Author Topic: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game  (Read 109966 times)


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #75 on: December 28, 2010, 10:13:03 PM »
Taser Knuckles!


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #76 on: December 28, 2010, 10:49:22 PM »
"Shut up about your fucking space man" is something I said.


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #77 on: December 28, 2010, 11:01:49 PM »
"Shut up about your fucking space man" is something I said.

It was pretty much the greatest...


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #78 on: December 29, 2010, 12:16:59 AM »
[6:12:17 PM] Ross Payton: ARGLE BARGLE
[6:12:27 PM] Sam Graebner: huuuuuurrrrrrk
[6:12:34 PM] :
[6:19:36 PM] Ross Payton:
<a href="" target="_blank" class="aeva_link bbc_link new_win"></a>

[6:20:52 PM] Matt:
[6:26:07 PM] *** Matthew has changed the conversation topic to "Fear Itself" ***
[6:49:27 PM] Ross Payton: Charlie72 = christopher - SWAT officer badass
[6:49:41 PM] Ross Payton: matthew -mckma - bureuacrat
[6:50:00 PM] Ross Payton: matt - crash2445 - william scott - profiler
[6:50:20 PM] Matt: crash2455
[6:50:52 PM] Ross Payton: sean - amishninja - forensics expert
[6:51:10 PM] Ross Payton: sam - jonathan kent - medic/biologist
[6:51:34 PM] Ross Payton: ross - dr andrew whitworth - psychologist
[6:51:43 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: sean (amishninja) - nathan wilks - forensics bro
[6:53:10 PM] : 1. Infiltrate Mimetic Solutions
2. Identify the Agent Behind the Attack
3. Find Perry Morgan
4. Rescue and Interrogate Survivors on Site
[6:56:40 PM] Ross Payton: spending 1 point of photography to figure out why power is off
[6:58:53 PM] Matt:
[7:01:35 PM] Matthew: Scanning Security footage
[7:01:37 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: Scanning footage, saw the incident with man at computer slumping over.
[7:01:41 PM] Charlie72: Cleanning ma gun
[7:01:56 PM] Matt: Knowing about content screeners
[7:02:01 PM] Sam Graebner: Checking footage for signs of dispersal units - 1 point in science
[7:02:48 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: Can I somehow enhance the image of the computer screen?
[7:02:52 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: Would that require a  point spend?
[7:05:42 PM] Charlie72: Crash and Burn
[7:05:47 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: ZERO COOL
[7:05:49 PM] Sam Graebner: currently shaking my head at the crazy videos
[7:05:50 PM] Matt: crack detective team
[7:06:00 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: OKAY
[7:06:16 PM] Matt: srs bsns
[7:08:23 PM] Matthew: Man copying something rapidly and distributing to employee mailboxes, killed by another
[7:10:17 PM] Charlie72: I HATE eye things
[7:10:22 PM] Sam Graebner: fuckin' eyes
[7:11:00 PM] Matt: how do they work
[7:11:03 PM] Charlie72: I doesn't need eyes to see
[7:11:10 PM] Matt: I can smell ya
[7:11:11 PM | Edited 7:13:23 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: magnets > eyes what
[7:11:47 PM] Sam Graebner: i just feel bad for the cameras
[7:11:52 PM] Charlie72: ete guy may haved the right idea
[7:11:57 PM] Charlie72: *eye
[7:12:15 PM] Charlie72: **have had
[7:12:51 PM] Ross Payton: the eyes have it
[7:12:57 PM | Edited 7:13:18 PM] Matt: you can right-click and edit your posts like this.  CRAZY.  oh good to know
[7:13:08 PM] Sam Graebner: or arrow button up
[7:13:38 PM] Charlie72: All spelling errors shall be recorded
[7:15:55 PM] Sam Graebner: blue HER key with the red door
[7:16:06 PM] Sam Graebner: i mean waht
[7:16:06 PM] Matt: *facepalm*
[7:16:11 PM] Matt: stay classy there
[7:16:16 PM] Sam Graebner: roger
[7:16:35 PM] Sam Graebner: stabilty in 5...4....3...
[7:19:22 PM] Charlie72: That actully happend in CSI
[7:19:28 PM] Matt: it happened in bones too
[7:19:36 PM] Sam Graebner: gotta love television
[7:19:37 PM] Matt: it happens in like every procedural
[7:19:42 PM] Matt: with cameras
[7:19:49 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: I'll program a GUI using visual basic and trace the IP address!
[7:19:57 PM] Sam Graebner: hack the internets!
[7:19:59 PM] Sam Graebner: all of them
[7:20:09 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: PROTECT THE GIBSON
[7:20:10 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: GOGOGOGOGO
[7:20:11 PM] Matt: they're stealing the internet
[7:20:11 PM] Sam Graebner: WELL HACK THEM BACK
[7:23:08 PM] Sam Graebner: hangon brb
[7:24:29 PM] Sam Graebner: back
[7:26:14 PM] Sam Graebner: red herring here! red herrring!
[7:27:01 PM] Matthew: They hosted WikiLeaks!
[7:27:06 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: OLOL
[7:27:06 PM] Sam Graebner: bastards
[7:27:09 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: caps
[7:28:31 PM] Sam Graebner: well there was the satanic ritual we held
[7:28:36 PM] Sam Graebner: but other than that, nah
[7:28:37 PM] Matt: I KNEW IT
[7:28:45 PM] Matt: SUDDENTLY
[7:28:47 PM] Matt: SLENDER MANS
[7:28:52 PM] Matt: THOUSANDS OF THEM
[7:29:02 PM] Ross Payton: O SHI
[7:29:04 PM] Ross Payton: D:
[7:37:12 PM] *** Charlie72 sent plan a.png ***
[7:39:35 PM] Charlie72:
[7:43:42 PM] Matt: going through the cubicles
[7:43:42 PM] Matthew: My Skype call is acting kind of funky (audio-wise)
[7:43:47 PM] Sam Graebner: I'm going to cubicles
[7:43:49 PM] Ross Payton: going down the cubicles
[7:43:50 PM] Matt: it's doing that too
[7:43:51 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: cubicles
[7:43:51 PM] Charlie72: Cubicals
[7:43:53 PM] Matt: for me
[7:43:55 PM] Matt: everyone's a robot
[7:43:56 PM] Sam Graebner: cubicle party!
[7:44:22 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: beep boop boop
[7:45:51 PM] Matthew: I guess I'm going offices
[7:46:10 PM] Matthew: Were we still splitting?
[7:46:15 PM] Matt: I think so
[7:46:20 PM] Sam Graebner: yes
[7:46:36 PM] Charlie72: Me and ross are going to the offices i Think
[7:47:26 PM] Sam Graebner: so this happened right before lunch
[7:47:38 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: thereabouts
[7:47:43 PM] Sam Graebner: which means all the crazed maniacs are gonna be HUNGRY crazed maniacs
[7:47:53 PM] Matt: they've fed well since then
[7:47:54 PM] Matthew: NOM NOM NOM
[7:47:58 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: hopefully none of them looked at the "cannibal" image
[7:48:11 PM] Matt: i only drink the blood of my enemies
[7:48:24 PM] Ross Payton: 50 employees
[7:48:24 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: i prefer to eat the heart
[7:48:30 PM] Ross Payton: 5 not in the office
[7:48:34 PM] Ross Payton: 5 murders
[7:48:35 PM] Matt: 5 murders
[7:48:40 PM] Matt: jinx
[7:48:41 PM] Ross Payton: approximately 40 unaccounted for
[7:48:51 PM] Ross Payton: I owe you a coke
[7:48:54 PM] Matt: heh
[7:48:59 PM] Matt: ross ross ross
[7:55:29 PM] Sam Graebner: currently taking bets on who dies first
[7:55:50 PM] Matthew: All I know is I'm standing BEHIND the guy with 3 Stability and the Machine gun
[7:56:00 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: I'm betting on it being one of charlie's teammates
[7:56:03 PM] Ross Payton: yeam me too
[7:56:44 PM] Matthew: Johnny threw a TV out the window...
[7:57:21 PM] Sam Graebner: hazmat suits plus nightvision goggles does not equal a good plan
[7:57:33 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: nightvision + flashbang == good times
[7:57:37 PM] Sam Graebner: ow
[7:57:38 PM] Matt: heh
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 07:10:30 PM by Setherick »


