Author Topic: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)  (Read 528969 times)


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #330 on: July 29, 2016, 06:31:13 PM »
Some local indie RPG publishers have started a podcast, here's the first episode: Ottawa Game Publishers Podcast Episode 01: What the $#&* Are You Trying To Do? (itunes link).  It's four guys (Fraser Ronald; Mark Richardson; Jason Pitre; Todd Crapper) drinking and discussing their experiences in RPG design & publishing.

Some NSFW language, they've been drinking
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Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #331 on: July 29, 2016, 11:29:19 PM »
I understand this game is still in development, but We Happy Few is great inspiration for a setting involving an Orwellian or Watchman totalitarian state.

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Re: Eclipse Phase

This discussion on the philosophy of Nothing could be a basilisk hack or therapy in an eclipse phase game.

Alan Watts, the State of Nothing

So if you really go the whole way and see how you feel at the prospect of vanishing forever. Have all your efforts, and all your achievements, and all your attainments turning into dust and nothingness. What is the feeling? What happens to you?
It's a curious thing, that in the worlds poetry, this is a very common theme. The earthly hope men set their hearts upon turns ashes, or it prospers, and a non- like snow upon the deserts dusty face lighting a little hour or two and is gone

So in this way, by seeing that nothingness is the fundamental reality, and you see it's your reality. Then how can anything contaminate you? All the idea of you being scared, and put out and worried, and so on, this is nothing, it's a dream. Because you're really nothing.
So cheer up

All the sun and the stars and the mountains, and rivers, and the good men and bad men, and the animals, and the insects, and the whole bit. All are contained in void. So out of this void comes everything and you are it. What else could you be?
If somebody is going to argue that the basic reality is nothingness. Where does all this come from?
Obviously from nothingness.

This lecture was incorporated into the song "Something" by Azedia. This could be the basilisk hack.

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #332 on: August 02, 2016, 09:38:22 PM »

This looks intriguing to me. Looks very similar to 4e D&D and 13th Age. I like the focus on team work and synergy. Also pretty art.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2016, 09:49:51 PM by Adam_Autist »


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #333 on: August 08, 2016, 11:45:05 PM »
A new comic Weird Detective is the story about a New York police officer who is very strange and working his own case about when the stars come right. He may not be human in body and mind. The first issue just rolled up here in China and it's pretty good. Lamplighters may find something fun to read here.


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #334 on: August 12, 2016, 07:35:17 PM »
Taika Waititi's latest comedy:

Great movie from the producer/co-director of What We Do in the Shadows.

Warmly funny and deeply delightful, Hunt For The Wilderpeople is a tale of two misfits told with such generosity of spirit and consistent good humour that it's a pleasant surprise to discover how sneakily touching it is as well.
- Tim Grierson, Screen International

Also, Sam Neill's Beard's best performance yet.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2016, 07:41:52 PM by CADmonkey »
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Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #335 on: August 13, 2016, 02:58:21 PM »
The Kilobops group: tabletop roleplaying podcasts and twitch channel

Streams on twitch:
Roughly 10:30 PM EST or so on Fridays

Members of the Something Awful forums Mighty Dicktron, Sinatrapod, Golden315, RChimpCola, semisponge, Ladderface and Mr Sunabouzu generously grace our ears with Shadowrun (5th ed), this time in the ruined cities of Poland where the nuyen comes fast and cosplaying death races come even faster.

The campaign, run by the Mightiest of Dicktrons, is titled The Dracula Idea. Which is utterly appropriate, because no one cares if Dracula is even in the plot; they are too busy engaging in robot dance-offs, spending hours souping up the Troll's fuck-truck in a Russian mobster's garage for reasons, illustrating the utility of a pixie rigger, and breaking all the codes of fashion with everyone's favorite buttered up on novacoke garish-something or other (is he an adept? I have no idea) UNLIMITED.

Listen to Shadowrun. You will want to fuck this Elf.

Mighty Dicktron also hosts Rogue Trader games every other week or so.

The archive of their humorous and entertaining body of work also includes: Spirit of the Century, Shadowrun, Eclipse Phase, Dark Heresy, Numenera, Deadlands Classic and their own game settings.

If you are looking for something completely different, I highly HIGHLY recommend you check out the occult-mystery-humor brainchild of MrSunabouzu Shadow of the Unseen.

