Author Topic: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!  (Read 8121 times)


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Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« on: February 26, 2010, 07:11:53 AM »
Hey guys!
I'm a new listener to RPPR, but thought I'd join the forums.
Anyways as the thread title says, this is my idea for a CoC action adventure scenario. Let me know what you guys think. I'm open to suggestions, criticism and whatever else you got. It is my first attempt at making my own scenario.
Oh by the way kudos to anyone who can figure out why I picked the number 438.

Bunker 438

    Men, we have intercepted German communications that lead us to believe there is a small, top secret, underground weapons development/research bunker located deep in enemy territory. The bunker is isolated and, for the most part, self-sufficient. It makes regular monthly updates with German high command. Other than that it has no contact with the outside world.
    Our intel tells us that the bunker is manned by a handfull of guards who are outnumbered by the research staff. The research team is directed by a Dr. Franz Gauss. The last message we intercepted, which was three weeks ago, said that he had made a breakthrough. Dr. Franz has been using the past three weeks to test and perfect whatever weapon he has created. The last message said the project would be completed by the next update and ready for deployment.
    Your mission: secure the bunker, figure out what they are developing and capture Dr. Franz alive. After that is completed, radio in and hold out until reinforcements arrive. Your code word is "Dublin", use it to talk to me directly.
    You will be Stealth air-dropped in at night, the night before we storm the beaches of Normandy. Needless  to say, once we take the beaches, the German high command will send an armed escort to the bunker. Don't let the Third Reich gain ahold of that weapon or Dr. Franz Gauss.
    If the Germans are closing in and victory is unatainable, then you have one last resort. Your demolitions expert will be carrying plenty of explosives. Blow the bunker, kill Dr. Franz if you can't escape with him and above all destroy whatever they are developing down there.
    We can't allow the Third Reich to deploy a new weapon at such a crucial time. It could spell disaster and the loss of the war.
    Good luck, our prayers are with you.

Well that's the premise and everything. So tell me what you think. Would you guys play this game?
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Re: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2010, 02:09:52 PM »
eh, sounds fine to me. Whats the catch though?


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Re: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2010, 11:07:29 PM »
Sounds intresting. So whats the 438?


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Re: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2010, 05:13:43 AM »
Well the catch is that the bunker created zombies somehow. I'm not quite sure how yet, maybe with the necromonicon or a summoned demon or something. I'm not really educated in CoC bad guys. So any suggestions would be nice.
Oh they were developing the zombies so they couldtake over Britain. We all now Hitler wanted to invade Britain, but was unable to because of it's really hard to do an invasion by sea. Also since it's a island it could be easilly contained.

The deal with 438 is that it equals 666 in base 8. Yeah I know it's not the coolest reason, and rather difficult to find out. But at least ther's a reason right?
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Re: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2010, 02:43:55 PM »
Well, there's a call of cthulhu setting called Delta Green and it has a section about the mythos in WW2. It states that the nazis used Dr. Herbert (Reanimator) West's formula to raise zombies as shock troops against the soviets.

So take the movie and/or story Reanimator and use that as the basis for your game.


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Re: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2010, 12:21:13 AM »
That's a good idea. I'll be sure to do that.
Thank you, I really appreciate your help.
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Re: Bunker 438. My CoC action adventure scenario!!!
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2010, 02:42:58 PM »
Sounds like the concept for an action game to me. Are you sure you want to run this as a Call of Cthulhu game? Your group might have more fun running this scenario with a more action-oriented system.

If you do run this as CoC, you might want to have the game have more emphasis on personal horror than balls-to-the-walls, shock and awe, search and destroy mission. Have one of the player parachute away from the rest. Instead of facing hordes of zombies, they probably should be in cages and simply sapping away the player's sanity. Have them be deceased children, men and women instead of generic thing-that-should-be-shot-in-the-face.

If you have it as an action game though, sounds like guaranteed fun.