my mind, I realized how thoroughly stupid the whole thought process was but decided to screw it and go for it anyway...
Barring nothing better to say, happy Monday everyone...
Rezzing the random thread to post this piece of pure awesomeness:
<- Gonna make everyone go CRAZY!
<- Gonna make everyone go CRAZY!
...oh my god it's full of stars
I'd watch that...
Rezzing the random thread to x-post this from the FB group page. YOU ARE PART OF THE FB GROUP PAGE, RIGHT, PANSIES?
I think we should have a Diablo 2 IP party sometime. Everyone chooses a HC character, no going back to town to heal, play until we die.
Holy rez thread: Allen Gregory is the worst Fox cartoon I've seen.
Holy rez thread: Allen Gregory is the worst Fox cartoon I've seen.
The ads for this did not appeal to me at all...
Right now I'm busy writing a crappy lyric essay.
It's sort of kind of about WHAT THE FUCK IS A RPG?
I've gotten past the uhh, intro, dice rolling, character generation. I taking a break before I begin with explaining how to play. I'm beginning to hate it right now. I feel like I'm dissecting a Unicorn and finding it less magical. It's much easier experienced than explained. I've attempted to capture the feeling with uhh language.
the magic is simple: no one knows how the story turns out before it happens.
The GM sets the stages and controls the antagonists but he can't know how the players will react exactly nor will he know how the dice will roll.
The player knows what his character will do in any circumstance but he doesn't know what the GM has plotted, what the other players will do or what the dice will roll.
Sometimes it's for the worst. But when you roll a critical hit just when you needed it or saved the princess or solved the puzzle, it's authentic. You didn't know this would happen but it did. You create as you experience the game.
the magic is simple: no one knows how the story turns out before it happens.
The GM sets the stages and controls the antagonists but he can't know how the players will react exactly nor will he know how the dice will roll.
The player knows what his character will do in any circumstance but he doesn't know what the GM has plotted, what the other players will do or what the dice will roll.
Sometimes it's for the worst. But when you roll a critical hit just when you needed it or saved the princess or solved the puzzle, it's authentic. You didn't know this would happen but it did. You create as you experience the game.
I'm going to quote you on that. I'll put you in the coherent section of the piece.
And yes, I agree.
You'll probably get some italic text and a bordered text box for your quote. The end product is going to be layed out like a typical intro to an RPG book.
Edit: I actually just screen capped the post and cropped it. :D
Holy rez thread: Allen Gregory is the worst Fox cartoon I've seen.
The ads for this did not appeal to me at all...
My problem with it is that it demands for me to feel sorry for a spoiled rich kid who doesn't know how to act in "middle class" America. And how shocking it will be when his father officially goes bankrupt (probably around episode 4 or 5 given the foreshadowing in the pilot).
Is that what it's about, misplaced rich kid? I honestly couldn't tell. I saw an ad for it that juxtiposed it with Family Guy and The Simpsons where it looked horribly out of place. My first thought was that the show had escaped from Adult Swim or Comedy Central.
Is that what it's about, misplaced rich kid? I honestly couldn't tell. I saw an ad for it that juxtiposed it with Family Guy and The Simpsons where it looked horribly out of place. My first thought was that the show had escaped from Adult Swim or Comedy Central.
Yeah, which makes me more upset that it replaced Bob's Burgers, which was probably one of the best breakdowns of class politics in America I've seen for a long time (and had some of the best developed characters for a Fox cartoon series). These reason are probably why it didn't last.
So The Faerie Queene sucks.
In case you were planning on reading it. Soo many eftesoones. Just get it on libravox via
So The Faerie Queene sucks.
In case you were planning on reading it. Soo many eftesoones. Just get it on libravox via
Wow, what did you have to read that for?
So The Faerie Queene sucks.
In case you were planning on reading it. Soo many eftesoones. Just get it on libravox via
Wow, what did you have to read that for?
Grad Renaissance lit
So The Faerie Queene sucks.
In case you were planning on reading it. Soo many eftesoones. Just get it on libravox via
Wow, what did you have to read that for?