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #79 on: December 29, 2010, 12:17:46 AM »
[8:00:11 PM] Sam Graebner: ruling out zombies
[8:00:40 PM] Sam Graebner: slendy's standing in teh corner
[8:00:42 PM] Sam Graebner: "sup"
[8:00:46 PM] Matthew: I imagine my character with a long checklist and clipboard doing just that
[8:00:58 PM] Matt: checking our backs
[8:01:04 PM] Matt: moving to cube 1
[8:01:22 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: moving to cube 2
[8:01:38 PM] Sam Graebner: spending sense trouble 2 points
[8:02:00 PM] Matt: woah
[8:02:04 PM] Matt: stuff kinda broke up there
[8:02:24 PM] Sam Graebner: spend a point in shooting
[8:03:19 PM] Matthew: Bet that would feel good
[8:03:30 PM | Edited 8:03:40 PM] Ross Payton: I spend a point in NOT BURNING
[8:03:34 PM | Edited 8:06:27 PM] Matt: lol. spend a point in shooting
[8:04:52 PM] Matthew: 1 down, 39 to go
[8:04:52 PM] Charlie72: Chris is proud
[8:04:59 PM] Matt: heh
[8:05:02 PM] Sam Graebner: killcount 1
[8:05:08 PM] Matt: Crash 1
[8:05:11 PM] Matt: crazy bitch 0
[8:05:46 PM] Sam Graebner: spending a point in stability
[8:06:07 PM] Matt: spending a point in stability
[8:07:10 PM] Charlie72: she explodes
[8:07:42 PM] Matt: /\ this
[8:07:50 PM] Sam Graebner: epic
[8:10:23 PM] Sam Graebner: spending a point in scuffle
[8:10:57 PM] Sam Graebner: patrick's cutting out
[8:11:01 PM] Matt: yep
[8:11:08 PM] Matt: you're going all 8bit at times
[8:11:56 PM] *** Call ended ***
[8:11:59 PM] Charlie72: oh, spent point in  Athletics and Sense Trouble
[8:12:01 PM] *** Conference call, duration 1:26:16 ***
[8:13:11 PM] Matt: you cut out again
[8:13:20 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah, bad this time
[8:13:32 PM] Sam Graebner: can't really hear sean either
[8:13:42 PM] Matt: it's patrick
[8:13:54 PM] Matt: sean just loses quality after a bit
[8:14:42 PM] Sam Graebner: spend two points in medic
[8:15:32 PM] Matt: spending a point in shrink
[8:17:01 PM] Matt: mmm, delicious sugared almonds
[8:17:04 PM] Matt: also i can't hear ross
[8:17:06 PM] Sam Graebner: am i the only one it's cutting out for?
[8:17:07 PM] Sam Graebner: ok good
[8:17:11 PM] Matthew: I'm having trouble, but my internet sucks, so that might be it
[8:17:11 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: ross cut out a bit for me
[8:17:31 PM] Matthew: Dropped me from the call?
[8:17:32 PM] Matt: my internet also sucks a bit
[8:17:34 PM] Matt: ditto
[8:18:04 PM] Matthew: *shakes fist angrily*
[8:18:27 PM] Matt: i also like that itsays "FEAR ITSELF is calling"
[8:18:31 PM] Matt: "do you answer?"
[8:18:33 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: yeah :)
[8:19:15 PM] Matt: bio break brb
[8:20:28 PM] Matt: k back
[8:21:49 PM] Matthew: Turns out she's a DEMON!!!!
[8:26:18 PM] Sam Graebner: spending two points in preparedness
[8:27:54 PM] Matt: they copy in black AND white
[8:28:27 PM] Charlie72: Mindlebrot?
[8:28:31 PM] Matt: mandlebrot
[8:28:37 PM] Matthew:
[8:28:41 PM] Matt: one badass fucking fractal
[8:28:46 PM] Matt: it saves the world in a tiny way
[8:28:46 PM] Ross Payton:
[8:28:47 PM] Matthew: Indeed
[8:28:55 PM] Matt: something about jonathan coulton
[8:29:13 PM] Matt: take a point called z in the complex plane
[8:29:30 PM] Matt: z2 = z1^2 + c
[8:29:38 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: spending 2 in stability
[8:29:38 PM] Matt: z3 = z2^2 + c
[8:29:40 PM] Matt: and so on
[8:29:45 PM] Sam Graebner: woof
[8:30:27 PM] Sam Graebner: oh thanks
[8:30:54 PM] Sam Graebner: look at it with a mirror
[8:32:22 PM] Matt: c'thulu f'tahgn
[8:32:25 PM] Matt: x infinity
[8:32:27 PM] Sam Graebner: ia! ia!
[8:32:53 PM] Matt:
[8:32:55 PM] Matt: once again
[8:33:59 PM] Sam Graebner: OR DO YOU?
[8:34:10 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: hmm i dunno you raise a good point
[8:34:14 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: hey guys check your email
[8:34:18 PM] Matthew: boogity bootity boo!
[8:34:21 PM] Sam Graebner: show it to charlie first
[8:35:12 PM] Sam Graebner: "shut up about your fucking space man" should be the tagline for this episode
[8:35:18 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: hahaha yes
[8:35:19 PM] Matt: heh
[8:35:22 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: #1 quote so far
[8:35:44 PM] Charlie72: 2 for
[8:37:48 PM] Charlie72: gentle easy pressure
[8:41:39 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: 1 point in preparedness
[8:41:56 PM] Matthew: 2 points in prepardness
[8:42:22 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: high five matthew
[8:42:30 PM] Matthew: ^5
[8:42:48 PM] Sam Graebner: spend two in preparedness
[8:43:01 PM] Matthew: Somewhat frightening...
[8:43:26 PM] Charlie72: 420 make check every day
[8:43:39 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: 420 look at fractals every day
[8:44:36 PM] Matt: spending 2 points
[8:44:38 PM] Matt: in shrink
[8:45:04 PM] Sam Graebner: spending a point in medic
[8:45:35 PM] Ross Payton: he rolled a 1 on the potion miscibility table
[8:45:39 PM] Ross Payton: wait
[8:45:57 PM] Charlie72: It's like that WoS game on the fan cast
[8:46:30 PM] Charlie72: Everyones a robot
[8:47:24 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: "everyone on the internet is a dog" - ross payton
[8:47:30 PM] Matt: woof
[8:47:38 PM] Matthew: meow
[8:49:40 PM] Sam Graebner: lost ross there
[8:49:43 PM] Matt: yep
