Author Topic: Your Character Type  (Read 34049 times)


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2011, 06:38:16 PM »
My dad was really into role-playing when he was younger, and I thought the books were cool when I was a kid. He taught me how to DM a little and I tried (and failed) to run DnD 2nd edition in high school a couple of times.  I could never get anyone to play or take it the least bit...I don't want to say "seriously" but you know what I mean.

So anyway, I was familiar with the concept of an RPG, but I'd never played in a game before Aaron's The Haunting.  I'm the noob. That guy in the background of every Dark Sun game, asking how the rules work?  Yeah, that's me.


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2011, 06:44:43 PM »
Since I haven't been playing long, I can remember every character I've created.

Kent Tomlinsonburg, adventuring youth pastor and founder of the Little Crusader's Pancake Jamboree
An FBI interrogator
Lady Gaga 2.0
Varis Gugginhiem, an objectivist tank that refused to tank and owned a gigantic pet bird
Norm, the hapless "superhero" that gets by on beginner's luck

I'm looking for a common thread but just not seeing it...ineffective, maybe?

Tie that together with all of the NPCs from Andrew's Fortune.  You are the awesome comic relief guy.

Also do you mean to say that you were introduced to gaming by the RPPR crew?
He said in the Aaron game that it hand been years since he had been in a game.

Also, I think I also fall into the "comic relief guy" pool too. Remember all my skype game characters.

E:Dammit Tad and Caleb.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2011, 06:47:09 PM by Charlie72 »


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2011, 12:17:12 PM »
I never play anything that's combat efficient. I usually end up with a character with good social skills, primarily bluff skills. It's always been my dream to bluff a major bad guy into thinking he was his own enemy. I never get to because of the group I play with, but yeah, I would love to do so. And even better if they are mysterious about themselves. Like I had a character who went by his own name so no one knew his name or past. And another was a shape shifter that went around as a minotaur. Wow, I play a lot of lying addicts. They need to see counseling or something.

Well except my recent character, Toka Razorshell is a combat efficient brawling cowboy. If it were worth the feat, I'd multiclass him to get magic missile as an encounter power so he had a gun.


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2011, 05:47:09 PM »
My favored class is the stealthy rogue. If I can supplement that with a plethora of social skills so much the better. (Though New Arcadia is the first game where I have had to voice my character.)

What I have noticed more than what I like to play, is one that looses effectiveness throughout a game session. Spell slots be the devils work.
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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #19 on: January 29, 2011, 05:20:38 PM »
I just remembered my character type for modern games are always wealthy business types with connections.
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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2011, 03:58:19 PM »
My characters tend to be risk-takers with little to no sense of self-preservation.  They also tend to have a lot of movement-based abilities/skills, so they can throw themselves into danger that much easier.  I also like having 'utility' abilities, stuff that tends to be more useful out of combat than in.


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2011, 04:45:12 PM »
I've found that since I tend to have more roleplaying experience than most of the people I end up playing with, I go for the 'fill the gaps' character.  So I wait till I know what everyone else is playing, then fill whatever hole they've left.

So this usually ends up meaning complex characters (eg. OD&D mages or Shadowrun Otaku), social characters (last time I played Heavy Gear all the other players specialised so heavily that I swear all their characters were autistic), rich characters (usually the only person in a modern game with both drive skills and a car), leader types (to help keep the game moving), or plot hook characters (who aren't orphaned verdanced social islands that know nobody and care less).

Sometimes a mix of all.


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #22 on: February 02, 2011, 12:50:30 PM »
Skill Monkey. Lots of knowledges.

And apparently I make memorable "selfish" characters... even when they aren't trying to be.


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #23 on: March 24, 2011, 09:32:59 PM »
Hey RPPR Forums, I wanted to ask your opinion on my character, I'm starting a 3.5 campaign and I want to make a Dread Necromancer (Heroes of Horrors,) but my GM advised me against it because of the inevitable problems if we have a paladin as well as not being aloud in towns. He said I can choose what I want but he suggested a Warlock instead. I still really want to run a Necromancer but i defiantly see where he is coming from, and w/ it being a lvl 3 - 45 campaign that doesn't exactly look good. I thought I could give him a completely nonstereotypical personality to make his class a little less of an issue. What do you think? Any suggestions?