Grad Renaissance lit
Ah, the last time I read it was in a pre-modern survey class. In grad school, I managed to avoid it although I got suckered into taking two Restoration literature classes.
Rezz this thread because:
I just want to say, as someone who grew up in North Dakota, went to college in Iowa, and now lives in the Seattle area, every time the guys happen to mention Hy-Vee in the podcasts I nostalgia a little bit.
Just a tiny little bit.
Rezz this thread because:
I'm going to repost this in the appropriate thread.
Rezz this thread because:
I'm going to repost this in the appropriate thread.
Luckily for you this is the appropriate thread for EVERYTHING and NOTHING all at the same time.
Rezz this thread because:
I'm going to repost this in the appropriate thread.
Luckily for you this is the appropriate thread for EVERYTHING and NOTHING all at the same time.
Given that I am responsible for the thread's current name, I'm well aware of that fact. :)
I forget the other names this thread went by. It started as Angry Rant thread, but then Ross' and I had a battle of wills and admin privileges.
Yeah I remember being fairly annoyed the day I made this thread(you know due to the whole flat tire fiasco). I didn't see any of Ross' names for the thead by the time I logged back in I was like:
Ok cool.
I was systematically changing the thread name every time Ross did. I'm pretty sure one of his was "Crazy Thread About Trains."
In the end turning my random angry ramblings into the thread for randomness that doesn't 100% fit into any one catergory worked out.
So for that I applaud you.
Wasn't sure where to throw this story so yeah.
My upstairs neighbors had a party while I was out at a concert.
According to my wifes account and the large contingent of cop cars, at least 2 people were shot 1 of which died. Like 30 ft from my front door. Damn, Sacramento u scary.
Wasn't sure where to throw this story so yeah.
My upstairs neighbors had a party while I was out at a concert.
According to my wifes account and the large contingent of cop cars, at least 2 people were shot 1 of which died. Like 30 ft from my front door. Damn, Sacramento u scary.
Damn...stay safe out there.
Wasn't sure where to throw this story so yeah.
My upstairs neighbors had a party while I was out at a concert.
According to my wifes account and the large contingent of cop cars, at least 2 people were shot 1 of which died. Like 30 ft from my front door. Damn, Sacramento u scary.
Damn...stay safe out there.
Shit man! Remember a loaded dice won't help you out there. Like the man said, Stay safe.
I wanna be able to see you at GenCon 2014.
That's the hope at least.
In case you wanted to see an article.
Bottom left apartment is mine top right is where the incident took place.
rented corporate unit? What corporation rents places for house parties?
No idea, this wasn't really the coporate crowd either. Lot's of unanswered questions still. I've had a range of neighbors staying extended in those places.
Not sure. How this crowd got in.
Random thing about Hunger Games 2.
My wife read the books, and is excited for the continuation of the love story.
I read the wikipedia plot synopsis and I am looking foreword to Woody wasting some people.
Successful Movie is Successful.
Still can't get my wife to watch Battle Royale though.
Random thing about Hunger Games 2.
My wife read the books, and is excited for the continuation of the love story.
I read the wikipedia plot synopsis and I am looking foreword to Woody wasting some people.
Successful Movie is Successful.
Still can't get my wife to watch Battle Royale though.
i initially poo-poo'd the movie (putting it into the category of torture porn) -- then i saw it and i liked the fantasy -- it had magic potions, magic items, magic transportations...i'm looking forward to the next ones in the series :3
So I'm running for editor-in-chief at my university's newspaper; we're well-renowned for being one of the best student newspapers in the country (despite being at a pretty crappy (and controversial!) school), and have won 15 awards this year alone. Today's the last part of selection, and the board will vote after they interview me and two others; I'm ridiculously nervous.
So I'm running for editor-in-chief at my university's newspaper; we're well-renowned for being one of the best student newspapers in the country (despite being at a pretty crappy (and controversial!) school), and have won 15 awards this year alone. Today's the last part of selection, and the board will vote after they interview me and two others; I'm ridiculously nervous.
the bald guy is your spirit guide
So I'm running for editor-in-chief at my university's newspaper; we're well-renowned for being one of the best student newspapers in the country (despite being at a pretty crappy (and controversial!) school), and have won 15 awards this year alone. Today's the last part of selection, and the board will vote after they interview me and two others; I'm ridiculously nervous.