There is nothing like it. Anywhere.

Start with Japan first. Proceed to the Europe arc and lastly the Unknown Mission.

Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #336 on: August 13, 2016, 06:50:54 PM »
Paradox, the new owners of White Wolf, wants to know how you feel about replayability in Bloodlines and other similar games.

Fill it out folks. Paradox is prepping for something big with the old World of Darkness. Onyx Path or whatever the hell it's called now a days.

Flawless P

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #337 on: September 24, 2016, 10:55:00 PM »
Ross I think someone owes your royalties somewhere
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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #338 on: September 25, 2016, 01:23:25 PM »
Ross I think someone owes your royalties somewhere

Kris Straub wrote Candle Cove and has been paid for the rights to use his story for the show.

Flawless P

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #339 on: September 25, 2016, 04:02:49 PM »
Ross I think someone owes your royalties somewhere

Kris Straub wrote Candle Cove and has been paid for the rights to use his story for the show.

That's pretty awesome, I didn't figure they would go through the effort to track down the writer of a creepy pasta.
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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #340 on: September 26, 2016, 05:24:00 PM »
Ross I think someone owes your royalties somewhere

Kris Straub wrote Candle Cove and has been paid for the rights to use his story for the show.

That's pretty awesome, I didn't figure they would go through the effort to track down the writer of a creepy pasta.

Straub posted on his website with his name on it first. It's very clear. BTW Slenderman is actually copyrighted by the guy who posted the first photoshop of it on the SA forums.

Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #341 on: September 27, 2016, 09:02:59 PM »
Just Yellow Sign Thoughts.

If you like deck building games on your iOS device you might try Cthulhu Realms. That genre isn't my jam but the art is amusing. Also be prepared for the worst voice acting ever.


Particle Colliders and Cartoon Cats

"The proposed International Linear Collider has a fuzzy new ally.

Hello Kitty is known throughout Japan as the poster girl (poster cat?) of kawaii, a segment of pop culture built around all things cute.

But recently she took on a new job: representing the proposed International Linear Collider...

Japan is considering hosting the ILC, a proposed accelerator that could mass-produce Higgs bosons and other fundamental particles. Japan’s Advanced Accelerator Association partnered with the company Sanrio to create the special kawaii gear in the hopes of drawing attention to the large-scale project.

The ILC: Science you’ll want to snuggle."

In real life that's great. But this story reminded me of the other particle collider shenanigans in the news.

A bunch of scientists (presumably) decided to fake a satanic ritual on CERN's grounds in front of the statue of Shiva.  Add not-so-shaky cam from Blair Witch.

Separate from this, I recall a Unspeakable Oath that had an adventure featuring the children's book cartoon character (fictional) "Tee-Tok the Happy Star".   The adventure synopsis was that a less than successful children's writer got tangled up in Mythos inspiration and wrote a children's book featuring a happy cartoon version of Azathoth.  Add the spell "Call Azathoth" embedded in the book's art and text (not unlike the movie Babadook) a mysterious fire at the printers and you have yourself a mystery.

What I'm saying is that good old King in Yellow needs a yellow cuddly mascot to spread virally through media and VR games. No not the real life electric one, a fictional one.

Add the hook that Delta Green realizes that a cult  is about to sponsor a particle collider with the (super cute) Yellow King mascot as some ritual of consecration. Have half of the adventure be kinetic attacks/assassinations of the yellow cultists, and the other half be anti-media campaigns against the cult's PR division.  Through in players having to soil themselves by whipping up anti-science protests, or debate cult representatives on CNN, and you have an interesting plot. 

Depending on the timing of the setting, this might be a good excuse to have players be on Firing Line with William F Buckley (1966-1999), Crossfire (CNN: 1982 to 2005), The McLaughlin Group (1982-2016; also note the timeslot during the 80s is RIGHT during Saturday Morning cartoons, providing a great link for a Hastur cartoon show), or John Stewart.

Get cracking, artists. The Yellow Sign is Manifold in It's forms. 


GESAFFELSTEIN and the Hand of Vecna the King in Yellow

GESAFFELSTEIN is a band with highly symbolic music videos.

