I've recently been looking for other AP sites, so I have something to listen to between RPPR releases (yes, I have an AP problem, enough said).
I discovered a site called "I Podcast Magic Missile". Has anyone else ever heard of/listened to them?
The IPMM group has a stupid name and a website with really, really bad layout and organization. But the APs they've posted are unlike anything I've ever heard before. They play a lot of Apocalypse World and other games with the AW engine. Like RPPR, they are one of the few AP podcasts where the players actually sound like they're having fun, and where they're also telling an engaging story for the audience. They also play characters that make Bartleby look like a saint, and they deal with topics that would certainly make me and probably most people I've gamed with too uncomfortable to keep playing. I'd describe it more, but it might be better to listen and see for yourself. I've listened to Sunktown, a couple of their one-offs, and I'm halfway through their New Sodom campaign. New Sodom is the best one I've listened to so far, although I almost gave up around episode 2 or 3 because of just how dark it got (and, again, I've liked pretty much everything to come out of RPPR). I'd love to see what this group could do with anything written by Caleb - I guess No Security would be the obvious choice, but "A Perfect Murder" is much more their style.