« Reply #300 on: April 14, 2012, 01:39:59 PM »
So apparently if I go into a nether portal I built, and then exit through the same portal, it transports me about 400 blocks in the x direction and 900 in the z...
Doens't that occur because someone else built that nether portal in the outworld too close to yours?
That's what I thought, but clearly they aren't THAT close...
Check the X and z coordinates inside and outside of the nether on a portal that is properly set up, then check outside your portal, and then do the conversion, and find that spot in the nether. Then build a portal there and it should work (can't say for sure, as i have only really built a portal in single player.)
Edit: I missed this. The link to the wiki explains it better than I did.
The implication notes of the portal linkage section says you need a 1000 block clearance between portals in the outworld
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 01:50:36 PM by the doomed one »

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