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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #24 on: March 24, 2011, 09:50:55 PM »
Hey RPPR Forums, I wanted to ask your opinion on my character, I'm starting a 3.5 campaign and I want to make a Dread Necromancer (Heroes of Horrors,) but my GM advised me against it because of the inevitable problems if we have a paladin as well as not being aloud in towns. He said I can choose what I want but he suggested a Warlock instead. I still really want to run a Necromancer but i defiantly see where he is coming from, and w/ it being a lvl 3 - 45 campaign that doesn't exactly look good. I thought I could give him a completely nonstereotypical personality to make his class a little less of an issue. What do you think? Any suggestions?

Honestly I GM'd for a group that included a necromancer, it is fun as hell for the player but the book keeping is pretty obnoxious for the DM I hated making combats that would pose a challenge to the party while also not giving him a super powerful skeleton. It is just a pain in the ass.

You should do Warlock instead Warlocks are WAAAAAY more fun. Plus you are a flying invisible touch attack gun.

That is just a DM perspective, I didnt like him having a damn entourage of undead all the time.
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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #25 on: March 24, 2011, 10:20:09 PM »
3 to 45?

Seriously? Unless your DM is throwing the books out the window at about 24th level, just make whatever you want to play the most, as by then wizards and clerics get infinite everything and everyone else automatically dies. \ o /

More seriously though: I'd avoid the Warlock. It's a class that only shines with either careful building and meticulous cherry picking of items and cross-classing (Hellfire Warlock+Chausible+Arcanum crap) or if your DM is one of 3 who will actually throw like ten encounters at you with no chance to rest.

Why not play a Cleric of Wee Jas (assuming the Greyhawk/3.5 Default Pantheon) or Anubis or Evening Glory? You still have the creepy undead angle to play with (and Clerics are easily the single best class, mechanically, to be if you want to fiddle with the undead), and everyone will love you in a party because hey! You can heal them or buff them or anything else you want to while also being able to walk around in a heavy tin can of armor and hit things with blunt pieces of metal until they fall over!

AND on top of all that, everyone knows none of those deities are evil, so as long as you aren't walking around with a shambling entourage of the undead, you['ll be more than able to go wherever you want for the most part, and shouldn't have too many issues with the party Paladin. =>
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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #26 on: March 25, 2011, 10:27:11 AM »
If you're going 3-45, I'd say pacify the GM and go in a completely different direction. Play a Favored Soul of Pelor. The Paladin will love you. The party will love your mass powered heal spells. You'll have wings. And by level 45 you'll be more powerful than Huge Solar.

EDIT: That should be Favored Soul (20 levels), Radiant Servant of Pelor (at least 10 levels), Divine Emissary (at least 10 levels).

If you want the complete ridiculousness of the character, let me know if you don't want to crunch it yourself.

I'm a big fan of giving GMs "what they want (and that will break their games)."
« Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 10:32:43 AM by Setherick »
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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #27 on: March 26, 2011, 07:58:21 PM »
We are playing a FR campaign, and the GM said that he plans the session like 30 min before we start. We can pick anything we want except absolutely NO psionics. We have to use HeroForge to build our characters. idk I've been looking at the Warlock and it kinda confuses me, 1 of the GM's big concerns was alignment and Warlock has to be either evil or chaotic, though Dread Necromancers cant be good most PCs are Neutral cause of the good intent behind there evil deeds. and as far as entering towns couldn't I make a disguise check or something?


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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2011, 10:17:18 AM »
I neglected to mention, because it's been awhile since I contemplated the build, that the four of the levels of that build should be in Paladin so that you can get Turning and Smiting, while also getting Laying On Hands and Divine Grace.

So it should read: Paladin (4), Favored Soul (20), Radiant Servant of Pelor (10), Divine Emissary (10) with one free level.
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Re: Your Character Type
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2011, 02:53:14 PM »
You could disguise yourself but your powers can't be disguised. As soon as you raise a skeleton or zombie or blast someone with a necromancy spell, you will give yourself away.