Good luck!
the bald guy is your spirit guide
That made me laugh. Unfortunately, I didn't get the job. Instead, I've been hired as copy desk chief by the new EIC. Gotta love consolation prizes.
So I'm off on one of those rants that started this thread in the first place. I'm not in a particularly bad mood though so it won't be nearly as bile filled as the first one.
Language usage I hate:
When someone calls soda, "pop" I have a visible physical reaction of fury.
I hate it when people say they are on line at the bank. YOU ARE IN IT NOT ON IT.
I also hate that people seem to think they can apply the suffix bi to something and all of a sudden it changes the meaning from twice or both to every other.
Biweekly means twice a week
Bimonthly is twice a month.
It's not hard a Bicycle has two tire.
Oh and I hate how the motherland likes to call Aluminum, Aluminium. They are just adding random letters for no reason at all.
Biweekly pay periods are every two weeks. For some reason semi-monthly means twice per month.
'Part-quarterly' is monthly. A 'fiscal year' for my agency only contains two months of the year in question (January and February) and starts the preceding year.
Also a bicycle has two 'tires'. 8)
You'd think there'd be an s there but my keyboard apparently disagreed.
I'm not saying that those terms arent used for "every other" just that it's wrong....
Or rather should be considered wrong. Apparently it goes either way though.
Also a cooler way to you get paid every two weeks is to say fortnightly.
I also hate that people seem to think they can apply the suffix bi to something and all of a sudden it changes the meaning from twice or both to every other.
I hate when people say "suffix" when they mean "prefix."
Oh and I hate how the motherland likes to call Aluminum, Aluminium. They are just adding random letters for no reason at all.
Actually, the history of the whole aluminum/aluminium split is kind of fascinating. Both versions make sense in their own way and, in the end, neither really has primacy (though, from a strictly chronological perspective, aluminium ekes out a win by appearing first in 1811 as opposed to aluminum in 1812, so far as I've found).
Both suffixes, -um and -ium, are used to denote metallic elements. The -um being part of older known elements, dating back to Latin words like ferrum (though it has occasionally been applied to more modern element names, such as platinum). Starting around 1807, however, the naming convention shifted to -ium and has been the standard ever since (titanium, uranium, and of course... palladium). Aluminium/aluminum just happened to come along right when that nomenclature was shifting.
Aluminium is the official standard of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, though they're not especially strict about it. Whereas the American Chemical Society recognizes aluminum as the standard spelling.
So, yeah... words be crazy.
I also hate that people seem to think they can apply the suffix bi to something and all of a sudden it changes the meaning from twice or both to every other.
I hate when people say "suffix" when they mean "prefix."
I'm not the English teacher here!
So yeah totally meant prefix....
Also regarding the whole naming convention of Aluminum I was under the impression that the scientist that "discovered" it called it Aluminum originally, as such that name should be given precedence. Although I don't remember where I saw this I just recall it arbitrarily since it helps support my point.
Also, I enjoy Eddie Izzard and David Mitchells takes on the subject,
Cake or death?
Also, I enjoy Eddie Izzard and David Mitchells takes on the subject,
Cake or death?
"Oh, do you have a flag?"
No Flag, No Country!
Those are the rules I've just made up.
Random thing about Hunger Games 2.
My wife read the books, and is excited for the continuation of the love story.
I read the wikipedia plot synopsis and I am looking foreword to Woody wasting some people.
Successful Movie is Successful.
Still can't get my wife to watch Battle Royale though.
i initially poo-poo'd the movie (putting it into the category of torture porn) -- then i saw it and i liked the fantasy -- it had magic potions, magic items, magic transportations...i'm looking forward to the next ones in the series :3
The movie was significantly better than the books. Katnissssssssssss really got ridiculous and the third is going to be hard to put on screen. Not Dune hard, but hard.
Also, it isn't a love story so much as a "well we all hate each other but someone has to end up together and we drew the short straws" story.
An amazing PowerPoint from industry veteran and lecture Kaye Elling to students at her uni: