Author Topic: Boxing/MMA RPG?  (Read 13642 times)


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Boxing/MMA RPG?
« on: April 03, 2012, 02:03:30 AM »
I was wondering if there was any boxing or MMA RPGs and if not would anyone like me to make one? I have some ideas with the d20 system if anyone is interested.
Currently writing:Boxing/MMA RPG and Cops/Robbers with a morality system if interested message me for my draft.

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Re: Boxing/MMA RPG?
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2012, 07:38:24 AM »
Gorkamorka (Fridrik)

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Re: Boxing/MMA RPG?
« Reply #2 on: April 03, 2012, 11:12:56 AM »
In most games the grappling rules are considered to be so dense and difficult to understand they are left by the wayside. And this would be a game almost entirely focused on the complexities of a human/human grapple. That would be a bold undertaking.


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Re: Boxing/MMA RPG?
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2012, 11:56:55 AM »
I agree with grappling rules being to complex and/or being hard to understand. But the system I would have would almost be like a stamina gauge in a videogame where if ur holding onto the guy tryin to take him down for 30 seconds or a minute and don't get it he's gonna be able to do whatever he wants to you until you rest. with the way I'm thinking of it your going to have a few different types of grappling one would be for taking someone to the ground, where you would have simple tackles, slams, trips, and judo throws for example. Than when you were on the ground it would be a different system you ere using instead if the guy on the bottom just defending against your grapple he would try to counter it with a submission or (if they have enough skill) sweep them you would have other options as well depending on on your style (class), size and gym.
Currently writing:Boxing/MMA RPG and Cops/Robbers with a morality system if interested message me for my draft.

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Re: Boxing/MMA RPG?
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 09:31:26 PM »
I agree with grappling rules being to complex and/or being hard to understand. But the system I would have would almost be like a stamina gauge in a videogame where if ur holding onto the guy tryin to take him down for 30 seconds or a minute and don't get it he's gonna be able to do whatever he wants to you until you rest. with the way I'm thinking of it your going to have a few different types of grappling one would be for taking someone to the ground, where you would have simple tackles, slams, trips, and judo throws for example. Than when you were on the ground it would be a different system you ere using instead if the guy on the bottom just defending against your grapple he would try to counter it with a submission or (if they have enough skill) sweep them you would have other options as well depending on on your style (class), size and gym.

The flow chart for this would be giant.  The problem that I see is that you are trying to create a simulation style game for what would end up a WWF rpg.  In any story of a fighter the things that happen outside the ring are why the story is worth hearing.


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Re: Boxing/MMA RPG?
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 10:02:30 PM »
In any story of a fighter the things that happen outside the ring are why the story is worth hearing.

I had the same initial reservation about this idea. I need to know why I would want to play a simulation game where I had to think about every move my character would make in a fight only for the fight to end and another fight begin.
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