Pursuit :


Both deal with the acquisition of power taken to extreme. The sacrifices and violence, explicit and symbolic, made by men to seize the crown are on display.  No other act can drive humans so quickly to bestial grasping and a nihilistic mentality in the midst of causing terribly vicious chaos.  Grasping for societal authority is itself a type of madness, regardless of the power-seeker's illusion of installing some more perfect social order.  Some come to the Masquerade of Cassilda and Camilla willingly. Not to revel. But to seek the King. As usurpers.

Such seekers are already lost and mad. 

All bow before the throne.

Visually please see HATE OR GLORY at 3:13.  Usually Carcosa is thought to be a psudo-European environ, and by extension some assume the King in Yellow appears as such.  Nihilistic madness however, is universal as gravity.  A gangland warlord who dips his face in the molten gold of his enemies, saturated with their blood, may indeed be seeking to become an Avatar of the King.  Or perhaps this is a ritual to allow the power-seeker to transport himself and his retinue to Carcosa.  His followers are of course a sacrifice in this ritual, lost in the primal chaos city as the power-seeker is free to hunt the King. 

Now please watch "Pursuit".  Highly symbolic of the rise and fall of a warlord, perhaps a fascist.  Anyway, note that instead of a "yellow mask" in HATE OR GLORY, a golden (yellow) glove represents the pursuit of power.  Instead of a glove, does the video instead show a yellow cybernetic gauntlet that requires the owner to cut off his own hand? It is a homage to Skywalker? Perhaps the answer lies with the observer. After all, in Carcosa ALL could be true.   

There is no reason the archetypal yellow mask cannot take many forms. 

Let us examine the Yellow Sign for a moment.    It is a two dimensional image. Several authors (not Chambers iirc) suggest that the Sign changes subtly upon observation.  Let's run with this idea and expand upon it: the Yellow Sign is a multidimensional symbol not unlike the Elder Sign.

Ok good.  Now lets assume that a scientist has been studying the Yellow Sign. 

In mathematics, there is something called a manifold. From wikipedia:

"In mathematics, a manifold is a topological space that locally resembles Euclidean space near each point. More precisely, each point of an n-dimensional manifold has a neighbourhood that is homeomorphic to the Euclidean space of dimension n...Two-dimensional manifolds are also called surfaces."

Now two dimensional surfaces can usually be represented by an equation.  Perhaps this scientist was seeking the secret to Kingly power...and derived an equation ("Yellow Equation" for lack of a better term).  The scientist then used this Yellow Equation to solve a difficult problem in cybernetics to create the Yellow Gauntlet - an object that confers might to the wearer and suffuses them with Kingly eminence. As long as certain sacrifices are made, you see.   Enter the music video "Pursuit" as documentation of the Yellow Gauntlet's corrosive effects on the bearer and his people.

In a Delta Green scenario, you could have the agents need to go up against an American politician where the Yellow Gauntlet takes the form of an Orange-Yellow Weave. Er, ... I mean...*gunshot*

In a near future Delta Green scenario, a wounded military veteran is given the Yellow Gauntlet as a replacement hand after his service in Iraq/Afghanistan/the next terrorist IED attack.  In this case the "scientists" is a group of rogue MJ-12 researchers working in a prosthetics/cybernetics company.  Naturally they also use a control group of normal cybernetic hands to record the effects of the Mythos artifact.  This veteran essentially follows the Castaigne plotline and begins to become compelled to join politics an seek greater and greater office.  Delta Green becomes aware of this man as a threat by his meteoric rise from local legislator to mayor to Senator in just a few years. 

Because a Delta Green game should be difficult (and because I don't want the Secret Service to contact this board) kinetic action against the Mythos suborned veteran turned politician cannot be taken.   DG agents must prop up his opponent/work against his campaign while the other half race against time to glean the origin of the cybernetic hand and eventually try to convince the veteran with bits of his pre Mythos corrupted history/life to voluntarily give up the Yellow Gauntlet.