[8:49:46 PM] Matt: and now he's a robot
[8:50:57 PM] Sam Graebner: motherfucking heater came on behind me and i jumped an inch
[8:50:57 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: look out for broom handles fashioned into stakes
[8:51:03 PM] Matt: nice
[8:51:07 PM] Matt: are you playing on hard mode?
[8:51:11 PM] Sam Graebner: not quite
[8:51:13 PM] Sam Graebner: medium for sure
[8:51:23 PM] Sam Graebner: door's closed, but lights are on
[8:51:31 PM] Matt: ditto
[8:51:53 PM] Sam Graebner: sinister mops
[8:51:55 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: good call. gonna lights out
[8:51:58 PM] Matthew: Mop does not equal electrical equipment?
[8:52:12 PM] Matt: how am electrical equipemtn?
[8:52:19 PM] Sam Graebner: but who was mop??
[8:56:54 PM] Sam Graebner: sense trouble two points
[8:57:07 PM] Matt: sense trouble uno punto
[8:57:40 PM] Charlie72: Sword Fight?
[8:57:43 PM] Matthew: They've teamed up to fight evil!
[8:57:44 PM] Matt: pipe fight
[8:57:47 PM] Matt: OH GOD IT'S STOMP
[8:57:53 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: pipe duel
[8:58:00 PM] Matthew: On an epic quest across the lands!
[8:58:01 PM] Charlie72: Have at you
[8:58:15 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: have at thee, knave!
[8:58:54 PM] Charlie72: You fight like a dairy farmer
[8:59:41 PM] Matt: how fitting
[8:59:44 PM] Matt: you fight like a cow
[8:59:54 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: I once had a dog that was smarter than you.
[8:59:57 PM] Sam Graebner: spending a point in athletics
[9:00:52 PM] Charlie72: Ross ruins everything
[9:01:00 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: Office Deathmatch.
[9:01:00 PM] Ross Payton: :D
[9:01:03 PM] Ross Payton: 8-)
[9:01:32 PM] Sam Graebner: there's a guy right in fornt of you that attacks while you're looking up
[9:01:35 PM] Matthew: SPOILER ALERT: He IS crazy
[9:03:41 PM] Matt: spending a point in sense trouble
[9:04:03 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: "I've got a blade with your name on it"
[9:04:47 PM] Matthew: Condemned anyone?
[9:04:59 PM] Matthew: Creepy game...
[9:05:17 PM] Matt: spending a point in shooting
[9:05:18 PM] Charlie72: Bears show up
[9:05:26 PM] Sam Graebner: they fall from the rafters
[9:05:30 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: Bear Summoning Fractals.
[9:05:41 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: that's what would've happened if I kept looking at it
[9:05:43 PM] Charlie72: Bearthullu
[9:05:49 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: BEARORISM
[9:06:05 PM] Matthew:
[9:06:27 PM] Sam Graebner: "I draw my tazer knuckles and attack the guy weilding a paper cutter"
[9:06:36 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: "I draw my katana"
[9:06:45 PM] Matt:[2]_1.jpg
[9:06:48 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: I draw two katanas. DRAGON TWISTER!
[9:09:05 PM] Matt: spending 2 points on preparedness / scuffling
[9:09:43 PM] Matt: lost charlie
[9:09:58 PM] Sam Graebner: woah just lost everyone there
[9:10:00 PM] Matt: yeah
[9:10:03 PM] Matt: everyone's a robot
[9:11:20 PM] Matt: zweihander
[9:11:27 PM] Sam Graebner: i love how we've been inside for an hour and have accomplished zero objectives
[9:11:27 PM] Matt: the ultimate paper cutter
[9:12:37 PM] Sam Graebner: my current plan is to go to where the plot is
[9:14:34 PM] Sam Graebner: 'I will help him restrain ross payton'
[9:14:44 PM] Ross Payton: >:O
[9:14:55 PM] Sam Graebner: roll stability
[9:14:55 PM] Ross Payton: these smileys are terrible
[9:15:00 PM] Matt: gifs ftw
[9:15:34 PM] Charlie72: Skype needs smug
[9:16:04 PM] Ross Payton: (smirk)
[9:16:10 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: :smug:
[9:16:14 PM] Matt: I'm gonna check filing cabinet guy when it comes back to me
[9:16:59 PM] Charlie72: Going to moon man to get him
[9:17:08 PM] Matthew: Sorry forgot that Crash was the profiler.  I meant to call the medic...
[9:17:17 PM] Sam Graebner: that's me yeah
[9:17:42 PM] Matthew: 3 points in Bureaucracy
[9:18:23 PM] Matthew: I'm making connections, but I'm not sure how much is metagaming...
[9:18:35 PM] Matt: ditto
[9:18:41 PM] Matt: since the hint was given
[9:19:01 PM] Matt: though William wouldn't think of that
[9:19:10 PM] Sam Graebner: yes, he's the only one trying to turn everything back on
[9:21:13 PM] Matthew: And then ROSS WAS A ZOMBIE!
[9:21:39 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: pretty sure my character is oblivious to what's going on with ross' character
[9:22:06 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm actually convinced charlie's character has gone crazy
[9:22:16 PM] Matt: i'm convinced he was always crazy
[9:22:20 PM] Matthew: I'm pretty sure I was never convinced he was sane...
[9:22:22 PM] Sam Graebner: things keep coming up before i get a chance to check on him
[9:22:25 PM] Sam Graebner: well yes, MORE crazy
[9:25:24 PM] Sam Graebner: matthew you're still in the server room with perry morgan yeah?
[9:25:27 PM] Matthew: The best part, we're doing all this in hazmat suits.  Imagine how amusing this looks
[9:25:30 PM] Sam Graebner: I KNOW
[9:25:38 PM] Matt: oh right
[9:25:42 PM] Matt: i forgot about that
[9:25:44 PM] Matthew: I'm in the printer room, didn't know it was perry morgan
[9:25:52 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm assuming 'cause of the axe
