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Messages - crawlkill

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So, the campaign rebooted. We retconned the first episode a bit and started up with episode 2 with some new characters. Two sessions and a total of seven hours later we finished the first objective with the team holding a brewery hostage, irradiating the beer by turning a man's arm into uranium, and holding a shapeshifting clydesdale hostage.

All in all, a rousing success.

Yesss! Hope it doesn't collapse into the notfuns again. Dirty World mechanics in a farcical supervillain campaign with Caleb at the wheel, ugh, fuck yes.

The whole HIV complications thing was a Blind coverup. Proxy Mercury died in the acid atmosphere of Venus after solar flare activity shorted out Queen's tacnet and pencil laser communications, made him miss his jump window. It was supposed to be a routine cloud dive, god damn it.

also these entries are magical invention is the mother of Preston omg

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Wow... The Backlog
« on: April 21, 2013, 10:54:51 AM »
oh nooo poor Better Angels! are we gonna listen to the frustrating abortion of a campaign that is whatever did get recorded, or just blot out the memory and skip it?

I've said this on comment threads before but the post-per-five-days instead of post-per-week format feels like a much faster clip. ...maybe not enough ever to catch up to the present, but still! I love it. did Fall Without End ever make it onto the main podcast? or was Kickstarter participation so high that there wasn't much point? if anyone's missed out on the mountain dangers, they deserve them.

General Chaos / Re: What Vidja games are you playing?
« on: October 18, 2012, 05:13:56 PM »
XCOM is depressingly random, though, and combat variety's preeetty limited. game's just about scurryin from cover to cover and hoping the enemies you haven't yet detected don't get a flank on you. I prefer my turn-based strategy a little less swingy (and can I think of an example I cannot).

it could definitely easily be an iOS title.

General Chaos / Re: Recommend me some good horror books
« on: September 26, 2012, 03:13:23 AM »
I dunno if I've ever read a horror book that really got to me for more than a couple lines at a time, but the collaborative fiction project over at gives me the creeping horrors on a regular basis and is actually making me afraid of the fucking dark, if you haven't explored it. I recommend, (the excerpts from the book oh FUCK) and the eternal as starting points.

General Chaos / German-language actual play RPG podcasts?
« on: September 09, 2012, 01:24:48 PM »
It's a long shot, I know, but I'm about to willingexile myself from the English language more or less indefinitely ('cept for RPPR on a weekly basis, of course), and have been looking for media to devour. Traditionally, I find I usually pick up languages quickest through sex and gaming, and only one of those things can I readily download. I know we've got at least one German member of our community around here (maybe more?), so I figured I'd ask:

Has anybody ever found any German-language actual play podcasts? There used to be an (extremely low audio quality) archive of some gentleman's Horror im Orient Express campaign out there, but even that's been swallowed up by time, even to the Internet Wayback Machine =( Unfortunately the Anglicization of German gaming means that no amount of "actual play" Rollenspiel deutsch booleaning will filter out all the infinite English-language hits I come up with every time I hunt for search terms. I've dug up one or two that are ABOUT RPGs, but that's not really what I'm after. It's the charm of the AP scene I neeeed.

Anybody know any? Or know any German-language online RPG communities where the question might be more likely to get a reply?


General Chaos / Re: RPPR Minecraft Thread
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:35:34 AM »
I'll take permissions! I'm crawlkill.

Dragged through The Hedge by a marionette? I think yes...

Oh man. Those guys are never ever coming back from Arcadia.

Is it me or did that Dissolution [Funny Story] thread read like someone who's been psycosurgeried by Bartlebee and left in simalspace for too long?

it sounded direct out of the Titan matchatbot on the Luna base!

anybody read Charles Stross' Rule 34? it involves a pre-cyberpunk near future in which spam bots are no longer distinguishable from humans on the internet. I'm glad we're not there yet, but there's something hypnotic here. a sort of crystalline beauty, I feel. this should be preserved in amber. or maybe ether.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Episode 72: World of Darkness
« on: June 14, 2012, 08:05:48 PM »
There're actually some pretty healthy nWoD MUs out there, for you text people. How did people entertain themselves with words before the internet? The biggest one (and my current home) is The Reach, set in lurkingfear small-town New England, at port 2009. Vienna, at port 3010. Aaand I think the oWoD Metro MU is still running, though in reduced circumstances, at port 4201. Just download a client (SimpleMU's a good place to start, 's free, google it), slap in the information and start figuring out how to interface.

For what it's worth, my brother did a interview with Caleb recently and just thought I'd put up a link to it here. Have yet to listen to it myself as of yet, but hope to soon.

This is cool! I grin and shake my head every time Caleb describes our funding as generosity. This ain't generosity! It's half glowing gratitude for the countless hours of awesome we've already been fed for free gratis nothing and half raw hunger to see this kind of stuff see the light of day and our sticky hands.

Caleb, do you realize that when you get around to publishing Know Evil in whatever form it eventually takes you're going to essentially coil the entire Eclipse Phase universe around your vision of it? You must've done more thinking and writing about the setting than anyone outside of Posthuman. It'll be a thing of beauty.

I'd really like to see the famed Andrew's Fortune flowchart. Or, well, more stuff about Andrew's Fortune in general.

this would make my life. Andrew's Fortune is, like, my favorite thing on the internet.

Role Playing Public Radio Podcast / Re: Bless you Aaron, Blaron.
« on: May 26, 2012, 03:44:01 AM »
=I know, right? I have this gnawing fear that my kickstarter won't work out because I don't write good horror scenarios; Aaron makes my scenarios good horror scenarios. It's not like I can package him up and send him out to play with other groups...or can I?

Aaron, how much would you say you were worth as a reward level? And are you okay with traveling by box?

I've seriously considered reverse engineering Bryson Springs a couple times and have decided not to -only and exclusively because- I feel like Aaron added so much to the story/detracted so much from the actual exposition OF the story (which is not a fault in a PC in any way, but which makes it way harder for an observer to figure out what's going on) that without him it could never run in the same way. the Professor's little breakdown was so flawless and took up so much time and gamespace that it became totally central to the storytelling, if not to the story.

learning to love Aaron is key to learning to love RPPR. he still makes me go "err" from time to time, but I'd miss him terribly if he were gone.

you genuine adults have more money than we scholarship-run-out student types. and I have a horror of Skype, anyway. but my $25 is in. it's all the way in. I swear I'm clean.

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