Permutations of a Yellow Gauntlet idea could be:

-Set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (just rewrite Thanatos as a victim of the Gauntlet)
-Set in Mythic Greece.  Daedalus is the artisan/scientist.  Perhaps he creates the Gauntlet at the behest of the King of Crete (and to take revenge for the loss of his son Icarus).
-Set in the modern day.  The Yellow Gauntlet is an artifact directly from Carcosa that has reappeared.  It was originally crafted by Ambrose (see old Unspeakable Oaths) an artisan who creates impossible steampunk like devices in Carcosa.  The DG team must contain/return the vector to it's otherworldly home.
-No joke, John McAfee used the music to "Pursuit" in his 2016 Libertarian Presidential bid.
In addition, this video has not so subliminal messages. Listen for the repetition of "9/11" in the video. Draw your own conclusions. I can't make this stuff up.

One other thought about the music video "Pursuit."  Please reference the tyrant looking in the mirror at (2:45-2:47) and the copies of the tyrant in the military (0:48-0:53) and blaming each other in the symbolic bureaucracy (2:47-3:03). 

John Tynes in The Unspeakable Oath #1 (iirc) introduced new locations (the Whisper Vault, etc.) into Carcosa as part of his take on the King in Yellow Mythos.  It is reprinted in one of the Delta Green supplements, I will forever forget which one. Anyway, why not a place in Carcosa which is filled with mirrors? A psychomanteum if you will.  Drawing from "Pursuit", perhaps if you find the mirror with your specific name on it, a power-seeker can generate doppelgangers who will will work towards his wish, but at the cost of the power-seeker standing in front of the mirror eternally and watching the Mythos tainted homunculi drag his dreams into inevitable ruin.  The continual generation of homunculi can only be stopped by entering the psychomanteum and pulling the power-seeker away from his mirror.

The catch is the Carcosa psychomanteum can only be found by a truly selfish individual. Leading to the question. Are the players willing to sacrifice a truly selfish man and risk him finding his own mirror/killing him to prevent the actions of another once-selfish man?


« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 12:33:57 AM by Twisting H »

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #342 on: September 28, 2016, 08:45:02 PM »
More Just Yellow Sign Thoughts

Sports, Delta Green, Golems and Carcosa.

I like to think about untrod situations where the Mythos could rear it's ugly head.  Most of the characters in a Delta Green game are elite government and ex-military.  People in these professions often were young sports stars and DG agents could conceivably find solace in the good old game of baseball and other American sports.  After all, what better way to attempt to reintegrate into normalcy by relaxing with America's favorite pastime and drinks? The players think they are safe.

Let's rip that assumption from them.   8)

John Bellairs was one of my favorite authors as a kid.  In an era before contemporary adult fantasy like the Dresden Files, Bellairs wrote chilling gothic stories of the occult and a sensitive young lad named Johnny Dixon. These were sold as young adult fiction.  I could probably draw a direct line between finding John Bellairs in my early development and graduating to HPL in later years.  Bellairs published 31 books and has won several awards.  He is very good. Check his work out.

Anyway Bellairs penned a novel "The Eyes of the Killer Robot."  Sounds campy and mundane, but read on...

"Decades ago, Evaristus Sloane invented a baseball-playing robot. It could pitch a fastball at a hundred and ten miles per hour, but it also had big, vacant, blue glass eyes that gave Johnny Dixon’s grandpa the willies. Now, fifty years later, in the fifth book of the Johnny Dixon mystery series, Johnny’s friend Professor Childermass puts the robot back together. It’s only after he puts its chilling eyes back in their sockets that the professor realizes his mistake—an evil killing machine has been awakened. Soon, Johnny gets kidnapped as the final part of Evaristus Sloane’s plan to bring his robot to life—using Johnny’s eyes. Can the professor and Fergie make it to Sloane’s mansion in time to save Johnny? Can they overcome the evil wizard’s most horrifying creation?"

First of all, this is the best goddamn reason for becoming a Mythos sorcerer ever.  A mild spoiler, the sorcerer realized a metal golem could through a wicked fastball and naturally used his unholy device to ... rig a baseball game so he could collect a massive bet.  No really, the wizard did it for the money.

As awesome as that plot is alone, let's re-frame it through the lens of Carcosa.

As stated in previous Just Yellow Sign Thoughts, there is an artisan/scientist in Carcosa named Ambrose.  In the original eponymous story, Ambrose either made or was followed by a "living" clockwork doll-child.  Let's assume Ambrose made the clockwork entity.  No reason why Ambrose couldn't have made the looming clockwork golem in "The Eyes of the Killer Robot."