[9:25:55 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm coming to you
[9:26:01 PM] Matt: HERE'S JOHNNY
[9:26:09 PM] Sam Graebner: thanks crash =)
[9:27:21 PM] Matthew: His vice: expensive paper
[9:27:28 PM] Sam Graebner: this game is justgonna end with me tranqing everyone and ross murdering the world
[9:27:36 PM] Matthew: Probably
[9:27:48 PM] Matt: at least I've got taser knuckles
[9:28:09 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: 2 points in sense troublez
[9:28:13 PM | Edited 9:28:19 PM] Matthew: 'Cause I'm gonna bust out with the fire axe!
[9:28:18 PM] Sam Graebner: YES
[9:28:22 PM] Matt: OH
[9:28:22 PM] Matt: SHIT
[9:28:27 PM] Sam Graebner: hahah oh fuck
[9:29:03 PM] Charlie72: Sense Trouble 1
[9:30:05 PM] Matthew: First Blood!
[9:30:11 PM] Matt: HEAD SHOT
[9:30:12 PM] Matthew: Goes to Ross
[9:31:07 PM] Matthew: Spend 50 points!
[9:31:36 PM] Matthew: Make an Athletics check to look away!
[9:31:46 PM] Matthew: You startled the witch!
[9:31:49 PM] Sam Graebner: read that as "makes an athiest check"
[9:32:26 PM] Sam Graebner: wait they're talking?
[9:32:32 PM] Sam Graebner: thats...interesting
[9:32:32 PM] Matt: this guy is different
[9:32:48 PM] Matt: if it was one of them he would have been stabbed with a plackard
[9:33:01 PM] Matthew: Sam, maybe we should just barricade ourselves in the server room...
[9:33:02 PM] Matthew: :P
[9:33:08 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm fine with that
[9:34:43 PM] Sam Graebner: hard to carve a fractal
[9:34:50 PM] : exactly
[9:35:17 PM] Matthew: She only has a +1 to Fractal Carving
[9:35:26 PM] Matt: take 10
[9:35:59 PM] Sam Graebner: she's not one of the murderers
[9:36:58 PM] Sam Graebner: spend a point in medic
[9:37:33 PM] Ross Payton: (chuckle)
[9:37:34 PM] Matthew: *facepalm*
[9:37:41 PM] Matthew: ^My character
[9:38:29 PM] Matthew: Everyone get ready for the end of the world...
[9:38:34 PM] Sam Graebner: here we go
[9:38:39 PM] Matthew: 3, 2, 1...
[9:38:46 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: bomb activated
[9:40:17 PM] Ross Payton: FISSION MAILED
[9:40:26 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: heh heh fission is cool
[9:40:47 PM] Matthew: Hint:  All of them
[9:40:52 PM] Sam Graebner: OH NOES
[9:42:14 PM] Sam Graebner: perry morgan's more important imo
[9:43:03 PM] Matt: i think i'm out
[9:43:08 PM] Matt: i need to jump back in
[9:43:19 PM] Matt: INTERNETS!
[9:43:24 PM] Sam Graebner: huzzah!
[9:44:32 PM] Sam Graebner: too many corners in this building
[9:47:55 PM] Sam Graebner: spending two medic points
[9:49:05 PM] Matthew: GAME OVER
[9:49:48 PM] Sam Graebner: SHOOT HER
[9:51:04 PM] Sam Graebner: I forgot that ross wasn't a part of the FBI team
[9:51:13 PM] Sam Graebner: we totally just let him do his thing
[9:51:20 PM] Matt: yeah
[9:51:25 PM] Sam Graebner: man
[9:51:34 PM] Charlie72: I tried to stop him
[9:51:49 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: Well, he was working on restoring power, which seems productive.
[9:51:54 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: But in hindsight
[9:51:55 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: yeah
[9:51:56 PM] Sam Graebner: hahah we were worried about the obvious threats
[9:52:03 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: we kinda dropped the ball due to distractions there
[9:52:04 PM] Matthew: That's why I didn't bother with him
[9:52:47 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: honestly my character has no reason to call him out. he's not part of the main team and he was sent by our superiors, and he has restored power which is pretty important
[9:52:53 PM] Matt: true that
[9:52:55 PM] Sam Graebner: right, i'm just saying OOC
[9:53:03 PM] Sam Graebner: we fucked up
[9:53:05 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: oh for sure, he's totally suspicious :)
[9:53:20 PM] Charlie72: This is what happens when you go off on your own'
[9:53:36 PM] Charlie72: Someones gonna get fucked in the ass
[9:53:38 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: there's something I thought of doing earlier that I might just do now
[9:53:44 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: (report back to hq)
[9:53:44 PM] Matt: well, it's ross
[9:53:58 PM] Sam Graebner: haha my character is still conviced it's a biological agent
[9:54:03 PM] Sam Graebner: i haven't seen any fractals
[9:54:09 PM] Matt: ditto
[9:54:10 PM] Ross Payton: 8-|
[9:54:18 PM] Matthew: Whoo!
[9:54:19 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: pretty sure I've put two and two together about fractals and content office + internet...
[9:55:30 PM] Charlie72: You mother fucker
[9:56:11 PM] Matt: aren't the servers obliterated?
[9:56:20 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah they got the axe
[9:56:30 PM] Matt: destroyAllNerds.exe
[9:56:47 PM] Matthew: I focus on the the bureaucracy, I believe him...
[9:58:02 PM] Matthew: You need a red key!
[9:58:06 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: cheater
[9:58:06 PM] Matthew: You need a blue key!
[9:58:12 PM] Sam Graebner: you need a gold key!
[9:58:12 PM] Crash: dqqds
[9:58:29 PM] Matthew: Staving off the end of the world, one roll at a time...
[9:58:32 PM] Crash: noclip = 1
[9:59:06 PM] Crash: like the writes of spring
[9:59:39 PM] Crash: that was a song that made people riot
[9:59:43 PM] Crash: f'reals
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 07:11:06 PM by Setherick »


