« on: February 01, 2010, 08:40:02 AM »
IQ: 13
ME: 12
MA: 25!
PS: 11
PP: 9
PE: 13
PB: 13
SPD: 9
He doesn't know whether it was the Sudanese civil war or the Congolese civil war, but in one of them, one of the sides was planning to use a biological weapon derived from stolen American bioweapon research waste. The other side raided the convoy, destroying the weaponry, but some of the waste leaked out, where Sokwe Mtu came upon the appealing-fruit-colored, mutagenic substance. As he anthropomorphized, he quickly became alienated from his fellow chimpanzees, and wandered around the Congo-Sudan border where he had lived. It was there that he was found by a group of American Episcopal missionaries, who were utterly convinced that they had found the "missing link." They taught him English, which he learned quickly, and planned to send him off to America for study. He, however, had other plans.
He moved about the rainforest regions of Central Africa for two years, interacting with whatever humans he could, until he found himself in the middle of another Congolese civil war. Amidst his efforts to find a safe place to wait out the conflict, he met an eccentric American Vietnam veteran who had fled the despite towards his ilk stateside by moving to Africa. Vance Markham taught Sokwe about the life of a soldier, teaching him firearms use, military martial arts, and combat tactics. When the army approached Markham's "compound," he and Sokwe held them off, a feat witnessed by a British photojournalist. The story, featured in the Independent of London, made Sokwe an international figure. He couldn't avoid press publicity, and reluctantly immigrated to America, where he could at least harness it for personal gain.
While Sokwe hates the spotlight, he is a natural communicator, and manipulator. His Foundation for Sokwe Mtu--he claims that his name is simply the Swahili word for "chimpanzee"--has raised millions of dollars, which he uses to provide solely for himself. His semi-natural gift for public speaking, his positioning as a philanthropist and philtroglodyphist, as well as his renown as a "war hero" and his war chest, built up from his own paychecks as administrator of his foundation, allowed him to stage a successful run for the office of governor of Arkansas in 2002. He immediately pushed through legislation to create the Arkansas State Defense Force, an official state militia, answerable only to himself, and he has turned it into a sort of private police force, allowing him to act as a kind of vigilante with official sanction and lots of expendable underlings.