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Topics - Dawnsteel

Pages: [1]
RPGs / A Thing I Found
« on: February 28, 2013, 04:50:19 PM »

I found these in my FLGS this afternoon.
(They now have one less copy.)

General Chaos / Arje!
« on: December 11, 2012, 03:06:43 PM »
Were you just a caller on Talk of the Nation?

About 2:45 EST?

Because, if not, that guy (named RJ, from St. Louis) sounded just like you.

RPGs / Old School Hack
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:03:18 PM »
Or: If You Can't Find A Gaming Group, Raise One From Infants

I helped my two oldest daughters (they are nine and almost-six) make OSH characters this evening, while I cut out and glued assorted tokens. (We'll actually play a game next weekend.)
We have Crystal Stone-hewer, the Fashionable Treasure-Hunter. She is a dwarf, wearing glittery chain mail and carrying a heavy sword. High brawn and daring, not-so-great cunning or charm. "She also has a knife to cut monsters' heads off, Daddy."
We also have Audrey, the Magical Princess. She has a sleep spell in her arsenal, and also carries a magic wand (replete with silver star on the end). She waves it at enemies and they disappear. "They don't turn invisible, Daddy. They go somewhere else."

So. For their first adventure, what should I throw at them? I have a few ideas, but I can always use more.

General Chaos / Ross' Recommendations
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:46:33 PM »
House of Leaves, Eisenhorn, How I Became A Famous Novelist, and I'm now reading The Atrocity Archives. Holy crap, Ross has recommended some of the most awesome books.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / I love Arje
« on: November 07, 2010, 04:52:24 PM »


In the first Epic tier game for the New World, regarding Anakin:

Arje (in cultured, reasonable tones): We'll kill him.  Yeah, we'll kill him and make a necklace from his teeth.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Omar Shakti Must Die
« on: October 31, 2010, 12:25:34 AM »
One of the most frightening things I've heard Ross Payton say:
The laws of physics are this area.

Also the following exchange was (to me) absolutely hilarious:
Karee: Do you want me to teleport you out of there?
Tom (into phone): Hold on a minute.
Tom (to recovering cultists): It's the twenty-first century!  SOME of us came prepared!
Tom (into phone): Yes, please.

RPGs / Interest in Mouse Guard or Deathwatch? (Skype)
« on: August 14, 2010, 02:08:23 PM »
I am very interested in running two different games: Mouse Guard and Deathwatch. (Uh, not in the same session though.)

Mouse Guard: PCs are anthropomorphic mice, members of an organization that protects the Mouse Territories and its citizens (also mice) from predators and other threats. The rules are sort of a Burning Wheel Lite version.

Deathwatch: Forthcoming RPG from Fantasy Flight, the third in their Warhammer 40k line. It's a sort of companion to Dark Heresy, but the PCs are Space Marines who've been seconded to the Deathwatch Chapter, which in turn is the Chamber Militant of Ordo Xenos. The rulebook doesn't come out 'til September, but there's an intro adventure (which I'll modify a bit), quickstart rules, and pregen Marines that we could use.

Here's the bad news. I haven't GMed a game in at least six years. I'm sure I'm rusty as hell.

Anyone interested?

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Ross' Announcer Voice
« on: September 03, 2009, 09:16:36 PM »

Rock on, brother.

General Chaos / Neo Futurists
« on: August 16, 2009, 03:06:42 PM »

They're a theater group in Chicago.  Their ticket pricing?  1d6+9 dollars.  Seriously.

The clip I heard of them on TAL was hilarious, but not necessarily role-playing related.

General Chaos / Dig to Victory author on!
« on: July 25, 2009, 04:06:48 PM »

I guess there could be multiple Scott Glancys running around, but watch the video.  It's totally him.

Play by Post / Mouse Guard
« on: July 25, 2009, 12:39:03 AM »

I read the "Fall 1152" TPB of the Mouse Guard comic, and words cannot express how much I like it.  But I'll try, here goes:
I like it so much I want to run a game of it.

The Mouse Guard RPG uses a streamlined version of the Burning Wheel system.  The Mouse Guard have many roles in the Mouse Territories; they are scouts, pathfinders, trailbreakers, escorts, and mediators.  They rescue stranded mice, deliver mail between settlements, and hunt down predators.

Hail all those who are able,
Any mouse can,
Any mouse will,
But the Guard prevail.

Anyone interested?

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Why I Love Tom Church
« on: June 24, 2009, 06:02:20 PM »
  • I was listening to the Wushu Dodgeball AP while I mowed the lawn last week.  Cody, as Martin Van Buren, was scrambling for a period-appropriate insult to hurl at his initial nemesis, Curtis.  Tom thoughtfully provides, "Federalist!"
  • In New World #8, Tom's inner voice channels George Carlin: "Go take a shit on the salad bar at Wendy's!"

There's more to come.  It's been a rough day, and my brain doesn't want to work anymore.

General Chaos / Memorial Day
« on: May 23, 2009, 06:46:50 PM »

Happy Memorial Day weekend, bitches!

I expect all of you to honor our servicemen and -women in the finest American traditions of consuming large quantities of grilled meatstuffs and cold fermented grain beverages.

General Chaos / Monster Manual Comix
« on: April 10, 2009, 12:25:23 PM »

Have you been reading them?

The mindflayers are cute.

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