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RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« Last post by Teapot on January 13, 2018, 07:32:10 AM »
So one of the characters is a completely normal guy whose "powers" are the fact that he's mystically tied to a animatronic cowboy powered by the Platonic Western Hero, named Rusty Sprocket. Sort of a Johnny Thunder thing but with a magical robot cowboy instead of a genie. My question is how I should set Rusty up? My thought is to build him as a Companion, with a good bit of refresh dumped into him. But maybe I should also include some Strange skills with a snag making it so that only Rusty can use the powers? Y'know things to reflect superhuman gunfighting skill, and such.

How does he want to use Rusty?
If Rusty's another dude hanging out and playing the harmonica, cooking beans, and shooting dudes that's a companion.
Does he get skills from mystic bleedtrhough? Like shootin' six guns and hogtyin'? That's a skill.
Does he have background benefits from the link? Like being hardier or stabler, that's a skill with stress capacities or defenses.
Similarly, being connected to Rusty might be a signature aspect which is just a free fate point every scene and more nebulous.
Exceptionally late update:
Since the last post I made, I have since bought the Red Markets digital rewards Backerkit, patroned the Mixed Six, and I'm fairly sure actually succeeded in listening to all the Caleb actual plays. I regret almost absolutely nothing.

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь, HAIL COMMUNIST CALEB!

Good job! Be sure to catch up on the Snippets of Adventure segments on the Mixed Six patreon. They're quite funny.
Exceptionally late update:
Since the last post I made, I have since bought the Red Markets digital rewards Backerkit, patroned the Mixed Six, and I'm fairly sure actually succeeded in listening to all the Caleb actual plays. I regret almost absolutely nothing.

Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь, HAIL COMMUNIST CALEB!
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by clockworkjoe on January 10, 2018, 02:12:27 AM »
Finally got a chance to play Dracula's America - 4 player brawl. I got my ass kicked due to high risk attacks and poor rolling. Still fun though - interesting rules and fun gameplay.
Cool, will you be doing a battle report game?

Eventually - gotta start our K47 campaign first though.
RPGs / Re: BaseRaiders
« Last post by clockworkjoe on January 10, 2018, 02:11:46 AM »
I would stat up the cowboy as the main character with the human as the companion. Role play it as the human being the main character but that would be easier to model.

I wrote several articles on about powers and character creation. Here's the most important one:

I like the rest of the team! Good character concepts.

I don't check the forum as much as I do the RPPR Patreon Discord or our Facebook group. I'll try to keep an eye on it in the future.
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by Adam_Autist on January 09, 2018, 06:52:34 PM »
I was clearing out my youtube subscriptions and I noticed one of the wargame places had an AP of it. I almost picked up a copy at Dragonmeet but I had other things I needed more.

I'm trying to get back into wargames but I'm not sure where to start again. I know I want to play skirmish games because I don't have the time or money for the bigger ones right now.

It's hard to figure out which ones have rules sets I like and minis I find aesthetically pleasing.
General Chaos / Re: Best Internet Vidyas
« Last post by CADmonkey on January 09, 2018, 03:14:06 PM »
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

No description available.

General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by CADmonkey on January 09, 2018, 02:48:01 PM »
Finally got a chance to play Dracula's America - 4 player brawl. I got my ass kicked due to high risk attacks and poor rolling. Still fun though - interesting rules and fun gameplay.
Cool, will you be doing a battle report game?
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by clockworkjoe on January 07, 2018, 08:08:25 PM »
Finally got a chance to play Dracula's America - 4 player brawl. I got my ass kicked due to high risk attacks and poor rolling. Still fun though - interesting rules and fun gameplay.
General Chaos / Re: What Wargames are you playing?
« Last post by CADmonkey on January 07, 2018, 05:27:15 PM »

this pleases me
Thought you'd get a kick out of that. :)

In personal wargaming news, I had scheduled another MFZ:RA demo/game day at the FLGS downtown, but it was bitter cold in Ottawa yesterday and (understandably) none of the regular players showed up, but a couple of Magic players from the front room came over for some demo games.  Here's a photo from the end of the first round of the second demo game I ran:

2nd Demo Game by Bryan Rombough, on Flickr
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