Author Topic: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games  (Read 360034 times)


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #120 on: January 22, 2014, 10:38:40 PM »
What's so special about JAGs?

Pokethulhu is a maybe. Paranoia is something I'd like to run or play but the Mongoose version of the rules are a bit too dense to easily pick up so I've never spent the time necessary to figure it out.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #121 on: January 23, 2014, 10:55:53 AM »
What's so special about JAGs?

It is like Call of Cthulhu tried to act whimsically and failed miserably... oh and insanity is contagious... and instead of investigators you are playing an insanity self help group.  You never really know if what is going on is real or just in the player's minds or both.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 11:00:57 AM by Claive »
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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #122 on: January 23, 2014, 11:12:24 AM »
OH MY GOD! Paranoia would be great, especially with Caleb, the mad genius of deathtraps, and Aaron, who is Aaron. I've actually played a few games with my group and one of our player's character died after filling out his player survey cause he admitted on his survey to Friend Computer that he was in a secret cult and subsequently vaporized. He was then backed-up from a clone and had to fill out the survey again. Then all the group back-stabbing began. Good times.

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #123 on: January 23, 2014, 01:17:56 PM »
I have fond memories of Over the Edge.  Surreal silliness is always fun.  I remember it being easy to play, but that's about it.  Our GM at the time LOVED it because he could make stuff up on the fly and it would still work thematically.   It was perfect for one-shots.

I think it might be the current Bundle of Holding, too.

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #124 on: January 23, 2014, 01:39:00 PM »
Scratch that, it's not.  Still a fun game, though.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #125 on: January 24, 2014, 02:58:35 AM »
What's so special about JAGs?

It is like Call of Cthulhu tried to act whimsically and failed miserably... oh and insanity is contagious... and instead of investigators you are playing an insanity self help group.  You never really know if what is going on is real or just in the player's minds or both.

It's a really neat setting, that said the JAGS system can be a little clunky and overbearing even if it is otherwise sound. I'd recommend hacking it onto either NEMESIS or the Unknown Armies system; both play really well with it and because a lot of the Wonderland material is system neutral it's not a big stretch.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #126 on: January 24, 2014, 04:49:08 AM »
I'd found a couple of RPG systems that are absolutely perfect for one-shots, actually. This seems an auspicious place to dump them:

AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES - An after-school detention goes horribly, horribly wrong, and the coffee machine is your only hope of salvation. Also Eldrich Horror in a(n all-girl) boarding school. Has a pretty cool 'tiredness' mechanic, and was written and created by the /tg/ community.

Sagas of the Icelanders - a game about building a settlement in Iceland, with one player as a suspicious stranger and a harbinger of trouble. I've not played this one yet, but I picked it up in the Bundle of Holding and have been intending to try it out.

There's also a supplementary WoD book called "Mysterious Places". It's got some pretty cool ideas for settings for One Shot games, which could work in any setting, really. Heartily recommended, if you ever get a hankering to run a CoC, Fear Itself or WoD: Mortals game. Things like a seemingly bottomless flooded quarry, and a forest that may or may not actually be purgatory.

I'm looking forward to Pokethulhu - so many potential shenanigans to be had. I love the series' you guys do, the varying one shots will always be my favourite way to enjoy RPPR.

D6xD6 - Chris

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #127 on: January 24, 2014, 09:57:42 AM »
I have Saga of the Icelanders as well.  I agree, its design is well - suited for one shots. 

Thanks for the tip on Afterschool Activities.  I was looking for a new rules - light system to demo, and that one seems like good fun.


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #128 on: January 24, 2014, 01:32:26 PM »
Thanks for the tip on Afterschool Activities.  I was looking for a new rules - light system to demo, and that one seems like good fun.

Hey, no worries. Let us know how it goes!


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #129 on: April 01, 2014, 06:40:05 PM »
1. "Drop", from BPNM

2. "Corporation", from Brutal Games

3. "Lacuna", from MMT


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #130 on: April 09, 2014, 05:53:16 PM »
Has anyone put in a request for Bookhounds of London? Picked up the book after starting to listen to the Ken and Robin talk about stuff podcast and have quite enjoyed. I do like the setting and am thinking of trying a one shot in it.

I spent a very short time using the google to see if any APs were out there but did not find anything (well one but I need to create a logging to get it and that was beyond my threshold of caring.



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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #131 on: April 15, 2014, 11:59:27 PM »
I like Bookhounds of London. It seems like a cool setting. But I did not have the chance of really playing it yet either.

But with the recent use of the Apocalypse World Enigne and Caleb's portrayal of gangsters and street folk I would like to see the group play The 'Hood. I imagine it would be entertaining.

Peter K.

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #132 on: June 03, 2014, 08:45:39 PM »
I'll second wanting to hear you folks run Lacuna.  The soundtrack would be a non-stop loop of the Inception noise.

Others that would be interesting to hear:

Cyclopean Ruins
System:  Grim War or Godlike
Premise:  You have incredible powers, what could go wrong?  Yet typical paranormal military plot ensues as Army occult types and/or Talents ransack an ancient city for alien/occult war materiel.

Whale of Noise
System:  Mutant Future or old school Gamma World.
Premise:  The Concordat of Cetaceans has passed judgement on the land dwellers:  You're all a bunch of jerks and will be blasted from the Earth's surface Star Trek IV style when their space brethren come to retrieve them in a month.  But the world may yet be spared if you can procure for the Concordat the one redeeming work humans ever produced:  Master discs of the lost Enya album Whale Song.

Cydonian Nights
System:  OctaNe
Premise:  Postapocalyptic kung-fu Spaghetti Western.
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« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 12:22:02 AM by Peter K. »


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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #133 on: June 04, 2014, 12:02:04 AM »
I'll second wanting to hear you folks run Lacuna.

Where does one even get a copy of Lacuna? Seriously, I've been looking for a while now: it's right up my alley.

As for games I want RPPR to run (some of which I've said before, but hey, maybe if I keep suggesting it'll happen! Like the sad Secret!):

— Unknown Armies: Always Unknown Armies. Caleb, you know you want to: just think what A Dirty World would look like if you added in No Security.

— Dogs in the Vineyard: Specifically, a Dogs game run by Aaron: I just feel there's a strange synergy there. Dogs works great as a strange morality play with black and white realities.

— I'd love to see a straight-up REIGN campaign from Ross: Iron Heroes was awesome, but my favorite part of REIGN is the weird China Mieville-esque setting this High Fantasy game is in. I just want people to bring the horror back to fantasy, I guess.

Peter K.

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Re: Upcoming RPPR One Shot games
« Reply #134 on: June 04, 2014, 12:16:57 AM »
Where does one even get a copy of Lacuna? Seriously, I've been looking for a while now: it's right up my alley.