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2010, 12:18:17 AM »
[9:59:50 PM] Sam Graebner: haha yeah
[10:02:17 PM] Crash: oh shit
[10:02:18 PM] Crash: irony
[10:04:49 PM] Sam Graebner: sir yes sir
[10:06:07 PM] Matthew: "They're not worth rescuing..."
[10:06:28 PM] Sam Graebner: hahaha
[10:06:35 PM] Sam Graebner: it was zombies the whole time
[10:06:47 PM] Matthew: It was a dream the whole time...
[10:07:00 PM] Sam Graebner: why do I still feel like there's something we're missing?
[10:07:11 PM] Crash: because there is
[10:07:16 PM] Crash: we won't find out till it's too late
[10:07:16 PM] Sam Graebner: OH RIGHT
[10:07:32 PM] Crash: we'll never get the whole story
[10:07:46 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: we are pawns
[10:07:55 PM] Sam Graebner: woooooooo
[10:07:55 PM] Crash: once again
[10:08:01 PM] Crash: the only winning move is not to play
[10:08:06 PM] Sam Graebner: hahaha
[10:08:15 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm just surprised none of us have died
[10:08:24 PM] Crash: we've barely been hurt
[10:08:30 PM] Sam Graebner: the lights are on now and everything
[10:08:31 PM] Matthew: Charlie put the gun away, that's why
[10:08:31 PM] Crash: that just means that it's something we can't fight
[10:08:50 PM] Sam Graebner: well yeah, the image. but i wonder if there's gonna be something else
[10:08:57 PM] Sam Graebner: oh shit
[10:09:04 PM] Sam Graebner: FUCKING MOPS
[10:09:14 PM] Matthew: Oh man, is that an image...
[10:09:26 PM] Matthew: A man in a hazmat suit fighting a guy with a flaming mop
[10:09:51 PM] Crash: he's clearly a liar
[10:10:23 PM] Sam Graebner: yes, back into rooms
[10:10:28 PM] Sam Graebner: that we haven't been inside yet
[10:10:29 PM] Crash: spread the flames
[10:10:31 PM] Crash: everywhere
[10:10:34 PM] Sam Graebner: BURN IT ALL
[10:10:36 PM] Crash: take him to the copy room
[10:10:49 PM] Matthew: And burn the papers?
[10:10:51 PM] Crash: yep
[10:11:02 PM] Crash: and the server room next door
[10:11:09 PM] Crash: and everyone inside
[10:11:16 PM] Matthew: :(
[10:11:18 PM] Crash: burn the house down
[10:11:18 PM] Sam Graebner: we still haven't checked out the offices
[10:11:19 PM] Crash: BURN THEM ALL
[10:11:36 PM] Matthew: I don't think we've even looked at 1/3 of the building
[10:11:50 PM] Crash: yeah
[10:11:54 PM] Crash: that's a fair statemetn
[10:12:08 PM] Sam Graebner: three hours of playtime, too
[10:12:22 PM] Crash: i'm curious how far along we are
[10:12:26 PM] Sam Graebner: at least we've accomplished more objectives
[10:12:29 PM] Crash: 2
[10:12:31 PM] Sam Graebner: perry morgan's dead
[10:12:36 PM] Sam Graebner: we know it's not an agent
[10:12:41 PM] Sam Graebner: right yes
[10:12:43 PM] Sam Graebner: i know
[10:12:45 PM] Sam Graebner: just saying
[10:12:50 PM] Sam Graebner: that's his 'status'
[10:12:54 PM] Crash: yeah
[10:12:59 PM] Crash: actually 3 of 4 now
[10:12:59 PM] Sam Graebner: dead is a status
[10:13:09 PM] Sam Graebner: haha oh yeah, infiltrate
[10:13:17 PM] Crash: the first one doesn't exactly count
[10:13:22 PM] Crash: i suppose
[10:13:28 PM] Matthew: We got like four surivors, that's good enough right?
[10:13:30 PM] Sam Graebner: just gotta sweep the building and subdue everyone
[10:13:32 PM] Crash: though we failed that as much as we could
[10:13:32 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahaha yes
[10:13:40 PM] Crash: I'm going for a fifth
[10:13:51 PM] Crash: and the library probably has some people
[10:13:58 PM] Matthew: Just drag them out and bomb the place?
[10:14:04 PM] Crash: nuke it from orbit
[10:14:07 PM] Crash: it's the only way to be sure
[10:14:08 PM] Sam Graebner: i wonder if the library has sane people
[10:14:27 PM] Sam Graebner: depends on what the extent of Ross' orders are
[10:14:44 PM] Crash: "upload the virus"
[10:14:48 PM] Crash: which probably means "take the image"
[10:14:49 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahaha
[10:14:58 PM] Sam Graebner: yeah
[10:15:10 PM] Sam Graebner: betcha he's here to secure the image for the government
[10:15:25 PM] Crash: or he's under control from the spacement
[10:15:30 PM] Matthew: I got that covered
[10:15:39 PM] Crash: to upload that image to the nets
[10:15:41 PM] Matthew: Ready to shoot him if things get hairy
[10:15:44 PM] Crash: to prepare us for our captors
[10:15:50 PM] Crash: our rulers
