You can (as far as I can tell) in theory have as many skills as you want. You "buy" dice with the points (see the table on 34). Basically you can get up to a d6 in a broad skill, and then can specialize in subdivision. Looks like it might be best to pick about 10-12 skills, look at the table on page 56 and decide how "good" your character is. You then assign your "points" to buy dice (pg. 34), and if you have left over/not enough, you can shuffle them around, add/drops skills, etc. You probably definitely want to take some in attack of some sort, perception of some sense, and some type of defensive maneuver as those are pretty much universally useful. If you are looking for more specific help, feel free to let me know what you want your character to be able to do and I can help you pick out skills/assign points.
Sorry if that's a bit confusing/didn't answer your question. Another option that may work better is talk to the person who will be running the game and see if you could potentially show up a little early to talk over your character with him/her. If you have everything you already have as well as most of your skills picked (not necessarily with the die types assigned), the GM could probably help let you know what may or may not be useful (especially because they will be running the game). For example, certain skills may just not come up depending on what exactly characters are doing.