I'm kind of curious if RPPR has ever considered Shadowrun.
I'm not exactly recommending it. I've been trying to find an actual play of Shadowrun I can listen to that actually sounds like the kind of game I'd like to run, and I really can't. I've tried the Arcology podcast, Fistful of Misanthropes, Geek the Mage First, and more. The closest anyone gets is Gamer's Tavern, and that's because there's one player making it fun by playing a minmaxed yet personality-rich character who's sort of a meta-joke and pokes fun at all the tropes of the game - sort of gaming against the system rather than within it. If I could hear RPPR tackle it the same way they did Eclipse Phase or Wild Talents, I think I could use that to actually run an enjoyable game of Shadowrun.
On the other hand, it's a beast of a system. It's no Synnibar or RIFTS, but it's unnecessarily complicated and fiddly, with tons of stacking modifiers. Chargen takes hours unless you're very, very familiar with the rules. There are a whole lot of traps (like skills that no character should ever take) and broken things (like the rules for creating Free Spirits or AI characters in 4e - sorry, Aaron). I don't really want the RPPR crew I know and love to have to suffer through that.
So...yeah, I'm curious if anyone at RPPR has ever thought about trying Shadowrun.