Recruitment Board / Looking for Players and GMs to form online group (Skype, Google+, whatevs)
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:14:55 AM »
Planning on recording the sessions for podcasting. I have an Eclipse Phase campaign formulating in my head. The campaign would be called Ascension and the first chapter of the campaign would be called Rapture, but those are all the details you get. If you want to have a peek inside my head to see what you might be in for, check out my entry to the Know Evil fan creation contest.
I'm geographically isolated (stuck in Argentina) and really wanting to get back into gaming. Also I'm a freelance worker, so my schedule is flexible, but I want to come up with a once a week slot that works for everyone, even if not everyone can be there every week.
I'm geographically isolated (stuck in Argentina) and really wanting to get back into gaming. Also I'm a freelance worker, so my schedule is flexible, but I want to come up with a once a week slot that works for everyone, even if not everyone can be there every week.