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Messages - Ryphus

Pages: [1]
Would love to see the Rogue Trader one, to see a good group play it out so I could learn more about it.  Warhammer Universe is fun to me, but I could  care less about the mini game.  I haven't checked out the WH40K rpg, cause it's hard to add yet one more game lol.

RPGs / Re: yeah rpgs are pretty great
« on: October 02, 2011, 12:24:30 PM »
Exalted is Greek for "Hewg bewbs" or something right?

RPGs / Re: Mini-Games within your Game
« on: October 02, 2011, 12:21:18 PM »
My current group tends to love getting into bar fights, and I think it's my fault cause I try to change things up every time they pick a fight with bar patrons.  One time we played the Inn-Fighting the card game, one time the bar had a bar keep who didn't mind fighting at all, but the rules were you could only use a chair or a mug for weapons.  Anyone who broke a rule would get shot with the largest cross bow any of them had ever seen.  The damage was a d20 roll.  The chairds did d10 plus strength and the mugs like d6 plus dex something like that.  Last man standing got a mug that would always refill with ale or whatever non magical drink they wanted.  Ever Ready mug I believe? 

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