Back to baseball.  Several forms of madness are quiet but intense enough to twist the skein of reality and invite the attention of the King.  Obsession can be one of these.  Think of the quiet encroachment of fantasy baseball into the homes and cubicles of American society and statisticians who spend their lives trying to optimize plays around the curiously occult diamond.  Such seekers of the perfect game or perfect solution can ignore food, drink, family, hygiene and even reality at the very extreme.

All will bow before the throne of the King.

Perhaps in a yellowed and moldy tome on baseball statistics there is an advertisement. Among the claims for the Atlas method to kick sand in the face of bullies at the beach, X-Ray glasses and Lazer Death Rays, one stands out. Build Your Own Perfect Player!  Win Game After Game!  Free!  Just wind up and insert eyes...

The Premise: A baseball statistic Obsessive calls Ambrose's Fastball Golem from Carcosa.  Only problem is to active the clockwork abomination, the Obsessive needs human eyes. Only eyes that have seen the Yellow Sign will do.  Naturally the Obsessive is going to spread the Yellow Sign far and wide to establish a stable of sacrifices to harvest in a pinch.  Naturally, this action draws the presence of Carcosa to the area.

A couple notes about the source material "The Eyes of the Killer Robot".  The method for activating the Fastball Golem is to harvest human eyes and then alchemically (iirc, possibly Kaballah was involved) convert them into blue glass lenses, which are then set into the Golem's hollow head.

Secondly, when activated and specifically when on the baseball field, the Fastball Golem has a powerful illusion over it which causes all humans to think the Golem is a living (yet chillingly strange) flesh and blood person.  IIRC the Golem never spoke, but when it showed up to pitch in a minor league game, some people misremembered that it did.  Add traditional alcohol consumption to the baseball game and you have a whole spectrum of memories.  Mechanically one could take whatever rules system governs the ghouls illusionary form and go from there. Lastly the Golem has other useful supernatural powers, but I'm not going to spoil the book for you.

Back to Delta Green and plot hooks.  Perhaps the Cell's psychologist suggests a team-bonding exercise with relaxation after a particularly traumatic event (particularly evil Keepers will make temporary insanities from the previous game still present).  Naturally, the psychologist recommends the team attend a minor league baseball game to unwind because there are less cameras at these events to record the agents together. 

Enter Fastball Golem, stage left.  The crowd is getting excited because the pitcher (Golem) is throwing a no-hitter.  Murmurs occur in the dugout.  Who is this mysterious prodigy? Then a player the Obsessive baseball statistician has deemed unworthy to be on the minor league team (or doesn't want him graduating to the majors) steps up to bat.   The Golem deliberately throws at deadly fastball at the target baseball player's temple.  Whether the targeted player goes down in a gory display or not is irrelevant.  A riot ensues. 

Assuming the DG team is partially law enforcement, they are torn between three objectives:  protect civilians, arrest the crazy pitcher for attempted murder,  don't get their faces photographed and posted to instagram/facebook.

Back to the riot.  Fans and both teams swarm the Golem as he approaches the target baseball player with clear intent to finish the job with his fists.  There is a dog pile.  Bloody carnage.  Then stranger high pitched screaming as a metal arm is ejected from the pile of rioting fans and ... there is no pitcher at all, just a strange pile of clockwork in a human form.  Naturally more than one baseball player at this point has suffered a temporary insanity upon dismantling the Golem and breaking the illusion.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2016, 09:39:50 PM by Twisting H »

Twisting H

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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #343 on: October 07, 2016, 05:21:19 AM »
Pathfinder is publishing a (more) heavily inspired Cthulhu Mythos Adventure Path, Strange Aeons

There is an upcoming adventure set in Pathfinder's take on Carcosa.

Players' guide is free here:


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Re: HAY GUYS HAVE YOU SEEN THIS THING (Forum Shout Out Thread Thing)
« Reply #344 on: October 08, 2016, 05:46:10 PM »
i acualy have the first two books, and from the first skim it's just a normal adventure with a cthulu spin. but that said having ran 2 full adventure paths i can say that the stories are usualy well thought out and great fun to play. if you are looking to pick up any adventure path they give you the story and the tools to tell the storie, it would be up to you as a gm/player to set the mood/atmospehere for the story to be told right in.