[10:15:54 PM] Crash: from alpha centauri
[10:17:27 PM] Sam Graebner: ewwwwwwww
[10:17:31 PM] Crash: ouch
[10:17:39 PM] Crash: it's so painful
[10:17:41 PM] Crash: and so refreshing
[10:17:45 PM] Matthew: It's like the vending machine ate him...
[10:17:50 PM] Sam Graebner: "ewwww"
[10:18:02 PM] Crash: i always knew pepsi would kill me
[10:18:05 PM] Ross Payton: in soviet russia machine vends you
[10:18:17 PM] Ross Payton: 8-)
[10:18:36 PM] Matthew: YEEAH!
[10:18:38 PM] Ross Payton: next method for raising money for rppr
[10:18:41 PM] Ross Payton: PRODUCT PLACEMENT
[10:18:53 PM] Sam Graebner: *cough*zoom h2*cough*
[10:19:37 PM] Crash: especially in the Slender Man game
[10:21:34 PM] Sam Graebner: one will kill him, the other tries to save him
[10:22:04 PM] Sam Graebner: for some reason you've got air quotes around that
[10:22:12 PM] Sam Graebner: "not going to kill you"
[10:22:17 PM] Sam Graebner: "just want to help you"
[10:22:41 PM] Sam Graebner: at least it isn't dark any more
[10:22:52 PM] Matthew: Maybe this is they guy that popped his eyes out.  Did you think of that?
[10:22:57 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahaha
[10:23:00 PM] Crash: lulz
[10:23:07 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: that would be quite the twist
[10:23:19 PM] Matthew: tweest you mean?
[10:23:24 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: yes
[10:23:26 PM] Sam Graebner: "it's not safe to go alone. take this."
[10:23:26 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: both
[10:23:44 PM] Matthew: And he still has positive sanity?
[10:23:54 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: i still have more sanity than him
[10:23:59 PM] Sam Graebner: the walls are covered in fractals
[10:24:00 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: and I've lost 9 pts
[10:24:26 PM] Matthew: I've lost 8 :P
[10:26:01 PM] Sam Graebner: they didn't survive us
[10:26:29 PM] Sam Graebner: we've been in this building for probably about twenty minutes
[10:26:38 PM] Crash: and oh, what we've done
[10:26:41 PM] Crash: we are geniuses
[10:26:46 PM] Matthew: Probably less honestly
[10:26:51 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: we're the best CT crew ever
[10:26:55 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: so fucking good at this
[10:27:01 PM] Crash: we based oursevles on 24
[10:27:04 PM] Crash: we are ctu
[10:27:07 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: charlie did
[10:27:15 PM] Crash: a bomb's gonna go off and then shit's gonna get real
[10:27:33 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: charlie makes me look like a carebear
[10:27:54 PM] Matthew: SHOOT HIM!
[10:27:56 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: YES
[10:27:57 PM] Sam Graebner: the thumbtacks would be less painful
[10:28:15 PM] Matthew: He's going to seize up then fall on the thumbtacks...
[10:28:20 PM] Sam Graebner: good
[10:29:51 PM] Sam Graebner: put the medic on autopilot for a minute, heading to subdue sean's crazy guy
[10:29:52 PM] Sam Graebner: brb
[10:30:57 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: my crazy guy is bleeding out, technically already "subdued"
[10:31:10 PM] Matthew: Eh, semantics
[10:31:22 PM] : I don't have to kill you people
[10:31:25 PM] : you'll get each other
[10:31:31 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: SIGH
[10:31:36 PM] Matthew: Honestly, it's kind of surprising that it took this long for him to get tased...
[10:31:42 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: ^
[10:31:48 PM] Sam Graebner: back
[10:31:49 PM] Matthew: And I love it...
[10:31:50 PM] Charlie72: 3 to fight
[10:31:54 PM] Crash: 2 points on scuffling
[10:32:02 PM] Sam Graebner: none of us have even gone crazy
[10:32:30 PM] Matthew: And the people who have lost sanity aren't even in the fight..
[10:33:02 PM] Sam Graebner: he didn't actually attack you
[10:33:09 PM] Sam Graebner: you stepped on a thumbtack
[10:33:14 PM] Sam Graebner: and then beat a man senseless
[10:33:19 PM] : lool
[10:33:25 PM] : best trap ever
[10:33:52 PM] Sam Graebner: so cunning
[10:34:16 PM] Sam Graebner: YOU CAN'T LOCK DOORS
[10:34:21 PM] Matthew: Yackity Sax plays as Charlie chases Crash around the office building with all the crazy people...
[10:35:32 PM] Matthew: Greatest image ever, the two of them running around
[10:35:40 PM] Matthew: In hazmat suits
