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Messages - Ryo

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White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 16, 2010, 07:32:45 PM »
Don't worry about it. My character will literally step in the way of spells in order to stop innocent people from being harmed. That's why the Torc gives him protection from the supernatural.

Guns, knives, sharp sticks, rusty nails, however, will kill him.

Well what I was thinking was by dropping thamaturgy and filling it with sponsered magic, I'd have two points or whatever they are called left. Which I could use to buy Refinement 2, but I don't know if it would be a good idea or not.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:13:11 AM »

It seems most of the magicy characters are double superb conviction/discipline builds....and I understand the temptation....But it should fit with the concept. With the biker backstory I would expect fists or endurance to be higher? Or Drive! Drive isn't even on your list! But with your listed trouble, and everything else mentioned, I wouldn't expect your discipline to be so high.

I had at first thought to drop Thaumaturgy or take a focused ritual (biomancy) as most of the uses of Thaumaturgy didn't fit my concept, but I wasn't sure if we were going to have any other wizards, so I didn't want to gimp the group. I also don't mind lowering Discipline as my character is indifferent to collateral damage, but I the player was a little worried about laying waste to parts of the city. :P

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 16, 2010, 11:03:37 AM »
Yah, but the gang leader was a vicious monster set in his ways, driven by his nature for blood and carnage.
If that still needs the lawbreacker thing than I'll shift some of my supernatural stuff around.

Doesn't matter how evil the guy was. If he's human and you killed him with magic you broke the law.

However you can change it so you almost kill him (maybe at the last moment do one of those "I won't become what you are") or just think you killed him but the Warden finds him alive when they investigate or don't use magic to kill him (guns and knives work well :P)

If you really want your pc to have killed with magic in his past then make room for the lawbreaker.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 16, 2010, 08:31:00 AM »
It looks like wizard with the addition of  sponsered magic.


White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 15, 2010, 11:46:16 PM »
Further work on concept:

NAME: Jack B. Nimble
 High Concept Aspect: The Seelie Mage
Trouble: In love with Summer
1. Growing up normal
   Jack grew up in a normal household. His parents worked normal jobs making a middle class income. He got along with his classmates and had decent grades. He played sports, but wasn't a member of the cool crowd. He had good friends, namely Tom, Little Joe, and Dig. They  did the kind of crazy crap that they would talk about after becoming adults. He took his girlfriend, May Toti to the prom, but didn't get laid and ended up getting drunk with his friends. He worked an after school job to buy a car. He scouted colleges with his parents and did well enough on his SAT to get into a National University. A week into his first semester and his pleasant, comfortable life went to hell. <okay>

2. The choice between magic or mundane or the lack thereof.
   Apparent, the supernatural is real and its kicking Jack's ass. Jack didn't ask for some mystical spark inside him to suddenly manifest itself. He was happy with the way things were. Maybe some people would like strangers suddenly walking up to them, talking crazy shit, but Jack wasn't one of them. Its hard to believe even those people would be keen to have monsters out of folklore and B movies showing up to either try and kill them or bug them to death to do some choir. Most annoying was finding out the professor he was relying on was a wizard. Professor Tom Garner was teaching science for christsake and was an agnostic, how could he believe in this crap. He was the most logical, doubting tom in the whole school. Jack was pull kicking and screaming into the supernatural world. He realized even as these members of the White Council told him he could go back to his old life that they were full of crap. Once his eyes were open there was no going back. He wasn't the type to live a lie or to put his friends or family in danger from trouble they couldn't even see or believe in. <clean up>

3. Love is a hurricane.
   Time past swiftly, Jack proved to be a capable if rebellious student. He might have been asked to become a Warden, if not for the for mention tendency to question if not outright ignore or subvert his superiors's instructions. He had come to enjoy going on long hikes on nature trails. It was a way for him to relax. It was on one of these walks that he happened across a girl being threaten by some freaky looking types, something like goblins. He "saved" the young woman and she seemed very grateful, or at least amused. After that point he kept running into this girl when he went on his hikes. He got to know her, although he had known she was "different" from the start, she ended up telling him she was a Seelie, a Summer Lady, Lilly? Lets just skip ahead to the good part and say, Jack ended up falling in love with her. The feelings of a fae are fickle at best, but whatever she thought it didn't stop her from gifting (binding) him with her favor.  The White Council didn't take well to this and seem to be keeping Jack at arms length. Jack is flush with emotions and won't hear anyone telling him, he might be being used as a pawn for the Summer Court. <needs work>

2 Superb, 2 Great, 2 Good, 3 Fair, 5 Average
(14 total skills)

Conviction - Discipline
   Endurance - Lore
      Alertness - Athletics
         Rapport - Deceit - fists
            Might - Contacts - Resources - Driving - Empathy

supernatural powers
The Sight
Wizard’s Constitution
Sponsored Magic (Summer Court)

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Cody Fan Club
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:16:52 PM »

City Hall / Re: Out of Character Thread
« on: May 15, 2010, 09:11:34 PM »
Oh okay, I thought we had 3 mage types.

City Hall / Re: Out of Character Thread
« on: May 15, 2010, 01:41:55 PM »
We have a lot of wizard types so I think it would be hard to ignore the Mage Vs. Vamp war.

White Council Dossiers / Re: Character Creation...
« on: May 15, 2010, 01:40:42 PM »
Rough Draft

NAME: Jack B. Nimble

High Concept Aspect: Fun in the Sun Mage

Trouble: In love with Summer

1. Growing up normal
2. The choice between magic or mundane
3. Love is a hurricane
4 ?
5 ?

High concept: Freeform mage or Unfetter Fellow or Sidestepping Warlock

Troubles: No concern of Consequences or White Council Black Sheep or Hiding in Plain Sight

Hey Tad, your concept sounds a bit like an apprentice, ie a lot of potential, but limited on training and control. You might be impressive enough for the White Council to want to keep you around even with your 'faults'. I'd say (if the New Star Wars movies weren't so bad), it be something like that.

I see my guy as not much of a company man, tow the line, or obey orders without question type. He'd be big on personal choice and personal responsibility, so I doubt he'd be on the best of terms with the Council. He's rather tolerant of most things or maybe he just doesn't care. Motivating him would be the biggest problem. However once he made up his mind, once he was focused then all hell would break loose. :P

If we are using templates, I think I'll go with wizard. I'm not big on faith concepts (which a lot of them seem to be) and I like the flexibility.

However if we want to narrow the focus and all play the same type, ie all white vamps. I'm fine with that too.

I would like a go at this. I am enjoying the dark dark 4e game and would like to try Dresden.

RPGs / Re: Dresden Files RP
« on: April 28, 2010, 09:23:07 PM »
The game system it uses is simple and fun, imo. I honestly think it would make a great podcast.

Play by Post / Re: Rogue Trader game. Not play by post exactly.
« on: April 26, 2010, 01:51:35 PM »
Sorry what's a Black Desk?

The line-up sounds great though.

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