Hello folks. This would be my first foray into the forums of anything, ever, so that's fun. I really don't know what to say, so I guess I'll go into a bit about me?
I've been around gaming, most of my life, my dad was a 1st ed dnd DM for as long as I could recall. Uh let's see. I probably got into it, 5 years ago? I started with Star Wars d20. Since then I've been part of my dads group, which has changed to include my great uncle, a buddy we met at a local con, and we just lost someone to a move. My first game I ran as a gm was savage worlds, in which I butchered the hell out of the initiative because I was lazy. Then I got comfy with that, ran a few games. Then I discovered my love for Cthulhu gaming wise. Who isn't a fan of lovecraft? I'm not wholly experienced as much as the rest of my group in terms of being a gm, but I've got tons of ideas and now the time to write them all down and horrify the group. Going to try base raiders next. Good luck me? I'll try and start posting some of my more successful one shots as scenarios for you guys to use. Anyways, now that's over with, what's next?
My name is Josh. Not Steve. Definitely not Steve Carlsberg.
I started listening to RPPR probably 3 years ago and have listened to everything at least once. I keep a steady stream of campaigns on my phone as, at my job, I listen to music and what not all night. So you guys have been filling my ear holes with this amazingness for a good while now. Thank you to everyone who is a part of this thing. It truly has been some of the best laughs I've ever had, and I'll continue to be an willing guinea pig for whatever Ross cooks up, I'll fall into the hands of whatever deathtrap Caleb sets down, I will even play victim to whatever Aaron lures us into, and I'll run screaming from whatever monster Tom throws at us like a kindergarden food fight, with a smile on my face. Or not. You guys are the best. Or maybe the worst. Not sure. Probably both.