[10:36:38 PM] Matthew: "Yup"
[10:37:47 PM] Charlie72: 1 to taswe
[10:37:53 PM] Matthew: The crazy people are sitting in the cubicles watching us, munching on popcorn...
[10:38:02 PM] Sam Graebner: WE'RE THE CRAZY PEOPLE
[10:38:05 PM] Crash: OH MY GOD
[10:38:14 PM] Matthew: OH SNAP, WHAT A TWEEST!
[10:39:35 PM] Matthew: Wait, who hasn't shot a guy?
[10:39:44 PM] Matthew: Am I the only one?
[10:39:48 PM] Crash: i think charlie
[10:39:50 PM] Crash: he never hit anyone
[10:39:55 PM] Sam Graebner: i didn't hit anyone
[10:39:57 PM | Edited 10:40:26 PM] Crash: he shot AT them
[10:41:08 PM] Matthew: My bad :P
[10:41:18 PM] Sam Graebner: spending two points in athletics
[10:41:26 PM] Sam Graebner: spending two in stabiltiy
[10:42:42 PM] Sam Graebner: currently going bibbity bibbity as i run towards sean
[10:44:12 PM] Matthew: Hmm... The tablet eh?
[10:44:19 PM] Crash: THE TABLET
[10:44:22 PM] Matthew: Interesting...
[10:45:49 PM] Sam Graebner: bullet to the brainpan in 3...2...1
[10:46:33 PM] Matthew: What can I do to screw over the other person more?
[10:46:41 PM] Matthew: ^Thoughts of Crash and Charlie
[10:46:48 PM] Sam Graebner: this is turning into A Dirty World very quickly
[10:46:59 PM] Sam Graebner: aren't we playing a horror game?
[10:47:05 PM] Crash: heh
[10:48:01 PM] Matthew: "subdue"
[10:48:06 PM] Crash: "suspect"
[10:48:08 PM] Matthew: What a funny word
[10:48:34 PM] Matthew: From facial wounds
[10:48:54 PM] Crash: best game ever
[10:49:20 PM] Sam Graebner: spending a point in medic
[10:49:31 PM] Matthew: Charlie has had experience beating people to within milimeters of their lives...
[10:49:40 PM] Matthew: He knows when to stop :P
[10:50:03 PM] Crash: i don't think he does
[10:50:43 PM] Matthew: A guy in a hazmat suit dual wielding a gun and combat knife...
[10:52:33 PM] Sam Graebner: wait hazmat suits have pockets?
[10:52:38 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: apparently
[10:52:39 PM] Crash: all over the place
[10:52:43 PM] Matthew: Eh, whatever
[10:52:44 PM] Crash: retro 80s hazmat suits
[10:52:52 PM] Crash: parachute hazmat suits
[10:53:01 PM] Matthew: LOL!
[10:53:33 PM] Matthew: "If I can't see, no one can!"
[10:53:37 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: LOLOLOLOLOL
[10:53:37 PM] Charlie72: 2 athle
[10:54:30 PM] Sam Graebner: he packed them accidentally
[10:54:44 PM] Crash: "accidentally"
[10:55:12 PM] Matthew: Ooh!  I have points in Law, what does it mean?
[10:55:25 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: you can be an attorney if you have at least 2 points
[10:55:33 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: otherwise it just means you know the law extensively
[10:55:43 PM] Sam Graebner: i'm more scared by Charlie's character than the actual supernatural event
[10:55:45 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: if you have 4 points then YOU ARE THE LAW
[10:55:53 PM] Matthew: I meant I was going to investigate the book :P
[10:56:31 PM] Matthew: And he's holding a knife :P
[10:56:47 PM] Sam Graebner: DAMN
[10:57:00 PM] Sam Graebner: body count: add one sofa
[10:57:36 PM] Crash: press x to not die
[10:57:47 PM] Matthew: NOT QUICKTIME!
[10:58:15 PM] Sean O'Loughlin: DON'T COPY THAT FLOPPY!
[10:58:21 PM] Sam Graebner: I AM SHOOTING I AM SHOOTING
[10:58:23 PM] Charlie72: 3
[10:58:40 PM] Matthew: But he shot that guy
[10:58:45 PM] Matthew: He did shoot that guy
[10:59:11 PM] Crash: he shot at him
[10:59:14 PM] Crash: he missed
[10:59:16 PM] Sam Graebner: FINALLY
[10:59:33 PM] Crash: "virus"
[11:00:06 PM] Matthew: 2 points in computer science
[11:00:28 PM] Matthew: The greatest part is it doesn't matter whether Ross is bad or not
[11:00:35 PM] Matthew: The paranoia is great
[11:00:40 PM] Sam Graebner: hahaha indeed
[11:00:46 PM] Crash: well, cuz charlie is the madness
[11:00:56 PM] Sam Graebner: right, charlie's the real threat
[11:01:16 PM] Sam Graebner: the crazed violent people aren't even dangerous
[11:02:32 PM] Matthew: To trace IPS?
[11:04:00 PM] Matthew: "Good work guys..."
[11:04:08 PM] Sam Graebner: wooo quarantine!
[11:05:32 PM] Matthew: "Officials say this image was shown on the large screens at Times Square:"
[11:05:37 PM] Sam Graebner: hahahaha
[11:05:41 PM] Matthew: *Shows image on news*
[11:05:42 PM] Crash: heh
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 07:11:55 PM by Setherick »


