Author Topic: Star Wars Saga Edition over Skype  (Read 13139 times)


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Star Wars Saga Edition over Skype
« on: September 08, 2011, 04:58:00 AM »
Hey guys,
I know this isn't necessarily a play by post but I thought I would open it up to the gamers on the RPPR forums. I'm going to be running a Skype game of Star Wars Saga Edition set in The Old Republic either this Monday 9/12 @ 7pm PST or next Monday the 19th at the same time. The game is set to take place when the first Sith emerge during the Hyperspace wars. You will play as Republic warriors and Jedi. Its an area not really delved into too often and I hope it can serve as a nice little warm up for when the MMo starts up later this year/early next.

We're looking for level 3 characters for any class. We already have two people playing from Maine and Ill be GMing from here in California, so we're going to try and make the game time around 7pm pacific standard time so its reasonable for everyone.

The first few sessions I expect some people to join then disappear only to be replaced with new players. It happens and we wont hold any grudges. I'm looking to make this into a campaign once we settle into consistent group.

My Skype name is Jacenali

Please let me know if you're interested in playing and please post your character below. Feel free to contact me with any questions.