My earliest CoC memory is a home-brew adventure my friend wrote and a bunch of us played for his 12th birthday. We all stayed up all night playing this game where it opened with the characters surviving the sinking of a passenger liner, then the survivors find an island with a house on it.
The house was abandoned, or so we thought. The house was sitting on top of an underground lair for a bunch of Serpent Men. They had these cool weapons made of bones, (of god knows from what animal). The weapon was in two parts. One part was a stick with a handle, and the other part looked like giant fangs with a hole in the center piece. The Serpent Men would have the weapon with the fangs on the stick, then they'd sling or snap the stick at us, thus shooting the giant fangs at us. And, of course, the fangs had poison in them. It was cool.
I can't remember what we found in their lair, but the game eventually turned into a massive run-for-your-life escape from the lair/house. My character ended up on the second floor of the house with two mobs of Serpent Men coming up at him from both directions. The only choice left open to me was a chandelier hanging over the large forey, and to try and swing across the chandelier through a window and thus get outside to join the other players who were already outside.
So, of course, Indiana Jones was HUGE then, so as I was singing the Indiana Jones theme I rolled first for the swing across the chandelier, (which was spectacular), and then a jump roll to safely smash through the window and land outside. My jump roll was a natural 100!!! A critical failure. I broke both my legs in the fall. The other players tried to drag my body to the beach so we could escape, but they eventually decided to save their own skins and left me to die at the hands of the Serpent Men.