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2010, 12:23:04 AM »
Now people get to see my smart-ass comments...


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #82 on: December 29, 2010, 12:27:34 AM »
Thanks everyone for alpha-testing that game. I think Ross is right about the details in how the game could be better. When I get a chance to revise it, I'll turn it into a 10-12K one-shot with pregenerated characters.
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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #83 on: December 29, 2010, 12:28:32 AM »
Jesus, how was the chatlog that long?

On a more related note, it was a fun game.  I think the chatlog proves that.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2010, 12:33:34 AM by crash2455 »


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #84 on: December 29, 2010, 12:34:40 AM »
[9:27:28 PM] Sam Graebner: this game is justgonna end with me tranqing everyone and ross murdering the world

What'd I tell you, guys? Totally called it.
Jesus, how was the chatlog that long?

On a more related note, it was a fun game.  I think the chatlog proves that.

There was a lot of time spent on the chatlog while Charlie72 was murderin'

Thanks everyone for alpha-testing that game. I think Ross is right about the details in how the game could be better. When I get a chance to revise it, I'll turn it into a 10-12K one-shot with pregenerated characters.

Thanks for letting us play! Really was a great time.
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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #85 on: December 29, 2010, 12:35:40 AM »
Charlie, if you can't get the recordings together, let me know.  If you send them to me (over Skype or something) I can join 'em and post it if you want...

EDIT:  Charlie for MVP for SURE...


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #86 on: December 29, 2010, 12:38:56 AM »
I'm pretty good at that whole Audacity thing as well.


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #87 on: December 29, 2010, 12:39:59 AM »
If you guys run the game, let me know how it goes and what you added to it. I won't have time to work on it for a few months, so the more feedback in that time the better for me.
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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #88 on: December 29, 2010, 12:41:16 AM »
Thanks everyone for alpha-testing that game. I think Ross is right about the details in how the game could be better. When I get a chance to revise it, I'll turn it into a 10-12K one-shot with pregenerated characters.

Great game. Thanks for running it and putting up with our shenanigans. Also I'm pretty sure I want to run this for my rpg crew. I think they'd dig Fear Itself as a system.


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Re: Patrick's Going to Run a Skype Game
« Reply #89 on: December 29, 2010, 12:57:22 AM »

EDIT:  Charlie for MVP for SURE...

Yes indeed. Charlie was the driving force of that game.

"I'm subduing the subject!"
"It's heresy. Burn the heretics." - Ross Payton NEVAR FORGET
"If you are asked, 'Would you like Abraham Lincoln', your answer is always YES."